why are my raspberries so sour

Raspberry varieties will differ in their degrees of sweetness, but in general, common causes of bland flavours in the berries are over-watering or/and over-fertilizing with nitrogen. When berries taste sour, in my experience a common cause is picking before they are really ripe and fully coloured.
why are my raspberries so sour

*I had a bunch of people asking how I get my raspberry patch to stay put in a nice row, so I wrote about it! CLICK HERE to read my secrets to making your plants hold still!

We started our raspberry patch for $8.00, and three years later, it’s producing over $400.00 worth of berries! Wanna know how we did it? Check it out RIGHT HERE.

Now that we got that stuff out of the way, let me tell you what absolutely DOES make a difference.

For a few years, I tried a lot of different things to get my patch to produce bigger and more flavorful berries. I began to notice the things that made the biggest difference and the things that made no difference at all.

My plants are LOADED with huge, juicy, sweet raspberries. And the best part …… I know exactly what I did to make them produce this way. The best part for you, is that you have someone like me to tell you how to get your raspberry patch to do the same thing. Pretty great right!

Food Theory: Blue Raspberry is a Complete LIE!


How do you fix sour raspberries?

You don’t need a lot to get the berries rocking; a quarter- to a half-cup of juice or booze, and about double the amount of sugar, is all you need. Add any extra flavoring agent you like—lemon zest, bruised lemongrass, fresh mint, or ground baking spices, like cinnamon and ginger, are excellent options.

What does it mean when raspberries taste sour?

Raspberries contain a small amount of acid, enough to make them a bit tart, as Eric Bernier pointed out. If the raspberries you have seem sour, then maybe your sensitivity to acid is abnormally high or the berries are unripe.

Are raspberries supposed to be sweet or sour?

Raspberries have a sweetness and tartness that varies depending on their ripeness when picked. When picked riper, the sweeter they will taste. Additionally, they are aromatic and floral, with notes of rose and cherry. They can be seedy and sour or have a rich, jam-like sweetness.

How do I make my raspberries grow sweeter?

So if you really want your berries to be the biggest, juiciest, and sweetest that they can be, you absolutely must give them tons of water, feed your plants when they are hungry, and prune the right way!

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