why are my mashed potatoes so watery

Nobody likes runny mashed potatoes! Heres a handful of ways to fix those mashed potatoes into spuds good enough that people will ask for seconds. Trending Videos

Never fret over a batch of “ruined” mashed potatoes again. Here’s everything you need to know about thickening runny potatoes.

Runny potatoes can happen for a few different reasons. Too much liquid: This is the most common reason. In the mashing process you may have added too much milk or broth. Boiled too long: Boiling your potatoes for too long can make them water-logged, which (you guessed it) can contribute to runny mashed potatoes.
why are my mashed potatoes so watery

Why Are My Mashed Potatoes Runny?

There are quite a few reasons your mashed potatoes are watery. If you’re staring down at a bowl of white liquid and wondering what went wrong, ask yourself these questions:

  • Did I use soggy potatoes? It’s essential to drain and dry your potatoes well after you’ve cooked them in water. If you don’t, all that excess moisture will have nowhere to go once you start mashing.
  • Did I cook my potatoes too long?: Overcooked potatoes can be waterlogged.
  • Did I use too much liquid? This is an obvious issue. Make sure to read your recipe well and use the proper ratio of milk or cream to potatoes.

No matter how they happened, there are a few simple ways to fix your runny potatoes.

Add Dehydrated Potatoes

That’s right—you can thicken potatoes with potatoes! Its the easiest and fastest way, as long as you have them on hand. Heres the method recommended by Dr. Potato at the Idaho Potato Commission: An “easy fix for watery potatoes is to break out the instant dehydrated potatoes and mix them in a tablespoon at a time, into the wet potatoes. This usually will thicken them up.”

Help! My Mashed Potatoes are Watery


How do you fix watery mashed potatoes?

Whisk a little cornstarch into the warm potatoes, only a teaspoon at a time, until the potatoes thicken to your liking. The potatoes must be warm. You can also use tapioca starch or potato starch, although most cooks are less likely to have those products on hand.

How do you keep potatoes from getting watery?

Potatoes can retain moisture. To prevent this, drain the potatoes very well in a colander or pot. Allow all the steam to escape the potatoes before mixing them with the dressing and other ingredients. Steaming the potatoes instead of boiling them is a good way to ensure that excess moisture isn’t trapped inside.

What causes potatoes to be watery?

If your potatoes have turned watery, it’s likely due to excess moisture, overcooking, or not draining them properly. Here’s how you can fix watery potatoes: 1. Drain and Strain: Pour off excess liquid from the potatoes immediately.

How do you drain water from mashed potatoes?

Try draining the cooked water off in a sieve or colander and then placing back on the stove to cook out some of the extra moisture, just a couple of minutes. Mash with a masher (or a ricer which makes great non lumpy spuds).

Why are my mashed potatoes watery?

Soupy, watery mashed potatoes usually happen because the cooked potatoes were cut into pieces that were too small, weren’t drained well enough, or were overcooked. Fix them: Scoop the watery mashed potatoes into a pan and stir constantly over low heat to evaporate the excess liquid.

Is it beneficial to soak potatoes in cold water?

Yes. Soaking potatoes in cold water before frying can have some benefits, such as: Remove the starch from the surface of the potatoes, so that they do not stick and become soft during frying; Hydrate the potatoes, improving moisture retention and leaving them soft inside and crispy outside; Prevent potatoes from browning, as cold water prevents surface oxidation.

Why do potatoes get water logged?

This increased surface area also means that more water is absorbed by the potatoes, causing them to become water-logged. More absorbed water means that the potatoes can’t absorb as much flavorful dairy later on in the process. So make sure to cut potatoes into large enough pieces—one to two inches—and cook them until they’re just tender.

Why are my mashed potatoes Lumpy?

Doing this can cause uneven cooking, and when your potatoes aren’t cooked evenly — that is, when the inside of each piece is undercooked while the edges are soft and tender — you end up with lumpy mashed potatoes. Fix them: Scoop the lumpy potatoes into a pan and add a splash of dairy — cream, half-and-half, milk, or sour cream.

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