why does my refrigerator smell like paint

A chemical smell coming from inside the refrigerator is a strong indication of a slow freon leak.
why does my refrigerator smell like paint

And Which Smells You Need To Be Worried About

Have you ever opened your refrigerator and been hit with a strange and unpleasant smell? It can be a bit alarming, but dont worry, its not uncommon. In fact, there are a variety of reasons why your fridge might be emitting foul odors. Some are harmless and easily remedied, while others may require a bit more attention. In this article, well explore the different types of smells you might encounter in your refrigerator and what they could mean.

It Smells Like Gas!

why does my refrigerator smell like paint

This one is the second most common on our list, and fortunately, the most frequent cause of it is something rotten being trapped in styrofoam and then the scent releasing from the takeaway box. As always, a good scrubbing of your fridge is the first step in getting rid of strange smells. If youve already covered that step, though, this can also be caused by certain refrigerant leaks. Freon typically smells different from gas, but other refrigerants are used. Refrigerant leaks are challenging to fix, even for a technician, so if the smell is still hanging around after giving your fridge a good scrub, its best to call in the professionals.

Fridge has BAD Odor Smell? Here’s Why!


Why does my refrigerator smell like paint thinner?

The chemical smell is most likely coming from the fridge’s cooling coils. When these coils get covered in dust or other particles, they can start to emit a chemical smell. This smell can then transfer to your food, making it taste like chemicals.

Why is my fridge giving off a chemical smell?

When Freon leaks, it can cause a sweet or chemical smell. Leaking Freon can also damage your appliance and make it less efficient.

Why does my refrigerator smell like nail polish?

If your fridge smells like nail polish remover this is another sign that the chemicals within it are leaking – specifically freon.

What does a fridge Freon leak smell like?

It Smells Like Nail Polish Remover, Vinegar, Or Ammonia! If you are smelling one of these three, the most likely cause is a Freon leak within your refrigerator. You’ll most likely notice the smell first when opening your fridge, but unfortunately, Freon can seep into your food and cause a chemical taste.

Why does my fridge smell like gas?

A crack in the coolant line or a failed seal is enough for the gas to start slowly escaping, smelling up your fridge and making its cooling ability less and less effective. A chemical smell in your refrigerator is a sign of a more significant Freon leak.

Does a refrigerator smell like chemicals?

You can also try placing a bowl full of baking soda in your fridge. Baking soda helps absorb bad smells. However, if it’s been over a week and your refrigerator still smells like chemicals, please keep reading. Refrigerator interiors are usually made of plastic, which can easily absorb odors.

Why does my Refrigerator smell like acetone?

Another factor that can accelerate bacterial growth is moisture and it can come from a spill, condensation, or humidity making its way from the outside. A sour, acetone-like smell inside your refrigerator is often a sign of a refrigerant (Freon) leak .

What does a smelly refrigerator mean?

It should go without saying that a smelly refrigerator usually means it needs to be cleaned. The interior of the refrigerator is primarily made of plastic, and plastic absorbs odors. If the refrigerator is not regularly cleaned and emptied of spoiled food, it is most likely the reason the refrigerator smells.

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