who invented bok choy

Bok choy is a cruciferous vegetable belonging to the mustard family along with cabbage, kale, cauliflower, mustard, turnips and broccoli. The plant may be relatively new to the western world, but bok choy has been cultivated in Asia for thousands of years. Read on to learn more about this distinctive plant.

The terms “bok choy” or “pak choy” tend to be confusing for gardeners (and cooks) because the plant is known by so many names, including Chinese cabbage, Chinese celery, Chinese mustard, spoon cabbage and many others. The names also differ according to Asian dialects, such as choy/tsai or pak/bok. To confuse matters even more, the name of the vegetable often varies according to the specific types and varieties. For example, plants with white petioles have different botanical names than those with green petioles.

Archeologists have discovered 6,000-year-old Chinese cabbage seeds in Chinas Yellow River Valley. To this day, it remains one of Asias most important vegetables. Chinese immigrants introduced the plant to North America in the nineteenth century. Although the plant has been used in ethnic dishes for years, bok choy has only recently captured the attention of American consumers and bok choy uses abound. Bok choy is a versatile vegetable suitable for eating either raw or cooked. The leaves are delicious when tiny, young and tender, but most cooks like to incorporate larger stems and leaves into soups or stir fry. Bok choy can also be steamed or sautéed like Swiss chard. Medicinally, bok choy has been used to treat coughs and cold, or to sooth upset stomachs. A poultice of the leaves soothes minor skin irritations.

The vegetable has been cultivated in China since the 5th century and is thought to be the oldest of the Asian greens. Generations of seed selection and cultivation altered a single plant from a cabbage family into numerous varieties including bok choy, cabbage and the turnip in the Mediterranean.
who invented bok choy

Growing Pak Choy Plants

Bok choy is easy to grow in the garden in loose, rich soil. The plant prefers partial shade but tolerates full sunlight, especially in cooler climates. Like most cabbages, bok choy is a cool season crop turns tough and bitter when temperatures climb and the plant bolts, or send up flowering shoots.

What is Bok Choy? “Off the Shelf – America’s Heartland”


Where did bok choy originate?

Bok choy evolved in China, where it has been cultivated since the 5th century AD.

What culture eats bok choy?

Bok choy is classically used in Chinese and Japanese cooking, and is a great addition in stir-fry, curries, and soups.

Is bok choy a Chinese vegetable?

Bok choy is a variety of Chinese white cabbage that falls into the cruciferous vegetable category along with kale, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli. Also called pak choi, it’s part of the Brassica genus of plants and is native to China. In fact, within China, it’s the most widely eaten brassica vegetable.

Why do Chinese people eat bok choy?

Bok choy is similar to other cabbages: It is rich in vitamin C and contains significant amounts of nitrogen compounds known as indoles, as well as fiber — both of which appear to lower the risk of various forms of cancer. Bok choy also is a good source of folate (folic acid) and potassium.

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