which coffee pods have the least caffeine

What makes coffee an essential drink to kick off the day? Most would answer that it helps them stay energized to continue their daily activities.

Caffeine, a natural stimulant, is mainly present in coffee which fuels the central nervous system and the brain. And thus, preventing tiredness and helping you stay alert.

Now, the presence of this natural stimulant is likely to vary based on the coffee manufacturers and their products.

In this case, Nespresso is well-known for its coffee pods, besides coffee machines, allowing you to have an espresso at your convenience. So, what’s their caffeine percentage? Is it enough to satiate your caffeine craving?

Since they have a variety of coffee pods differing in size, type, and more, expect variances in caffeine content as well. So, it’s only fair to give a comprehensive guide on caffeine content in Nespresso coffee.

Nespresso generally doesnt state the exact caffeine content in its pods. What you get is just an estimated range of its concentration.

According to the company, several factors affect the caffeine content in pods, such as size, bean variations, and types. It means the natural stimulant content will not only vary in different batches but between pods from the same sleeve.

Hence, the brand typically states the range between the lowest and highest possible values to avoid putting out wrong information. Here is an example: Single espresso pods caffeine content falls between 60 and 150mg. It means certain pods may have three times higher than the rest within the same box.

Nespresso officially sticks to these approximate and estimated numbers. However, the actual difference between possible caffeine amounts in a specific drink is not that significant.

Do you know some countries have rules to label caffeine content? One must put the exact amount instead of putting an estimated range. So, you can click the Nespresso web domain of a specific country and check the caffeine amount on the ingredient list.

For instance, on the Taiwanese Nespresso website, the caffeine amount in Kazaar Intenso is 120mg for 0.85 Ounces of ristretto.

That said, do you know Nespresso has two types of pods? Based on the types, there are variances in coffee amount and caffeine content. More on this is discussed below.

which coffee pods have the least caffeine

Does Intensity Determine The Caffeine Amount?

which coffee pods have the least caffeine

Nespresso generally relies on intensity to determine the coffee flavor. It is expressed in ratings ranging from 1 to 11 and is defined by three main factors:

  • Bitterness
  • Coffee body
  • Roasting degree

In short, the intensity does not determine the caffeine content but indicates the coffees strength. However, it does not mean low-intensity rating coffee has lower caffeine. The longer you roast the coffee, it destroys the stimulant.

For instance, Arabica coffee is less caffeinated and lightly flavored than Robusta. So, a dark roasted Arabica Nespresso Roma with an intensity of 8 may have lower caffeine than medium roasted Robusta Kazaar with low intensity but highly caffeinated.

Caffeine Content In Nepresso VertuoLine

which coffee pods have the least caffeine

Nespresso Vertuo capsules are larger and are compatible only with the VertuoLine system. It has a limited selection compared to the Original, but the amount of ground coffee is more per pod.

Although it has a smaller selection, you get the option to choose between sizes and types of coffee drinks. The larger the size of coffee capsules, expect higher the caffeine content.

Like the Original coffee capsules, the ratio of Arabica to Robusta and bean variations are crucial factors in determining the caffeine content.

Check below the Vertuo pods, their intensity, and caffeine content:



Caffeine Content



165 milligrams



165 milligrams



165 milligrams



165 milligrams



165 milligrams



165 milligrams



165 milligrams



165 milligrams



165 milligrams



165 milligrams



Less than 2 milligrams

Half Caffeinato


70 milligrams

which coffee pods have the least caffeine

Vertuo single espresso capsules have caffeine higher than the standard dose, which is 60 mg. In this case, for a single cup of espresso, the caffeine content is 85mg.

Furthermore, variations like Il Caffe, Orafio, and Diavolitto have higher caffeine. Its mainly due to the high amount of Robusta grounds.

Espresso: 1.35 Oz



Caffeine Content



150 milligrams



85 milligrams



85 milligrams

Decaffeinato Intenso


Less than 4 milligrams



110 milligrams



85 milligrams

Il Caffe


129 milligrams

which coffee pods have the least caffeine

Generally, Lungo variations are more caffeinated, whether it is the Original or Vertuoline. It contains over 120 to 200mg per capsule, which is about half of the recommended daily intake.

But the good news is Gran Lungo pods are for a 5 oz drink which is a small number. So, not much to worry about there.

Gran Lungo: 5 Oz



Caffeine Content

Fortado Decaffeinato


Less than 2 milligrams



120 milligrams



150 milligrams



195 milligrams

which coffee pods have the least caffeine

It is a double espresso shot which is more caffeinated. The pods provide 2.7 ounces of coffee with caffeine ranging from 133 to 150 mg.

Double Espresso: 2.7 Oz



Caffeine Content

Double Espresso Scuro


150 milligrams

Double Espresso Dolce


133 milligrams

Double Espresso Chiaro


135 milligrams

which coffee pods have the least caffeine

There is a common misconception that decaf coffee is caffeine-free, which is not true. It’s less caffeinated, but there is still a small amount of stimulant in it. Expect the same in decaf pods as well.

Nespresso has three decaf capsules: Ristretto, Voluto, and Firenze. The caffeine content is 3mg per drink in these pods, which is the standard coffee amount for these types.

The TRUTH About Coffee Pods


Do coffee pods have less caffeine?

Each K-Cup® pod contains between 75 and 150 mg of caffeine per 250 ml (8 oz) cup. However, this depends on the roasting strength along with other factors. Generally, the darker the coffee is roasted, the less caffeine it contains. Almost all decaffeinated coffees still contain some caffeine.

Which Nespresso pods have the least caffeine?

Caffeine Content
Volluto Decaffeinato
Less than 2 milligrams
Ristretto Decaffeinato
Less than 2 milligrams
Vivalto Decaffeinato
Less than 2 milligrams
Arpeggio Decaffeinato
Less than 2 milligrams

Does Keurig have less caffeine?

75-150 mg caffeine per 8-ounce cup Single-serve coffee makers like Keurig produce coffee that is slightly lower in caffeine than traditional drip coffee. Keurig machines can produce hotter water than most coffee makers, but the water is only in contact with the coffee grinds for a short period of time.

How much caffeine is in Vertuo pods?

Regular espressos and lungos in the Original and Professional ranges vary from 40 to 130 mg of caffeine per cup, while Vertuo coffees range from 60 to 200 mg per cup.

What are the low caffeine options for weight loss?

Losing weight needs a reduced consumption of energy or extra physical activity. Low caffeine options by themselves do not affect our metabolism in losing weight.

Which coffee has the least caffeine?

Most associate espresso coffee with a high level of caffeine due to how intense and bitter it is, so it may come as a surprise to you that espresso is the least caffeinated of all the different types of coffee beverages. However, the only reason that espresso contains the least amount of caffeine is because of its small size.

Which Starbucks coffee drink has the least caffeine?

The Starbucks coffee drink with the least caffeine is the Decaf Pike’s Place Roast. When prepared as a filter coffee, an 8oz (237ml) cup contains 15mg of caffeine. Next up is the solo espresso and 8oz Caffè Misto, which both contain 75mg of caffeine. Starbucks also sells a blonde roast coffee, which is a very light roast.

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