why is it called hot toddy

During the winter, most people trade their blended margaritas and Mai Tais for libations that are better suited for sitting in front of a fireplace. One such favorite through the decades (centuries, actually) is the Hot Toddy, a cocktail whose very name elicits warm feelings and happy thoughts.

Here’s a little more about this classic cocktail and how you can make it at home using SIP Award-winning brands.

The word toddy comes from the toddy drink in India, produced by fermenting the sap of palm trees. Its earliest known use to mean “a beverage made of alcoholic liquor with hot water, sugar, and spices” is from 1786.
why is it called hot toddy

The History of the Hot Toddy

Over the years, the Hot Toddy has gone through many variations. It originally started in India (controlled by the British at the time) in the 1610s and was derived from the Hindi word “taddy,” which translated into a drink made with fermented palm sap. Fast forward to 1786, where the word became official and was defined as an alcoholic drink made with hot water, spices, and sugar.

The British claimed the drink for their own and remains a common pub staple in England today. Because winters there are damp and cold, it became a common practice to pour hot water into glasses of Scotch. It wasn’t long before their spice trade with India encouraged them to add exotic spices to the mix.

There’s another variation of the history of the hot toddy, as origination stories are often disputed. An Irish doctor (named Robert Bentley Todd) was said to have prescribed his patients with a mixture of hot brandy, water, cinnamon, and sugar.

More than likely, though, the real story is likely a combination of the two. Perhaps Dr. Todd learned of the “taddy” in India and used it to formulate his own concoction. Through its history, it’s been regarded as a “cure” to the common cold, so it’s not too far-fetched that its concept came from a doctor.

Regardless, the hot toddy eventually made its way across the pond into the United States, where it’s still enjoyed during cold winters in a variety of forms. Fruit-infused toddies are a wholly Americanized version (think grapefruit or cranberry), and continue to dominate other hot alcohol beverages hands down.

why is it called hot toddy

How to Make a Hot Toddy

Want to make a hot toddy at home? The classic version is pretty simple, and you only need four main ingredients: hot water, bourbon (or whiskey), honey, and lemon juice.

Start by boiling some water on your stove, then pour the water into a mug. Add a shot of whiskey or bourbon, two teaspoons of honey, and two teaspoons of fresh lemon juice. (Bonus: A stick of cinnamon makes for an excellent garnish, but this is optional.) Stir the ingredients and enjoy!

If you want to get creative, replace the bourbon with a dark rum, replace the honey with maple syrup, or include star anise for extra flavor.

why is it called hot toddy

Correcting my Past Mistakes with 3 Hot Toddy’s | How to Drink


Why do people drink hot toddies when they’re sick?

The components of a hot toddy can help relieve other symptoms associated with cold and flu. In a 2008 study , participants reported that consuming a hot beverage provided immediate and sustained relief from symptoms of runny nose, cough, sneezing, sore throat, chilliness, and tiredness.

What does Hot Toddy mean slang?

And all Ole Miss fans know what it means (although they might not really know what it “means”). ESPN’s Doug Ward described it this way: “‘Hotty Toddy’ has no real meaning, but it means everything in Oxford. For students, fans and alumni, it is a greeting, cheer and secret handshake all rolled into one.

What is the origin of the Hotty Toddy?

Some speculate that it was developed after the Virginia Tech Regimantal Band called The Highty Tighties, derived from a cheer used throughout World War II, associated with the description of a warm alcoholic drink or a term referred to the perceived sentiment of the Ole Miss student body.

Is a Hot Toddy Irish or Scottish?

The exact origins of hot toddies are unknown, it is believed that they originated in Scotland during the 1700s. The Hot Toddy was especially popular in Scotland due to its ability to warm up cold winter nights.

What is a hot toddy?

A hot toddy, also known as hot whiskey in Ireland, and occasionally called southern cough syrup within the Southern United States, is typically a mixed drink made of liquor and water with honey (or in some recipes, sugar ), lemon, herbs (such as tea) and spices, and served hot.

Where did the Hot Toddy come from?

What Are the Origins of the Hot Toddy? Believed to have been invented in Scotland sometime in the eighteenth century, the hot toddy is a popular cocktail during the cold months and especially around Christmas. The hot toddy is alternately called a hot whiskey (in Ireland), and you may also know it’s rum-based relative, grog.

Why do people drink hot toddy?

Recipes vary, and hot toddy is traditionally drunk as a nightcap before retiring for the night, in wet or cold weather or to relieve the symptoms of the cold and flu. In How to Drink, Victoria Moore describes the drink as “the vitamin C for health, the honey to soothe, the alcohol to numb.”

Where did the word ‘toddy’ come from?

The word toddy comes from the toddy drink in India, produced by fermenting the sap of palm trees. Its earliest known use to mean “a beverage made of alcoholic liquor with hot water, sugar, and spices” is from 1786. It is often referred to as a ‘Hot Toady’.

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