what is bouillabaisse sauce made of

How to make bouillabaisse: Make a broth, fortified with lots of seafood shells and trimmings (available for a few dollars a pound at your fish counter). Add aromatics seasonings, including the typical ingredients of Provencal France: Garlic cloves, saffron threads, fennel bulb, olive oil and tomatoes.
what is bouillabaisse sauce made of

Step 8: Poach the Remaining Fish in the Broth

what is bouillabaisse sauce made of

Now its time to finish the bouillabaisse. Return the broth to a clean pot and poach all your remaining fish, whether whole or filleted, in it. Larger fish should go in first, since theyll take the longest, and smaller fish or fish fillets should go in last. Since fitting all this into the broth at once can be difficult, you can break this up into batches, too, cooking a couple of the larger fish first, then removing them and cooking the smaller pieces of fish after that.

what is bouillabaisse sauce made of

If youre going to add mussels or other shellfish, cook them at the end, just until they pop open or are fully cooked through.

How to Serve Bouillabaisse

what is bouillabaisse sauce made of

The classic way to serve bouillabaisse is not preassembled in a soup bowl and then brought to the table. Thats the kind of thing chefs like to do in fancy restaurants, but its not how this dish is meant to work.

Instead, pile up all your cooked fish on a platter, and set that on the table. Bring the broth to the table in a separate pot or soup tureen.

Its up to the diners to decide how to eat it.

what is bouillabaisse sauce made of

They can eat the soup alone, spreading rouille on baguette toasts and floating them in the broth, followed by the fish. Or they can load up the soup with pieces of fish and eat it all together.

what is bouillabaisse sauce made of

Then again, who am I to say how to serve this? Youve gone through all this trouble to re-create the spirit of bouillabaisse marseillaise at home, so eat it however you want. I think the authenticity police can sit this part of the conversation out.

what is bouillabaisse sauce made of

Bouillabaisse French Fish Soup | Chef Jean-Pierre


What is bouillabaisse traditionally composed of?

The three basic types of fish traditionally used in bouillabaisse are red rascasse, sea robin, and European conger. Other seafoods included are sea urchins, mussels, spider crabs, velvet crabs, langoustine, and octopus. Other fish used in the stew included mullet, monkfish, European hake, turbot, and gilt-head bream.

What is bouillabaisse soup made out of?

True bouillabaisse must be made with Mediterranean fish, including the essential racasse (a bony rock fish), plus whiting, conger eel, mullet, chapon, saint-pierre, and a number of others. Spiny lobsters and crabs are used, as are mussels in the Parisian version of the dish.

What’s the difference between bouillabaisse and cioppino?

Q: What is the difference between bouillabaisse and cioppino? A: Actually there isn’t much difference other than Cioppino is Italian with a tomato-based broth and bouillabaisse is French with a bit of saffron and chopped tomatoes added to a fish broth.

What items are common components of bouillabaisse?

Vegetables such as leeks, onions, tomatoes, celery, and potatoes are simmered together with the broth and served with the fish. The broth is traditionally served with a rouille, a mayonnaise made of olive oil, garlic, saffron, and cayenne pepper on grilled slices of bread.

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