can you put a raw egg on a pizza

I’ll admit it: I’ve gone out of my way to make pizza for breakfast an acceptable meal. And I am not ashamed. Sometimes, leftovers from a late-night pizza run are all you have in the fridge Sunday morning. Sometimes, you don’t want to spend more than 5 minutes prepping your weekend brunch, so you pull out a frozen pizza and put an egg on it. Other times, you KNOW you’re a savory breakfast person, plan ahead, and buy pizza making ingredients to go with your eggs. Again, no shame. In fact, I celebrate the breakfast pizza! Below, I outline the 3 easiest ways to make it. If you try any of these methods, show me your pictures – you might be featured in the next Yolk Lover’s Guide!

I baked it partially, then added the caramelized onions, shaping them into little nests to hold the raw eggs. The pizza baked for several more minutes until the eggs reached the desired consistency, with the whites fully set. I sprinkled parsley on top and served it to my family, alongside a green salad.
can you put a raw egg on a pizza

I’ll admit it: I’ve gone out of my way to make pizza for breakfast an acceptable meal. And I am not ashamed. Sometimes, leftovers from a late-night pizza run are all you have in the fridge Sunday morning. Sometimes, you don’t want to spend more than 5 minutes prepping your weekend brunch, so you pull out a frozen pizza and put an egg on it. Other times, you KNOW you’re a savory breakfast person, plan ahead, and buy pizza making ingredients to go with your eggs. Again, no shame. In fact, I celebrate the breakfast pizza! Below, I outline the 3 easiest ways to make it. If you try any of these methods, show me your pictures – you might be featured in the next Yolk Lover’s Guide!

Top a pre-baked crust with raw spinach, cooked bacon, a drizzle of Hollandaise, a few parmesan shavings and eggs for a fresh and elegant brunch pizza.

Sprinkle grated cheese on top of the sauce. Mozzarella is traditional, but you can use any kind of cheese you prefer from goat cheese to sharp cheddar, or a mixture of buffalo mozzarella, parmesan and pecorino.

Bake a pizza that started with a pre-baked crust at 500 F for 7 to 9 minutes, or until the toppings are heated through and the eggs are set. Add 2 to 3 minutes if you want the yolks cooked through.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit for unbaked pizza dough, and 500 F if you are using pre-baked dough.

Sprinkle topping over the cheese unless you prefer your pizza plain. Toppings can include anything you like, so mix and match ingredients like onions, garlic, olives, green peppers, cooked sausage or bacon.

Are Raw Eggs Safe To Eat?


Can I crack an egg on a pizza?

Sprinkle cheese over dough, and top with olives. Crack eggs over top of pizza. Place pizza in oven and bake until crust is browned and crisp, 8 to 10 minutes. Serve topped with arugula and a drizzle of the remaining olive oil.

How long does it take to cook an egg on a frozen pizza?

There’s no trick to putting an egg on a frozen pizza. Simply put the pizza in the oven as the directions direct you to and set a timer for 8 to 10 minutes fewer than instructed. If you like a runnier yolk, shoot for 8 minutes, 10 for slightly cooked.

What does egg do to pizza crust?

Most pizza dough does not contain eggs. Pizza dough typically includes three main ingredients: yeast, flour, and water. Some recipes will also include a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Eggs soften the dough and make it taste richer, while egg whites make the crust a little crispier.

Can you put eggs on a Breakfast Pizza?

Anything you eat for breakfast can go on this pizza — hashbrowns, bacon, sausage, and even eggs. As for eggs, in particular, there’s been some debate if you should precook them before putting them on your pizza or crack an egg raw straight on the dough. There’s no single way to add eggs to your breakfast pie.

How can one eat raw eggs safely?

Raw eggs present a serious risk of contamination by bacteria, especially when in contact with the environment. Among them, Salmonella infection is the most common.

Can you eat eggs on pizza?

Eggs. Not only do eggs on your pizza justify pizza for breakfast, but they add a creamy, rich layer to the cheese that is working to offset the tangy acidic bite of pizza sauce—not to mention that perfect chewy-runny combo that comes from bread eaten with a runny egg.

Can you put boiled eggs on a pizza?

Lightly salt and pepper the eggs if you prefer. If you are using hard-boiled or scrambled eggs, they can be added at the same time as other toppings and do not require any special instructions. Poached eggs can be placed on top of a finished pizza the second it comes out of the oven.

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