Can You Get Drunk From Angostura Bitters?

While Angostura bitters are a staple in many classic cocktails, their high alcohol content has led some to wonder if they can actually get you drunk. This article delves into the answer, exploring the alcohol content of bitters and the likelihood of intoxication from consuming them.

Understanding Bitters: Flavorful Concentrates

Bitters are concentrated extracts made by infusing high-proof alcohol with various botanicals like herbs, fruits, roots, and spices. They are used in small amounts to add complex flavors and aromas to cocktails, enhancing their overall taste profile.

Angostura Bitters: A Popular Choice

Angostura bitters, a renowned brand, are widely used in cocktails like the Old Fashioned and the Manhattan. They contain 44.7% alcohol by volume (ABV), which is significantly higher than most other bitters.

Getting Drunk on Bitters: A Theoretical Possibility

Theoretically, it is possible to get drunk from consuming a large amount of Angostura bitters. However, the reality is that the strong, concentrated flavor and bitterness make it highly unlikely that anyone would willingly drink enough to reach intoxication.

Practical Considerations: Bitterness as a Deterrent

The intense bitterness of Angostura bitters acts as a natural deterrent against overconsumption. Even a few drops can be overwhelming to the palate, making it difficult to imagine someone willingly consuming a significant quantity.

Cocktail Dilution: Further Reducing Alcohol Content

In cocktails, the bitters are further diluted by other ingredients like spirits, mixers, and ice. This further reduces the overall alcohol content, making it even less likely to reach a level that could lead to intoxication.

While Angostura bitters do contain a high alcohol content, the likelihood of getting drunk from them is extremely low. Their strong flavor and bitterness prevent overconsumption, and in cocktails, they are further diluted, making intoxication a remote possibility.

Additional Considerations:

  • Individual tolerance: While most people would find the bitterness of Angostura bitters unpalatable in large quantities, individual tolerance levels may vary.
  • Mixing with other high-proof spirits: If bitters are mixed with other high-proof spirits in large quantities, the potential for intoxication increases. However, this scenario is uncommon in typical cocktail preparation.

Responsible Consumption: Always a Priority

Regardless of the alcohol content, it is always important to consume alcoholic beverages responsibly and in moderation. This ensures a safe and enjoyable experience.

Can I Get Drunk From Bitters?

The answer to this varies because bitters are a broad category that includes a wide variety of liquors. Some amaros, like Fernet, are consumed straight as a digestif after a meal, while vials of Peychaud’s and Angostura bitters are used to enhance the flavor and complexity of cocktails, like the Old Fashioned or the Sazerac. All have alcohol. But based on your query, I’m going to assume that we’re discussing cocktail bitters like Angostura. The quick response is that while bitters can eventually make you inebriated, it’s more likely that you’d get sick first.

Herbs, fruits, roots, and other spices are added to a high-proof spirit to create bitters like Angostura. The end product is a powerfully flavored mixture that can enhance a cocktail’s complexity with just a few drops. Despite having 44% alcohol by volume, you would need to consume a significant amount of bitters to experience any real buzz.

That doesn’t mean people don’t drink them. Instead of finishing a shift with the customary Fernet, bartenders are increasingly taking half-ounce shots of Angostura in a few cocktail bars across the nation. Some have gone so far as to use an ounce of Angostura as the foundation for a cocktail. But these are rare examples. Generally speaking, bitters are best used as an ingredient in cocktails rather than being consumed on their own.

How Long Does Liquor Stay Good After It’s Been Opened?

Once opened, a spirit should last indefinitely if it is high enough proof, which most are. However, alcohol in opened bottles will start to oxidize and evaporate, so the flavor may change slightly from when you first open it. But generally speaking, high-proof spirits have an endless shelf life provided they are kept in a cool, dry place.

There are a few spirits, however, that do go bad. Dairy products, like Baileys with cream, do have an expiration date that is typically printed on the package. When it comes to Baileys, the general rule is to drink it within two years of opening the bottle and store it in the refrigerator or freezer to preserve its freshness.

Can you get drunk on bitters?

How much alcohol does a bitter add to a drink?

Yet even with bitters that are built on a high-octane base, so little of them get used in any given drink (with precious few exceptions, like an Angostura Sour or a West Indian Old Fashioned, for example) that the amount of alcohol they contribute is almost non-existent.

Is it safe to drink two beers a day?

Drinking two beers a day is generally considered safe for most adults, but it’s important to moderate alcohol intake. Excessive drinking can lead to health problems. If you have any medical conditions or are taking medications, consult your doctor to ensure it won’t interfere with your health.

Can bitters get you drunk?

The short answer here is that yes, bitters can eventually get you drunk, but you’d probably be sick first. Bitters like Angostura are made by taking a high-proof spirit and infusing it with herbs, fruits, roots, and other spices. The result is a strongly flavored concoction that only takes a few drops to add complexity to a cocktail.

Do you drink bitters in a cocktail?

The result is a strongly flavored concoction that only takes a few drops to add complexity to a cocktail. Bitters are 44 percent alcohol, but you’d have to drink a good amount of them to actually feel a buzz. Don’t Miss A Drop Get the latest in beer, wine, and cocktail culture sent straight to your inbox. That doesn’t mean people don’t drink them.

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