why is my sausage package puffed up

Some items are meant to be puffy, like homemade marshmallows. Or pillows. But packaged food isnt usually one of those items. Still, there may be times when youre at the store and spot bloated food packaging. You should pay attention to this oddity—and for good reason.

It’s not because the food inside the packaging has gone bad, but it’s because the pressure inside the sealed package is higher than the low-pressure air outside, causing the plastic to rise. Some “bloated” packages are even meant to act that way, according to EatingWell.
why is my sausage package puffed up

If your food looks like its about to pop out of the packaging, it could be from the excess gas (like carbon dioxide) thats produced by bacteria in spoiled food, according to Taste of Home. While this bacteria will sometimes only lead to your food going bad, it can cause food poisoning — and you might even be able to smell it. When bacteria forms in spoiled food, it can cause a foul odor in addition to a swollen package, food safety expert Meredith Carothers with the U.S. Department of Agricultures Food Safety and Inspection Service told EatingWell. Carothers added that any off smelling food should not be consumed, even if its not past the expiration date.

So, why do foods — particularly items like meat or poultry — sometimes blow up? And how can you tell if your next meal may put your health at risk and potentially give you food poisoning or be totally safe to eat? Heres how to assess if your next grocery store haul and make sure its okay to eat.

If your chicken, tofu, sausage, or steak looks like its bursting out of its packaging, that might be a sign that the item is not safe for consumption. While not all foods that contain a little excess air (like bagged salads or potato chips, which need the additional space to prevent you from coming home with a bag full of crumbs) are risky for consumption, when it comes to meat and poultry, eaters should be on alert if it looks bloated and just plain odd, Taste of Home reports. Indeed, even if the item is not yet expired, USDA food safety expert Meredith Carothers told EatingWell, if the packaging looks puffy, feels funky, or just doesnt look like it should, there may be bacteria brewing beneath it.

Still, its important to note that not all food inside a puffed-up package is dangerous to eat, Wei Zhang, a professor of food science and food safety at the Illinois Institute of Technology, tells Taste of Home. People living in areas with high-altitude (like parts of Colorado) can see foods inflate because the air pressure in the package is higher than the outside air pressure. In situations like this, your food may still be okay to consume. Whats more, Carothers told EatingWell some meats and poultry are packed in modified atmosphere packaging, or “MAP.” This, she said, is a way of packing food to prolong its shelf life and maintain freshness. As the process includes adding gases to the pack that can create a slight swelling, this is not always something that should cause alarm.

The Basics of Bloated Food Packaging

Theres already some air in many of our groceries. Different types of food packaging use a different amount of air depending on the food, says Wei Zhang, professor of food science and food safety specialist at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Perishable foods like cheese and sausage are often packaged with little or no air to prevent microorganism growth. Some foods, like potato chips, are packaged in a pouch with extra air to preserve the texture and prevent damage. Thats normal. But if an item has swelled beyond its expected size, turning into bloated food packaging, youll likely notice it.

See what the colored circles on food packages stand for.

Swollen package of Jimmy Dean Sausage, why?


Can I eat sausages if the packet has expanded?

She says, “We here at FSIS err on the side of caution and recommend when observing swollen, puffy packages, it’s best to not use, as they are potentially spoiled and therefore risky or unsafe.”

Why is my sausage package bloated?

Bloating is a clear indication that bacteria are present inside the packet. Bacteria feed on the contents of the pouch and produce gas. Since this gas cannot escape from the sealed packet, it accumulates inside and causes the pouch to bloat.

Is it bad if meat package is puffed up?

Take a look at similar packages, he suggests. If they’re equally puffy, then it’s likely on purpose. Tuell recommends looking for other signs of spoilage such as odd coloring, an “off” smell, or a slimy texture. If any of those accompany the swelling, then toss the meat.

What does it mean when food packaging swells up?

When your packaging has inflated over time, this is always a sign of bacterial activity. The bacteria start multiplying, and produce gases as a waste product, so your airtight packaging acts like a balloon. The pressure can get enough to bulge jar lids too. For most foods, this is a clear sign of spoilage.

Why is my sausage puffed up?

When it comes to sausage packaging, the presence of bacteria can lead to the package becoming puffed up. This is due to the production of gas by bacteria as they consume the nutrients in the sausage. While some harmless bacteria contribute to this process, it can also be a sign of spoilage or the growth of harmful bacteria.

Is sausage casing healthier option to eat?

Cellulose casings and some natural casings are perfectly fine to eat. Sausage casings are used to hold and shape filling inside so that it can be cooked. There are natural sausage casings and synthetic varieties, and most of them are edible. The healthiest way to cook them is by boiling or baking. Sausages provide high levels of vitamin B12 and iron, both of which are essential for healthy red blood cells and hemoglobin production.

What does a puffed up Sausage package mean?

A puffed up sausage package indicates the presence of gas inside the package, which could be carbon dioxide or other gases resulting from bacterial growth. This could be due to various reasons such as improper storage or temperature abuse during transport, causing the product to spoil.

Are puffed up sausages bad?

The answer may surprise you. While a puffed-up sausage package can be alarming, it is not always a sign that the sausages have gone bad. There are several reasons why sausage packaging can become inflated, and understanding them can help you make an informed decision about whether or not to consume the sausages.

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