what spice is better than cinnamon

Youll find cinnamon in all sorts of desserts (such as apple pie and snickerdoodle cookies) and in some savory dishes (think chili), too. And that can make it pretty difficult to avoid the spice if you have a cinnamon allergy.

Whether youre allergic to the spice or simply ran out of it, there are many cinnamon substitutes you can turn to while baking and cooking to replicate the flavor.

If you need to substitute cinnamon, consider using nutmeg, cloves, or allspice. Another option is apple pie spice which contains cinnamon.
what spice is better than cinnamon

6 Cinnamon Substitute Spices

Youll likely find a few alternatives to cinnamon in your own spice rack. But take note: “Any replacement will somehow alter the flavor profile of the original,” says chef Karl Guggenmos, the senior culinary advisor at Healthy Meals Supreme.

what spice is better than cinnamon

what spice is better than cinnamon

what spice is better than cinnamon

He recommends trying different options to see what suits your palate most.

  • Nutmeg:‌ Nutmeg offers a comparable amount of sweetness to cinnamon, says Rachel Fine, RD, CSSD of To The Pointe Nutrition. You can use a one-to-one substitution of nutmeg for cinnamon, says Fine. Bonus: Nutmeg is packed with antioxidants, which is linked to slowed progression of cellular damage, per a December 2016 study in ‌Phytochemistry Reviews.‌
  • Allspice:‌ Like nutmeg, allspice will give you some of the same sweetness as cinnamon, says Fine. “Youll likely need less (about a quarter of the amount) allspice than what the recipe calls for with cinnamon,” Fine says.
  • Cloves:‌ This spice has similar earthy and sweet flavors as cinnamon.
  • Mace:‌ Mace is the covering, or the aril, of nutmeg seeds and it offers a more tart and less sweet flavor than nutmeg itself.
  • Cloves and ginger:‌ Guggenmos recommends this mixture as a replacement for cinnamon. Substitute equal parts ginger and cloves for one-third of the amount of cinnamon called for in the recipe, he suggests. “The acidity and citric flavor of both spices creates a similar flavor profile as cinnamon,” says Guggenmos.
  • Spice mixtures:‌ Since cinnamon is a frequent ingredient in sweet spice mixtures, such as a pumpkin pie or apple pie spice, you can swap these blends in for the spice. This works as a one-to-one substitution, but read the ingredient list to see whats included in the mixture — you may want to adjust the use of other spices used in the recipe if they are part of the apple or pumpkin spice blend. (Avoid these spice mixtures if you do not want to include cinnamon in your dish at all.)

Best Options to Mimic Cinnamons Sweetness

what spice is better than cinnamon

what spice is better than cinnamon

what spice is better than cinnamon

Cinnamon can sometimes lend sweetness to baked goods and even replace some of the sugar in a recipe. If youre looking to replicate that sweetness, try nutmeg, allspice or a spice mixture instead. If youre opting for the ginger and clove mixture, “try adding a little honey or monk fruit sugar and vanilla to the mixture,” Guggenmos suggests.

Best Options to Mimic Cinnamons Spiciness

Cinnamon also provides a warming, almost spicy, flavor to baking and cooking. To mimic that effect, replace cinnamon in the recipe with powdered or fresh ginger root. Also, combining a spice with heat such as chili powder with a sweeter flavor such as nutmeg or vanilla can provide that combination of flavors youre seeking.

Best Options for Replacing Cinnamon in Indian Food

In Indian and other cooking, try cardamom instead of cinnamon. Curry powder also provides an abundance of flavor to a recipe, although it usually includes cinnamon among its ingredients. You can find some brands that do not include cinnamon or make your own version without cinnamon.

To do this, use a combination of your choice of the following spices: turmeric, coriander, fenugreek, cumin, salt, ginger, cayenne pepper, black pepper, bay leaves, celery seed, onion, cloves and nutmeg.

A great alternative to cinnamon in many recipes is cloves. This spice, extracted from the tree Syzygium aromaticum, has a similar recognizable flavor. It is also believed to have medicinal value, including anti-inflammatory abilities and antiseptic properties. The flavor is slightly more bitter than that of cinnamon, but you can use it in a 1:1 ratio in places that call for cinnamon spice.

Mace is a substance extracted from the same plant as nutmeg, though in this case, its the dried flesh that surrounds the seed rather than the seed itself. While its flavor is similar to that of nutmeg, mace is often described as more fragrant and peppery than nutmeg, making it a great substitution for cinnamon. Use ¼ teaspoon of ground mace for every teaspoon of cinnamon.

While often mistaken for a spice blend, allspice is actually a whole spice on its own and is created from the dried berries of a myrtle tree, Pimenta dioica. The berries, when ground, give food a sweetness with hints of other spices like cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. Use a ratio of ¼ a teaspoon of allspice to one teaspoon of cinnamon.

Cinnamons purpose is mostly one of flavoring, which makes it difficult to fully substitute in other spices and spice blends and have the end product taste exactly the same. Cinnamon is the dominant flavoring of pastries, bread, liqueurs, glazes and other foods that have a warm and spicy flavor. In the fall season, people love making cinnamon-flavored desserts, like the perfect cinnamon roll icing or these gluten-free cinnamon rolls. There are, however, a number of spices that are similar in flavor profiles and can be swapped in if you are lacking the original.

This popular spice is often used in its namesake pastries, but can also be used to flavor everything from coffee to custards to savory dishes. Different manufacturers have different combinations, but most pumpkin pie spice varieties include cinnamon as an ingredient along with cloves, anise and nutmeg to create that distinctive flavor adored each fall. Use an equal amount of pumpkin pie spice for the required cinnamon.

Chinese Cinnamon Bark (Rou Gui) and Twig (Gui Zhi) VS Cinnamon Spice


What is the healthiest version of cinnamon?

All types of cinnamon contain a compound known as coumarin, which is known to be harmful in large amounts. Ceylon cinnamon has much less coumarin than cassia cinnamon. If you are concerned about coumarin, Ceylon cinnamon is a safer option for your spice rack.

What is the healthiest cinnamon spice?

Ceylon cinnamon is the healthier of the two types and the more expensive. It has a milder flavor than cassia cinnamon because it contains less cinnamaldehyde, the essential oil compound that gives cinnamon its distinctive taste and flavor.

Is nutmeg or cinnamon better?

Both cinnamon and nutmeg have some amazing health benefits. Cinnamon has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels and improve heart health, while nutmeg is a great source of antioxidants which can help protect your body against disease.

Is cinnamon a natural spice?

All natural cinnamon products, including cinnamon extract and ground cinnamon — the red-brown spice with the sweet-hot flavor that’s instantly recognizable — are made from cinnamon bark, which contains beneficial and highly potent essential oils. Read more: Is Too Much Cinnamon Bad for You?

What is the best type of cinnamon for health?

There is no difference between the two main types of cinnamon, ceylon and cassia for health. Both promote the same effects but cassia can be toxic if consumed in excess because it contains coumarins.

What does cinnamon taste like?

Cinnamon is a spice that’s been used for centuries for its warm, sweet flavor as well as for medicinal purposes. It comes from the bark of cinnamon trees, which is rolled into sticks and ground into a fine powder. Cinnamon gets its distinct aroma and taste from the essential oil cinnamaldehyde.

Are there different types of cinnamon?

There are two main types of cinnamon: Ceylon and cassia. Both of them are healthy, but one contains a toxin that is harmful if you eat too much of it. Cinnamon is a very popular spice. It is not only delicious but has many health benefits. While it is cheap and widely available in most supermarkets, this is usually just one type.

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