If you’re of a certain age, you might remember a “bread box” that your mom or grandmom kept on the counter to store their bread in. Bread boxes have since become more commonly featured on period television programs than found in modern kitchens, but believe it or not, they are making a comeback.
And there’s a very good reason why bread boxes are coming back. It’s because they work!
In this post, we’ll look at how a bread box works and why you need to rethink your kitchen design to include this remarkably effective old fashioned storage solution.
How Does a Bread Box Keep Bread Fresh?
Bread boxes are basic in their design, but their results are nearly magical. Here’s how they work:
A bread box allows the bread to be stored at room temperature, which is important because if you store your bread in the refrigerator, then the cooler environment in the fridge will cause the bread to dry out quicker. Conversely, storing your bread in a cabinet can result in it being kept in too warm an environment, and this is conducive to quicker mold growth.
A bread box is also unique in that it usually has some form of ventilation built in, usually in the form of tiny holes or thin slats. The ventilation is an important feature because it allows condensation to leave, thus helping to reduce the risk of mold growth. The bread box’s ventilation system allows enough air in to remove condensation, but not enough for the bread to be exposed to stale-bread-inducing elements in the air. Thus, it allows the bread to retain its plush texture for as long as possible.
The Bread Storage Secret: Maintain Freshness for 3 MONTHS!
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