why do i love pasta so much

From a simple spaghetti served with olive oil, garlic and chillies (olio, aglio, peperoncino) to more elaborate baked dishes like a beautiful classic lasagne, pasta can be quick, simple, healthy, nutritious and versatile. I see pasta as “fast food” because it’s quick to cook and the best sauces are uncomplicated and equally speedy to make; while the pasta is cooking in one pot, the sauce is bubbling away in another! Pasta is a meal in itself and most recipes don’t require a lengthy preparation, meaning you can get a family meal on the table in just a few minutes.

There is a pasta shape and recipe for each day of the year and more! In Italy there are over 600 different pasta shapes on the market and new inventions every day, so there is always something new to discover and taste. Italians feel strongly about certain pasta shapes being paired with certain sauces (something I think is only really understood in Italy). In my new book, I have generally followed these rules: long pasta such as spaghetti or linguine tends to go with quick-cook, light sauces such as a simple tomato or fish sauce, and short shapes such as penne or farfalle marry well with heavier, more robust-tasting sauces.

Nutritionally, pasta can also be excellent – perfect for growing kids and all the family, especially if you go wholemeal. It is an ideal carbohydrate because it releases energy slowly; it is highly digestible and the lack of fats makes it suitable for low-calorie diets. Contrary to popular belief that pasta is stodgy, it can be as light, fresh and summery as you like. Mix some pasta with my simple tomato sauce or homemade pesto for a quick and nourishing fix, or try my wild rocket and pecorino orecchiette (from the book) for a light but perfectly balanced meal.

Wholemeal pasta, in particular, is a source of several difference micronutrients like iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and several B-vitamins, which we need to keep our nervous systems and metabolic systems healthy. Some experts claim pasta is not only healthy and nutritious but also boosts serotonin levels, a substance associated with feelings of peace and contentment. When I was young, my mother, of course, knew nothing of this, but when I was in a foul mood she used to make my plate of pasta a bit larger than normal and tell me to eat it all up and I would feel better. And, as if by magic, I did.

I was brought up cooking with fresh seasonal, locally grown ingredients, and I have always stuck to this philosophy as a chef and when cooking at home. It made perfect sense, then, to split The Pasta Book into seasons.

As a child, I looked forward to each new season in anticipation of the delights it would bring. Autumn is probably my favourite time of year, with its wild mushrooms, walnuts, chestnuts and more. Spring has serious merits, though; there something so special about its fresh peas, broad beans, asparagus, herbs and young salad leaves. And summer brings our beloved tomato, ready to be preserved so we can enjoy them in pasta dishes throughout the coming year, as well as abundance of peppers and aubergines. Even winter has its charm, with comforting pasta bakes and rich game sauces. Combining seasonal produce with pasta is a sure and simple way to ensure you are eating a healthy balanced diet which is also kind on your purse.

I love the versatility of pasta; it can be egg-based or made with water, and sauces vary greatly region to region. In Southern Italy, for example, flavours are stronger, with lots of garlic and chilli; by the sea, sauces are fish-based; and in Northern Italy sauces tend to be more delicate and creamy. The north is also famous for filled pastas, like ravioli and tortellini, and bakes such as lasagne and cannelloni.

Pasta can also be made in advance and served for parties or on picnics. I love making pasta salads when entertaining for a large crowd, like my pasta salad with grilled peppers and olives. You can add whatever you like – tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, red onion, tuna, olives, pickles, sliced leftover sausages, prawns, cannellini or borlotti beans – the list is pretty much endless. My daughter loves it so much she often has it cold with her favourite ingredients as a packed lunch at school.

It is also traditional in Italy to use leftover pasta to make a pasta frittata. I like to take these with me on picnics, or when I go foraging into the woods; they make a wonderful, nutritious meal when you’re out and about, and taste lovely cold, too.

I have included a wide variety of pasta dishes in The Pasta Book; recipes reminiscent of my childhood, like involtini of beef in tomato sauce (a Sunday lunch favourite), or octopus linguine, and sausage & broccoli spaghetti. Each chapter includes a filled pasta, such as cappellacci or ravioli, to suit each season, as well as a baked pasta dish, ideal for making in advance and perfect for catering for larger numbers. There is also a section on handy tips for making and cooking pasta, as well as a chapter on basics to help you get started, from simple tomato sauces to making your own fresh pasta dough.

I hope you will enjoy recreating my recipes from The Pasta Book – it’s a perfect year-round guide to Italy’s most popular and versatile food.

The tangy, salty, spicy and sometimes a tad sweet taste is just mouthwatering. There is little that that could go wrong with this delicacy. You can even add other things as in meatballs, lasagna etc that blends in with pasta just perfectly. The flavor and aroma of pasta are what makes it so popular among people.
why do i love pasta so much

I love the versatility of pasta; it can be egg-based or made with water, and sauces vary greatly region to region. In Southern Italy, for example, flavours are stronger, with lots of garlic and chilli; by the sea, sauces are fish-based; and in Northern Italy sauces tend to be more delicate and creamy. The north is also famous for filled pastas, like ravioli and tortellini, and bakes such as lasagne and cannelloni.

As a child, I looked forward to each new season in anticipation of the delights it would bring. Autumn is probably my favourite time of year, with its wild mushrooms, walnuts, chestnuts and more. Spring has serious merits, though; there something so special about its fresh peas, broad beans, asparagus, herbs and young salad leaves. And summer brings our beloved tomato, ready to be preserved so we can enjoy them in pasta dishes throughout the coming year, as well as abundance of peppers and aubergines. Even winter has its charm, with comforting pasta bakes and rich game sauces. Combining seasonal produce with pasta is a sure and simple way to ensure you are eating a healthy balanced diet which is also kind on your purse.

I hope you will enjoy recreating my recipes from The Pasta Book – it’s a perfect year-round guide to Italy’s most popular and versatile food.

It is also traditional in Italy to use leftover pasta to make a pasta frittata. I like to take these with me on picnics, or when I go foraging into the woods; they make a wonderful, nutritious meal when you’re out and about, and taste lovely cold, too.

Nutritionally, pasta can also be excellent – perfect for growing kids and all the family, especially if you go wholemeal. It is an ideal carbohydrate because it releases energy slowly; it is highly digestible and the lack of fats makes it suitable for low-calorie diets. Contrary to popular belief that pasta is stodgy, it can be as light, fresh and summery as you like. Mix some pasta with my simple tomato sauce or homemade pesto for a quick and nourishing fix, or try my wild rocket and pecorino orecchiette (from the book) for a light but perfectly balanced meal.

I should mention that my moms sister is married to Fausto, a wonderful Italian man from Tuscany. They got married before I was born, and he brought the Italian influence into our family. I adore the quality of ingredients, the simplicity of Italian dishes, and the wide range of flavors. And I love pasta!

Growing up in Romania, a country which is not really famous for its pasta dishes, even though the language is pretty close to Italian. However, my parents and grandparents cooked pasta a lot. Most of the dishes were sweet, made with nuts, sugar, seasonal fruit, and bread crumbs. It might sound strange, but trust me, its absolutely delicious. My grandma used to make fresh pasta almost every other day, and I always loved helping her. Even at a young age, I found it incredibly satisfying to work with dough and then enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Pasta is hands down my ultimate comfort food! I cant imagine my life without it, or at least not being as happy. Honestly, I could eat pasta every single day and never get tired of it because there are so many different sauces and shapes to try.

During the Covid pandemic, I got in touch with Johnnie Collins, a chef from London. We met during some Fashion Week events where I provided coffee for him and his incredible team while they prepared delicious food for the backstage area. Those were truly memorable times, and we still keep in touch every now and then. Johnnie shared his go-to pasta dough recipe with me, and ever since then, Ive been using the exact same recipe. Its basically a combination of good 00 flour, fresh organic eggs (with more yolk than egg white), and a pinch of salt.

Now, you might be wondering why Im talking about pasta when I run a specialty coffee roastery. Well, its true that coffee is my passion, but I also enjoy discussing other topics, and pasta happens to be one of them.

Do Italians Eat Pasta Every Day?


Why do I crave pasta so much?

If You’re Craving Carb-rich Foods When you crave carb-heavy eats like bread and pasta, it may be because your energy levels have taken a nosedive. These same empty carbs can make you crave even more unhealthy foods.

Is it OK if I eat pasta everyday?

It is possible to eat pasta daily and still be healthy. The key to eating pasta every day is to limit your portion size and supplement your pasta bowl with essential nutrients. The recommended portion size is two ounces of dry pasta or one cup of cooked pasta.

Why do I feel so good after eating pasta?

After enjoying a hearty dish of pasta, the breakdown of carbohydrates allows tryptophan to pass through the blood-brain barrier. From there, it’s converted into serotonin, the mood-stabilizing neurotransmitter responsible for feeling calm, safe and satisfied.

Why does pasta make me happy?

Pasta contains tryptophan, an amino acid that turns into serotonin, the so-called hormone of happiness,” said Mauro Defendente Febbrari, an expert in metabolic diseases. “That is why eating pasta gives you a feeling of wellbeing and pleasure.”

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