why do you put lemon juice in applesauce

Applesauce is easy and quick to make at home, and only needs a few basic ingredients.

Although applesauce is easily available at the store, nothing compares to the homemade version. Not only is it quick and tasty, it’s also very healthy! Unless, of course, you serve it with ice cream, like I do.

The secret to my dad’s applesauce is that he adds a couple strips of lemon peel to the apples, as well as some lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, while they are cooking. The tartness of the lemon or vinegar serves to intensify the taste of the apples, and helps balance out the sweetness of the sauce.
why do you put lemon juice in applesauce

The best apples for homemade applesauce

You can cook one single type of apple if you like, but for a more complex flavor, I like to use a variety of both sweet and tart apples. There are so many kinds you can choose from: Honeycrisp (Minnesota’s favorite apple!), Granny Smith, Jonathan, Macintosh, Braeburn, Fuji, Jonagold, Pink Lady, Macoun, and more all make delicious homemade applesauce.

How to make homemade applesauce

All you need to do is put the ingredients in a pot and bring to a boil. Then, lower the heat, cover with a lid, and cook for at least 15 minutes, remembering to stir occasionally.

How to use lemon juice to prevent browning of fruit


Why does applesauce need lemon juice?

The addition of lemon juice brightens the flavor. A small amount of apple cider boosts the apple flavor and sweetens the sauce. Apple juice concentrate can be added as a sweetener. Honey or maple syrup can be used as sweeteners, but be aware that they can overpower the flavor of the apples.

Is it safe to can applesauce without lemon juice?

Add lemon juice or not to home-canned apple sauce. The most recent edition (2015) of the USDA Complete Guide does not require lemon juice in applesauce.

What makes applesauce taste better?

The mellow sweetness of toasted sugar adds complexity. Apple cider vinegar helps brighten cooked fruit. Using skin-on fruit improves both flavor and color in the finished product. Aromatics like cinnamon, orange peel, and rose water intensify the flavor of the apples.

Why did you add lemon juice to the apples before they were pureed?

The acid in lemon juice helps prevent browning and keeps the apples looking nicer. It also adds brightness to the flavor. The filling may be watery because of the variety of apples you are using. Some fruit produces more juice than others.

Why do applesauce have lemon juice?

There’s actually a couple reasons for this. Lemon juice is highly acidic which helps bring out the brightness of the apples while balancing out the sweetness. Also, fun fact: lemon juice acts as a natural preservative which will help keep your applesauce fresh (just like it helps to prevent fruit salad from browning).

Can one use bottled lemon juice for health benefits?

Unfortunately, bottled lemon juice will not offer you the same benefits as fresh one. In addition, bottled juice has a high amount of sugar added, such as fructose syrup, which doesn’t help you to have better health. What is more, vitamin C, naturally contained in fresh lemon juice, decreases after a few minutes in the air.

Can you add lemon juice to applesauce?

Many folks might not know this, but adding 1 tablespoon of lemon juice is essential for making applesauce (via PennState Extension ). Lemon juice can be used to counter the sweetness of your applesauce if you haven’t tossed in both sweet and tart apples in the mix. Additionally, lemon juice is essential to preventing the apples from browning.

Does lemon juice make applesauce Brown?

Lemon juice can be used to counter the sweetness of your applesauce if you haven’t tossed in both sweet and tart apples in the mix. Additionally, lemon juice is essential to preventing the apples from browning. Surprised? Don’t be. You’ve probably noticed that when you leave apple wedges on the counter, they’ll start to turn brown.

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