why does mineral water taste bad

POV: You get to the convenience store only to find out that your favorite type of water is out of stock, and all that’s left is the one brand you really don’t like. The devastation alone makes your mouth even more parched.

While some may argue that all water tastes the same, that simply isn’t the case for most of us. However, if you consider yourself a water connoisseur and can distinguish one brand from another with ease, a board-certified otolaryngologist says that there’s a scientific reason why water may taste bad to you. In fact, you may actually be a supertaster and not even know it…yet.

Mineral water containing fewer minerals can taste sour because the carbonic acid dominates the taste. Each mineral has a characteristic taste of its own. If water contains lots of sulphate, for instance, it often has a slightly bitter taste. Sodium combined with chloride gives mineral water a salty taste.
why does mineral water taste bad

What gives water its flavor?

By now, you may be wondering, what does water taste like? And although this may sound like an oxymoron, water does, in fact, have flavor. According to Inna A. Husain, MD, a board-certified otolaryngologist and medical director of laryngology at Community Hospital, water is made up of tons of minerals and inorganic compounds that can give it a distinct taste. “The taste of water comes from the natural minerals dissolved in it—there is calcium, sodium, and phosphorous,” Dr. Husain says.

Although most of these minerals go unnoticed by most water drinkers, studies show that some gifted tasters can actually pick up on the subtle flavor nuances present in the beverage. “For the most part, these are not routinely sensed by taste buds. [However], a 2013 study from Spain involving blind taste testers of bottled and tap water samples found that sulfates, calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate, if present, most affected taste,” Dr. Husain says. Meaning water can definitely taste like more than just plain ol’ nothing.

What’s more, the study also found that bottled or tap water samples that ranked the best in terms of taste had greater concentrations of bicarbonate, sulfate, calcium, and magnesium with relatively high pH values (meaning more alkaline; less acidic). Meanwhile, samples with higher concentrations of sodium, potassium, and chloride scored the lowest. And although residual chlorine did not affect the ratings in the study in terms of taste preference, it did enable the panelists to distinguish between bottled mineral water and tap water samples.

Of course, Christina Li, a water sommelier based in Canada, can attest to this. For nearly a decade, Li has dedicated her career to uncovering some of the best (tasting) types of water. Through her extensive research and taste testing, Li has determined that natural mineral water is ultimately her drink of choice. But why? According to Li, the minerals in mineral water give it an unparalleled taste and sensation on the palate.

As a water sommelier, Li prioritizes several factors when choosing the best bottled water, including whether or not it’s ethically sourced and if it’s sustainable. However, one of her biggest responsibilities as a professional water taster is sourcing water that simply tastes delicious. Depending on the task at hand, Li will opt for different water choices that serve unique purposes. For example, she’ll find water that tastes good for day-to-day consumption, or, on the other hand, will make water choices depending on which foods it’ll be paired with. Indeed, hydration is a priority, but in Li’s purview, the flavor is equally as important.

How we perceive the way that water tastes

Our taste buds play an important role in determining why we like one type of water more than another. That’s because our taste buds are sensitive to five basic taste qualities: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami (or savory). Of these, research shows that water can activate our sour receptors depending on the sensitivity of our taste buds.

“In 2017, a study from Caltech identified, in lab rats, that drinking water stimulates our ‘sour’ taste receptors. These taste receptors activate different parts of the brain and can influence behaviors, for example, making you want to drink more water or spit it out if it tastes contaminated,” Dr. Husain says.

According to Dr. Husain, it’s also worth taking a closer look at how genetics can be closely intertwined with our perception of taste. “We know that there are genetic differences in our ability to taste related specifically to the ability to identify bitter flavors. Those with sensitivity to bitterness are called ‘supertasters,’ a term coined by Professor Linda Bartoshuk,” she says. But to have this coveted title, it all comes down to having—and being born with—more taste papillae (taste buds) than non-supertasters.

“[Supertasters] are also more sensitive to umami, salty, sweet, and sour. This heightened sensitivity tends to make them more picky eaters as well,” says Dr. Husain. It also explains why some folks might be more sensitive than others to subtle notes of sourness and other elements present in water. “This can impact how we perceive the taste of water; supertasters are theoretically going to be more sensitive to the flavor of the minerals absorbed in the water,” she says.

See? Our taste and affinity toward overpriced bottled water are justifiable after all. Phew.

What Does Carbonated Water Do to Your Body?


Why does my mineral water taste weird?

Bottled mineral or tap water can sometimes have a distinct “off” flavor compared to its source due to several factors: Storage and Packaging: Bottled water is typically stored in plastic containers, and over time, certain compounds from the plastic can leach into the water, affecting its taste.

How do you make mineral water taste better?

Citrus fruits, such as lemons, limes, and oranges, are classic water enhancers, but other fruit flavors might also tempt your taste buds. Try crushing fresh raspberries or watermelon into your water, or adding strawberry slices. Cucumber and fresh mint are refreshing flavors as well — especially in summer.

Is there a downside to drinking mineral water?

Although there aren’t any health risks involved in drinking mineral water itself, drinking it out of a plastic bottle may pose certain risks. Bottled water contains large amounts of microplastic, which are small pieces of plastic debris.

What does mineral water taste like?

Overall, mineral water tastes like water, and the mineral nuances usually prove subtle. Though, if you have a sensitivity to certain flavors, such as sulfur, you may want to skip the water from beach regions where the mineral is found.

Why does my water taste bad?

Run the Tap: Sometimes, the taste can be affected by stagnant water in your plumbing system. Running the tap for a minute or two can help clear residual water and improve the taste. Contact Authorities: If you’re on city water, reach out to your local water utility to report the issue and seek guidance.

What are the benefits of drinking mineral water?

There are a number of benefits associated with just the mineral water hydration factor. Preventing dry mouth, refreshing the body, improving sleep quality and mood, and even helping to control weight are on the list of hydration benefits. Furthermore, mineral water is less likely to be contaminated than tap water.

Why does distilled water taste so bad?

It’s all due to minerals and other compounds that the water picks up on its journey. For comparison, water that’s been distilled to remove anything dissolved in it—the water you use in your steam iron—tastes “totally boring, like nothing, dry in your mouth,” as Riese describes it.

Why does my water taste bitter?

Two common reasons your water tastes bitter (somewhat like baking soda or some medicines) are increased levels of copper and zinc, or the water is alkaline (having a pH above 7). Copper and zinc are naturally occurring metal elements often used to manufacture metal fittings, pipes, and storage tanks in many plumbing systems.

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