why do you put eggs in spaghetti sauce

Say, hypothetically, you find yourself hosting some Syrian or Mexican folk. No big deal, just a typical, impromptu mid-winter brunch in some sunny American kitchen. But suppose the pantry is running on empty, and all you have to cook are eggs, and some kind of tomato sauce. Just suppose. Now the gang must decide, should we have our tomatoes and eggs Mexican, Syrian or American-style?

Eggs, cooked with tomato sauce, or served with tomato sauce, is universal. The Portuguese version is called baked eggs on tomato sauce. Southern Italians call it Uova al Purgatorio, which literally means Purgatory eggs, and consists of eggs poached in marinera.

If the guests are especially hungry, the host won’t have time for complicated “ethnic” dishes. Scrambled eggs with ketchup will have to do, and some home fries with which to mop it up if one can scrounge up a potato. Some Tabasco sauce, ideally, and perhaps some cheese or mayo. You got this. Make sure there is plenty of hot grease in the pan-I like half and half XVOO and butter. Don’t over-stir; don’t overcook.

As I cook it, I hum that old John Prine song about the girl who likes ketchup on her scrambled eggs.

“She don’t like her eggs all runny/she thinks crossing her legs is funny//She likes ketchup on her scrambled eggs/swears like a sailor when she shaves her legs/she’s my baby, I’m her honey, never gonna let her go.”

The Mexicans, of course, have their huevos rancheros, which consist of fried eggs upon tortilla, with salsa. This dish is only a little more complicated to make than scrambled eggs with ketchup. Especially if you employ my gringo-tastic rancheros method technique.

First, fry an egg, preferably with a runny yolk and crispy bottom. Remove the egg from the pan, and set aside on a plate.

In a mixture of butter and olive oil, fry some minced garlic and onion. As soon as that becomes fragrant, throw in a few hands full of corn chips, and stir them around in the hot grease. Dump in some salsa, and stir it around some more.

(You can use flat corn tortillas if you want to be more authentic. But don’t stir those. Lay them flat).

When the salsa has heated up and is simmering, replace the egg(s) atop the chips, sprinkle the entire business with cheese, and put a lid on the pan, so the steam from the simmering salsa melts the cheese. Don’t overcook the egg though.

The corn chips will soak up the salsa, cheese, runny yolk, and whatever else you added; it’s a total pan-scraper of a dish.

But if you do an internet search for, say, “eggs tomato sauce,” about half the returns will be for shakshuka, a North African and Middle Eastern version the tomato egg combo that is popular across North Africa, from Morocco to Israel, Egypt to Iraq.

My friend Chef Abe Risho comes from a long line of distinguished Syrian cooks, and he served shakshuka for years to an adoring audience at Silk Road, his former restaurant (Risho and family run a mail-order spice and sauce business). Risho was kind enough to give me the shakshuka recipe that rocked Missoula.

The crushed Aleppo pepper he calls for can be purchased online. This is only slightly at odds with the fact that shakshuka is, at heart, a recipe you should be able to create from whatever sparse provisions are on hand, providing they include eggs and some form of tomato.

So, order some Aleppo pepper. But while you wait for it to arrive you can work on your shakshuka game by standing on Abe’s shoulders.

1. Make an oven sauce, ideally in a shallow cast iron skillet by heating the pan in a hot oven 475F. add oil, onion, garlic and Aleppo pepper and cook until starting to caramelize.

3. Add wine and cook to reduce to a thick sauce. Add crushed tomatoes, peppers, and spices and simmer until thick and aromatic.

4. By this time the oil should be starting to separate on top of the sauce. Make 6 wells in the sauce with the back of a spoon or ladle. Drop an egg into each well and return to the oven. Cook until egg white is cooked but the yolk is still runny (sunny side up).

5. Remove from oven, sprinkle on a good feta or farm cheese if using and top with torn parsley

In the Arabic of the North African region, shakshouka means “a mixture.” This is an appropriate name for a dish that moves freely across borders, hybridizing with the local flavors wherever it arrives. It was the Tunisian Jews that brought the dish to Israel, and it makes you wonder how many other cultures a pan of shakshuka could bind together, through the universal combination of tomatoes and eggs.

The trick is to add an egg! That’s right, the fat from the yolk and the egg white help make tomato sauce silky and smooth. And before you freak out about adding a raw egg to your food let me assure you that the egg does get cooked. Also, if you want to be extra cautious, use Davidson’s Safest Choice® Eggs.
why do you put eggs in spaghetti sauce

Yup. The rich egg balances the acidic tomato sauce, and the thick slice of whole wheat challah on the bottom soaked up every bit of flavor. Eggs and red – it works.

Back in Dave’s bachelor days, “pasta and red” was one of his standard dinners. He’d cook and drain pasta, put the pasta back in the pot, dump jarred tomato sauce over it, and stir it all up until it was warmish. Pasta and red.

1. In a medium skillet, heat the oil, garlic, and pepper flakes over medium heat until the garlic and pepper is sizzling. Add the wine and let it simmer until it becomes syrupy, about 2 minutes. Stir in the tomatoes, sugar, salt and pepper. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer until thickened, 12 to 15 minutes.

3. Spoon a portion of sauce with an egg over toasted bread. Top with a generous sprinkling of parmesan cheese and serve immediately.

1 tablespoon olive oil 2 cloves garlic, minced pinch of crushed red pepper flakes 2 tablespoons red or white wine (optional) 1 (28-ounce) can whole tomatoes, drained and chopped or pureed pinch sugar ½ teaspoon salt ground black pepper 4 large eggs 4 slices toasted country bread freshly grated Parmesan cheese

“She don’t like her eggs all runny/she thinks crossing her legs is funny//She likes ketchup on her scrambled eggs/swears like a sailor when she shaves her legs/she’s my baby, I’m her honey, never gonna let her go.”

1. Make an oven sauce, ideally in a shallow cast iron skillet by heating the pan in a hot oven 475F. add oil, onion, garlic and Aleppo pepper and cook until starting to caramelize.

4. By this time the oil should be starting to separate on top of the sauce. Make 6 wells in the sauce with the back of a spoon or ladle. Drop an egg into each well and return to the oven. Cook until egg white is cooked but the yolk is still runny (sunny side up).

So, order some Aleppo pepper. But while you wait for it to arrive you can work on your shakshuka game by standing on Abe’s shoulders.

The crushed Aleppo pepper he calls for can be purchased online. This is only slightly at odds with the fact that shakshuka is, at heart, a recipe you should be able to create from whatever sparse provisions are on hand, providing they include eggs and some form of tomato.

The Secret Ingredient You Should Be Using In Spaghetti Sauce


What does adding egg to pasta sauce do?

Egg yolks are the ideal addition to pasta sauces, salad dressings and custards that need thickening. The protein in egg yolks thicken when heated and they also add a richness to sauces. You’ll need to be careful when adding egg yolks to hot sauces because they can scramble the sauce.

Why do Italians put eggs in their spaghetti?

They are a creamy, protein-filled addition to the meal. It adds a surprising richness. Despite its popularity in my family, I’d never heard of anyone else adding hard-boiled eggs to their pasta sauce. Not people of Italian heritage, or more specifically Sicilian heritage, which my family is—no one.

Why do people put eggs in spaghetti?

It works because egg yolks are an emulsifier, which means they contain particles similar to both water and oil and can thus also bind things with both (like vinegar and oil, for example).

What does adding egg to cooked pasta do?

The whites of the egg combine with the starch in the pasta water to add viscosity to the sauce while the yolk adds richness and flavor. Because egg yolks are a powerful emulsifier, they also help bind the fat from the pork to the sauce, creating a smooth, velvety texture without any separation.

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