does freezing salmon ruin it

We’re often asked if you can freeze smoked salmon, and the answer to that is very simple: yes! Well, sometimes. It depends on the smoked salmon, really. Ok, so perhaps the answer isn’t so simple after all. But if you follow this guidance, you’ll know for sure whether smoked salmon is suitable for freezing.

It’s always handy to have smoked salmon in the freezer. Smaller packs defrost in minutes, which is ideal if you have unexpected guests or a sudden smoked salmon craving.

Never freeze your fish for longer than 6 months. After that, you will notice a serious decline in quality. Fatty fish, such as salmon or trout, go downhill even faster. Don’t freeze them longer than 3 months.
does freezing salmon ruin it

How Fresh Is Your Smoked Salmon?

Unlike fine wine or cheese, salmon doesn’t age well. In fact, the fresher your fish, the better – and that goes for flavour, texture and even whether it’s safe to consume. Smoked salmon usually has a two-week shelf-life, but that doesn’t mean the quality will be the same on day 14 as it was on day 1. From the moment it’s sliced, the freshness will start to deteriorate; the cooler the temperature at which you store your fish, the slower the deterioration will be.

Freezing locks in the freshness by stopping the natural decaying process, which means that salmon frozen the day after slicing, then defrosted and eaten three months later, will actually taste fresher than salmon that’s eaten 14 days after slicing. If you’re going to freeze smoked salmon, it’s therefore much better to freeze it on the day you purchase it. Don’t wait until just before the ‘use-by’ date, as your smoked salmon will have already lost much of its freshness.

Quite often, supermarket smoked salmon will have been sitting in the warehouse for at least a week before it goes on the shelf. However, if you order directly from Forman & Field, your salmon will be sliced the day it’s dispatched, meaning it’s super fresh and ideal for freezing. Forman’s Smoked Salmon Convenience Pack is actually designed with freezing in mind. Simply pop the five small packs in the freezer until needed and defrost as and when you need them. They defrost in just 15 minutes, and as though they’ve just been sliced in the smokehouse. Delicious!

How Has Your Been Salmon Cured?

Before the fish are hung in the kilns to smoke, they need to be thoroughly cured. The London Cure method involves covering the fillets of salmon in rock salt to draw as much moisture as possible out of the fish, in a process that can take up to 24 hours. Excess moisture inside the fish would turn into ice crystals once frozen, which would then alter the texture of the salmon in a rather unpleasant way. As there is no moisture left after the London Cure, the smoked salmon freezes beautifully.

A common way to cure the salmon is the brining method. This involves leaving the salmon in saltwater, which usually also includes a mix of sugar, vinegar or flavourings. Brining has the opposite effect of dry-curing, as its purpose is to retain moisture in the fish so that it doesn’t dry out during the smoking process. As you can imagine, this is much better for business – because the final product is sold by weight, losing 10% of the weight of the fish is the same as losing 10% of the profit! Sadly, though, the end result is miles apart from traditional London Cure Smoked Salmon. The texture will often be slimy and, after freezing, even ‘mushy’. Yuck!

So essentially you can follow this simple rule: if your salmon has been dry-cured, feel free to freeze it. But if it’s been brined (like most supermarket smoked salmon), don’t!

How Long Can Thawed Salmon Stay In The Fridge? ANSWERED


Does freezing salmon affect quality?

Fish that is properly frozen at the peak of freshness can maintain its optimal quality, texture, and flavor, oftentimes rivaling that of fresh or previously frozen fish. Fresh doesn’t inherently equate to superior quality, just like frozen doesn’t always mean inferior quality.

Does salmon still taste good after freezing?

Freezing can alter the texture and taste of salmon due to ice crystal formation, potentially making it slightly drier or changing its texture. Thawing it properly can help preserve its flavor and moisture, though it might not be exactly the same as fresh salmon.

Is it bad to put salmon in the freezer?

If Salmon isn’t consumed within two days, it must be moved to the freezer. Salmon can be fresh for up to three months when frozen. For freezer storage, follow the same steps as you would for refrigeration but take extra care in ensuring the salmon is packaged air-tight in plastic and foil wrap.

Is it better to put salmon in the fridge or freezer?

“Generally, salmon stays fresh one to two days after purchase, if stored in the fridge. If you’re thinking of storing it longer, make sure it is tightly sealed and iced well, preferably in the freezer. However, usually if I am buying fish, I make it a point to eat it a day or two after purchase.

Does freezing salmon ruin it?

Freezing salmon does not necessarily ruin it. While it is true that freezing can change the texture of salmon, this is not necessarily bad. Many believe that the change in texture can make salmon more tender and easier to eat. Additionally, freezing salmon can help to preserve its flavor.

Is fresh salmon safe to eat?

Yes, salmon is a source of omega 3, the fatty acid is responsible for acting in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, making the heart strong and healthy. Just be careful to analyze the supplier to make sure it doesn’t have any contamination.

Should salmon be frozen?

Additionally, freezing salmon can help to preserve its flavor. This is because freezing stops the growth of bacteria, which can cause fish to spoil quickly. If you defrost salmon properly (in the refrigerator, not at room temperature), it should be just as fresh and delicious as it was when you first bought it.

Does freezing salmon change the texture?

While it is true that freezing can change the texture of salmon, this is not necessarily bad. Many believe that the change in texture can make salmon more tender and easier to eat. Additionally, freezing salmon can help to preserve its flavor. This is because freezing stops the growth of bacteria, which can cause fish to spoil quickly.

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