why do you soak calves liver in milk

Over the years, this recipe which was first posted in 2020, has been our most popular recipe of all time. It makes me so happy that folks are discovering the wonderful health benefits – and deliciousness of grassfed beef live.

I want to share the recipe that took me from a liver hater to a liver lover!

The reviews on our liver shopping page are a testament to the love affair many people have with liver.

I used to be in the middle group – but I recently realized my negative bias was based on two things – I wasn’t cooking it right and I hadn’t had my own Heartstone Farm grass-fed beef liver.

So now I’m in group #1 – and I’m here to share how I now cook beef liver and why it made all the difference.

Here’s the biggest thing I can share – don’t overcook it. That right there will probably turn you from a hater to a lover. You want a bit of pink – no more, no less.

The ingredients for this recipe are bacon, milk, onions, and butter – and salt. Don’t skimp on the salt. (By the way, salt is not nearly as bad as you might have thought.)

Soaking liver in milk is said to be a common technique that supposedly helps to remove impurities, softens flavour, and tenderises the liver.
why do you soak calves liver in milk

I am planning on attempting my grandmothers jewish chopped liver and have been reading that soaking in milk helps remove impurities and lessen some of the harshness in flavor. This seems to apply mainly to beef liver and I am using chicken – but I would love some insight!

I want to share the recipe that took me from a liver hater to a liver lover!

So now I’m in group #1 – and I’m here to share how I now cook beef liver and why it made all the difference.

Over the years, this recipe which was first posted in 2020, has been our most popular recipe of all time. It makes me so happy that folks are discovering the wonderful health benefits – and deliciousness of grassfed beef live.

The ingredients for this recipe are bacon, milk, onions, and butter – and salt. Don’t skimp on the salt. (By the way, salt is not nearly as bad as you might have thought.)

I used to be in the middle group – but I recently realized my negative bias was based on two things – I wasn’t cooking it right and I hadn’t had my own Heartstone Farm grass-fed beef liver.

Good Reasons Why Do You Soak Liver In Milk Before Cooking (2021)


Is it necessary to soak calves liver in milk?

Some chefs insist on soaking in salt and lemon water. Others opt to soak in ice water or milk to lessen the intensity from an older animal. Others suggest that you should never soak a fresh liver and that its quick preparation is part of the appeal.

What can I soak beef liver in if I don’t have milk?

To Do: Simply place your cut up liver in a bowl, barely cover with water and add the juice of a lemon or a tablespoon or two of vinegar. Soak for a few hours before cooking, drain and pat dry.

Do you rinse chicken liver after soaking in milk?

Soak chicken livers in milk for up to a couple of hours to help remove any strong flavors. Place livers in a colander and rinse under cold water; discard milk. Cut each liver in half. Pour ½ cup oil into large skillet and bring to 350°.

How do you tenderize your liver and calves?

Pat the liver dry with a paper towel before submerging it in whole milk, buttermilk or red wine in a covered container or resealable, plastic bag. Let the liver marinate in the liquid for 30 to 60 minutes in your fridge. The liquid will tenderize the meat and help minimize the liver’s mineral taste.

Can you cook calf liver in milk?

Italian cooks may soak calf or lamb liver in milk before breading and pan frying. German recipes sometimes call for an overnight milk bath to mellow liver. In Eastern European Jewish cooking, milk-soaked liver paired with onions is traditional fare.

Is milk good for rehydration?

Yes, milk is very hydrating because it contains the sugar lactose, some proteins and some fats, which help to delay the emptying of stomach fluid and maintain hydration for a longer period. Milk also has sodium which acts like a sponge and retains water in the body and results in less urine being produced.

Why do you soak liver in milk before cooking?

Soaking liver in milk before cooking works to mellow out the strong flavor through a chemical process. Liver contains high amounts of heme iron, which gives it a metallic, bloody taste. Milk contains casein proteins that help bind with the heme iron in the liver.

What happens if you Soak Your Liver in milk?

When liver soaks in milk, the casein present binds to this iron, neutralizing the flavor and making the dish more palatable. Tender Loving Care for Liver: Milk is nature’s tenderizer. It’s packed with calcium, which kickstarts enzymes in the liver, breaking down its tough muscle fibers.

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