why do they call eggplant eggplant

First recorded in 1763, the word “eggplant” was originally applied to white cultivars, which look very much like hen’s eggs (see image). Similar names are widespread in other languages, such as the Icelandic term eggaldin or the Welsh planhigyn ŵy.
why do they call eggplant eggplant

Did you get it?

Tomorrow’s Wonder of the Day takes a closer look at a “little armored one!”

Do you like eggplant? Have you ever tried it? If not, nows the time! Grab a friend or family member and check out one or more of the following activities:

  • Take a field trip with an adult friend or family member. Head to the produce aisle of your nearest grocery store in search of eggplant. If necessary, check more than one grocery store until you find an eggplant. Does it look like you expected it to? Why or why not? Compare it to the tomatoes and potatoes. What similarities do you see? How are they different?
  • As you learned in todays Wonder of the Day, eggplant goes by a variety of different names around the world. What would you call it if you stumbled upon it in the wild and didnt know it was an eggplant? Be creative. Spend some time looking at an eggplant and then come up with three or four possible names for this interesting plant. Share your ideas with friends and family members. What names would they choose?
  • Head to the kitchen to cook up a delicious recipe featuring eggplant. Check out the recipes for Eggplant and Zucchini Roll Ups and Eggplant Gratin and choose one or two to try. You might want to double-check the list of ingredients, just in case you need to get a few more supplies while youre at the store. Be sure to get help from an adult friend or family member!
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wki/Eggplant (accessed 08 Aug 2019)
  • http://urbanext.illinois.edu/veggies/eggplant.cfm (accessed 08 Aug 2019)

Have You Ever Wondered…

  • Why is it called an eggplant?
  • What other foods are most closely related to the eggplant?
  • Can you make some dishes that feature eggplant?

Today’s Wonder of the Day was inspired by Vanessa. Vanessa Wonders, “Why are eggplants purple?” Thanks for WONDERing with us, Vanessa!

Have you ever eaten a guinea squash? How about a brinjal or a melongene? Perhaps you’ve tried an aubergine? No? None of these things? Well, maybe you have and just didn’t know it. These are all names for a food you might know as the eggplant!

Most people would probably guess eggplant is a vegetable. However, it’s actually the fruit of a plant of the same name. Eggplants are also closely related to tomatoes and potatoes. Eggplants grow wild, but they’re also grown as an annual crop in areas with a mild climate.

Eggplant is known for its fleshy, meaty texture. Although it is cooked in many dishes like a vegetable, it’s technically considered a berry. Have you ever looked closely at the inside of an eggplant? If so, you may have seen many tiny, soft seeds. The seeds are edible, but they have a bitter taste.

There are several varieties of eggplant fruits. Most are long and oval-shaped, like a gourd or squash. Colors vary, too. The most common color is dark purple. There is actually a color — aubergine — that resembles the purple of the eggplant.

A long, gourd-shaped, purple fruit is what most people think of when they hear the word “eggplant.” How in the world did something long and purple get that name? Well, way back in the 1700s, early European versions of eggplant were smaller and yellow or white. They looked like goose or chicken eggs, which led to the name “eggplant.”

The eggplant has been around for a long, long time. It’s native to India and Southeast Asia. In fact, the first known written mention of eggplant comes from a Chinese book on agriculture written in 544.

Raw eggplant has a bitter taste, somewhat like its seeds. When it’s cooked, though, it becomes tender with a rich flavor. Some recipes that feature eggplant recommend salting, rinsing, and draining the sliced fruit. This can further soften the fruit and cause it to absorb less fat during the cooking process. If you don’t salt and press eggplant before cooking, it will soak up fat and become greasy.

Today, eggplant is a popular part of many cultures. It’s common in recipes from France, Egypt, and Italy. You’ll also see it used in food across the Middle East and Asia. In fact, 90% of eggplant production comes from five countries: China, India, Egypt, Iran, and Turkey.

Have you ever eaten eggplant? If not, you’ve probably seen it at the grocery store. Its unique shape and color make it hard to miss!

Standards: CCRA.L.3, CCRA.L.6, CCRA.R.1, CCRA.R.2, CCRA.R.4, CCRA.R.10, CCRA.SL.1

We’d like to thank:

Nina and Stacy for contributing questions about today’s Wonder topic!

Keep WONDERing with us!

Eggplant vs. Aubergine vs. Brinjal — Why so many names?


Why is it called eggplant when there is no egg?

Well, way back in the 1700s, early European versions of eggplant were smaller and yellow or white. They looked like goose or chicken eggs, which led to the name “eggplant.”

Why do Americans call eggplant?

Eggplant = aubergine Americans and Aussies call it eggplant because of its shape. Brits still refer to it by its original French name.

Why did eggplants become purple?

Aubergines come in many different varieties, and not all of them are the characteristic colour. However, many of them are a shade of violet or purple, and this is caused by the presence of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are pigments which often give red, blue or purple colouration in plants.

Why do we say eggplant instead of aubergine?

Aubergine or Eggplant The British word for eggplant is aubergine, which has French, Catalan, and Arabic origins. Some say the less common white varieties of the typically purple plant led to the name used in the United States, but the terms are generally interchangeable regardless of color or shape.

Why are eggplants called egg plants?

British gardeners named these “egg-plants” for their attractive appearance on plants they entered in competitions. The egg plants gained attention from the crowds at exhibitions, but it took courage to harvest and eat the fruits. Because eggplants are classified in the nightshade family (Solanaceae), people were afraid the fruits were poisonous.

How can one use eggplant?

Some ways to enjoy eggplant are: in a curry, stir-fry, as Babaganoush, with pasta, eggplant pizza, breaded and baked, as eggplant lasagna.

Is eggplant a English word?

Surprisingly, the term eggplant is often used in Australia, even though Australian English usually correlates more closely with British English than American English. The term “eggplant” is commonly used across Australia, just as it is in North America.

Is eggplant the same as eggplant?

Both terms refer to the exact same plant: a fruit of the nightshade family. While most areas in the US and Europe use the term eggplant, other parts around the world use the French term ‘aubergine’ to describe this vegetable. So if you ever hear someone calling an eggplant by its alternate name, you now know why!

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