The Draft Sports and Grill: A Comprehensive Guide to Our 24 Rotating Drafts

Welcome to The Draft Sports and Grill, Concord’s premier destination for sports enthusiasts and beer aficionados alike. With our impressive selection of 24 rotating drafts, we offer an unparalleled beer-drinking experience that caters to every taste and preference. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you on a journey through our ever-changing draft list, highlighting some of our most popular and sought-after beers. Whether you’re a seasoned beer connoisseur or just starting to explore the world of craft brews, we guarantee you’ll find something to tantalize your taste buds at The Draft.

Our Rotating Draft Selection

Our team of beer experts meticulously curates our draft list to ensure a diverse and exciting selection that reflects the latest trends and innovations in the craft beer industry. From classic styles to experimental creations, our 24 rotating drafts offer a wide range of flavors, aromas, and finishes to satisfy even the most discerning palate.

Popular Draft Picks

Among our most popular draft picks, you’ll find:

  • IPAs: India Pale Ales are a staple of the craft beer scene, and we offer a variety of IPAs to choose from, including hazy IPAs, West Coast IPAs, and double IPAs.

  • Stouts: For those who prefer dark and roasty beers, our selection of stouts is sure to impress. From classic Irish stouts to decadent imperial stouts, we have a stout for every taste.

  • Sours: Sour beers have gained immense popularity in recent years, and we offer a rotating selection of these tart and refreshing brews.

  • Lagers: Crisp, clean, and refreshing, our lagers are perfect for those who enjoy a more traditional beer style.

  • Seasonal Brews: Throughout the year, we feature seasonal brews that showcase the flavors of the season. From pumpkin ales in the fall to winter warmers in the winter, our seasonal offerings are not to be missed.

Local Craft Beers

We are proud to support local breweries and feature a rotating selection of craft beers from New Hampshire and the surrounding region. By partnering with local breweries, we bring you the freshest and most innovative beers that the Granite State has to offer.

How to Choose the Perfect Beer

With so many choices on tap, choosing the perfect beer can be a daunting task. Here are a few tips to help you navigate our draft list:

  • Consider your taste preferences: What styles of beer do you typically enjoy? Do you prefer hoppy, malty, or sour beers?

  • Ask for recommendations: Our knowledgeable staff is always happy to provide recommendations based on your preferences.

  • Try a flight: If you can’t decide on just one beer, order a flight of four or six different beers to sample a variety of styles.

At The Draft Sports and Grill, we are passionate about beer and dedicated to providing our customers with an exceptional beer-drinking experience. With our rotating selection of 24 drafts, we offer something for everyone, from beer enthusiasts to casual drinkers. So come on down, grab a pint, and let us take you on a journey through the world of craft beer. Cheers!

Pay Attention to the Beers’ Origins

Given the rise in local breweries in recent years, a beer’s origin can frequently be mentioned as a selling point, particularly if it’s a nearby location. Even if you don’t sell beer from a local brewery, you should still identify the origin of the beers you sell because customers might be willing to pay more for brews that come from specific regions of the nation or the world.

Narrating stories is a powerful marketing tool, so adding brief accounts of the family behind a particular beer or your sustainable practices is a smart move. Additionally, to spark customers’ interest, you could briefly describe the history of the brew.

Determine the Number of Beers You’re Going to Offer

You must decide how many beers are appropriate for your establishment before you go beer shopping to add to your beer menu. If you have too many options, diners may find your beer menu intimidating. But providing too few options for beer in your restaurant will restrict what your customers can choose from. Striking the right balance may take some time because determining the appropriate amount of options can be difficult, particularly if you’re a new restaurateur.

You might not require numerous varieties of wine, beer, or liquor if you intend to serve them to your customers. But if your restaurant only serves craft beer, you’ll need to provide your customers with at least 50 options. Unless you intend to install self-pour technology, which will let your customers help themselves and enjoy any beer by the ounce, none of them really need to be on draft.

what beers are normally on tap

When planning your menu, make sure each of the following beer types has an equal amount of space on it:

  • Crisp and bright
  • Hoppy
  • Dark and roasted
  • Toasted and nutty

You can satisfy every customer’s preference by offering a few other beer options, such as fruity and sour beers, in addition to these popular varieties.

Every Style of Beer Explained | WIRED

What is beer on tap?

Beer on tap specifically refers to the same thing as ‘draft beer.’ So, why the confusion? Here’s a prime example: When you say, ‘I want whatever’s on tap,’ you’re actually referring to what’s ready to be pumped from the keg through tap lines and into a glass. ‘On tap’ basically means it’s ready to be served straight from the keg’s spout.

What is the difference between draft beer and beer on tap?

Before we dig into the differences, let’s first clarify what we mean by draft beer and beer on tap. The basic understanding is that, draft beer refers to beer that is served straight from a keg or cask. Usually through a draft beer system. The term “draft” comes from the Old English word “dragan,” meaning “to carry or pull.”

Should you have beer on tap?

Having a range of beer on tap is a good way to keep most–if not everyone–happy. You can pair your beer on tap with red wine types, types of white wine, popular cocktails, and a range of mocktails. Having the best beer on tap is just another way of making your bar the place to be every night of the week-especially during happy hour.

How do I order Tap Beer?

You can order tap beer from an online liquor shop or by just walking into a bar, pub, or restaurant. Before placing your order, browse the bar menu to discover which craft beer the bar serves. You can also scan handles to see what drink is available.

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