why is my pumpkin bread gummy

This pumpkin bread is moist and packed with flavor. It’s based on the recipe my mom and I used to bake together when I was a kid. One of my earliest memories is the smell of fall spices in the kitchen as the pumpkin bread was baking. The original recipe was given to my mom by a neighbour when we first moved to America. My addition is an irresistible crumble topping.

If you have kids or grand kids, this is a great recipe to get them involved with. All that’s needed is a bit of mixing of ingredients. Then you pop it in the oven. An hour later, you’ll have some delicious pumpkin bread. And your kitchen, like mine, will be filled with the smell of warming, sweet autumnal spices.

If your pumpkin spice bread is gummy or undercooked in the center, it’s typically because it either 1) needed more time to bake in the oven or 2) the batter was too wet, which led the bread to collapse in on itself a bit (this happens if you measure ingredients by volume, rather than by weight: it’s easy to …
why is my pumpkin bread gummy

Why does my pumpkin bread taste bland?

Make sure to follow the recipe exactly. That means—don’t leave out the salt, don’t cut the amount of sugar, and use the specified amount of cinnamon. This is important because flour is what I like to call a “flavor thief”— it sucks the flavor out of ingredients. So, if you don’t follow the recipe as specified, you risk a bland tasting pumpkin bread.

How do I store pumpkin bread?

When cool, store the pumpkin bread in an airtight container or a Ziploc bag at room temperature for up to 3 days.

Amazing Pumpkin Bread


Why is my pumpkin bread gummy on the bottom?

Preventing your pumpkin bread from having a soggy bottom is all about how you let it cool. When it comes out of the oven, let the loaf sit in the pan for a 5 minutes. Then, and here’s the secret, turn it out upside down onto a cooling rack. Remove the parchment paper, and allow it to cool completely.

How do you fix gummy bread?

Place on a parchment lined cookie tray and bake again for 150-25 minutes in a 350 degree F oven. The goal is to dry out the bread. After the second baking, it will become more golden in color. The bread may not turn out fully baked, but most of the moisture will be dried out.

What happens if you put too much pumpkin in pumpkin bread?

You might think you could overcome the lack of flavor by adding more pumpkin purée to your recipe, but you’d be mistaken: By the time you’ve added enough purée to taste it, your baked good would have a soggy texture on account of all that moisture.

How do you know if pumpkin bread is undercooked?

How Do You Know When Pumpkin Bread is Done? Your pumpkin bread is underdone when you find the middle is still uncooked. The exterior may look fully baked, but unless you check the middle by using a toothpick or cake tester, there’s no way to know if the interior is done.

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