where does a popcorn kernel come from

From its humble origins in the Midwests Corn Belt to the movie theaters that made it an iconic part of the cinema experience, popcorn has a story worth savoring. Discover the different types of corn used to create popcorn, the science behind its popping magic, and how to prepare the kernels for a perfect pop.

Popcorn, glorious popcorn. Whether you’re diving into a bucket of popcorn at the movie theater or tucking into a bag of microwave popcorn at home, there’s no better snack than freshly popped corn. If you’re anything like us, you’ve spent a fair amount of time enjoying this delicious snack. But have you ever considered where popcorn comes from, which types of corn can be used to make popcorn, or how it is made? Well, we’re here to answer them. In this article, we’ll be sharing the history of popcorn, how it’s made, and how it’s prepared for popping.

Popcorn, like all six types of corn, is a cereal grain and originates from a wild grass. Its scientific name is Zea mays everta, and it is the only type of corn to actually pop. Popcorn is made up of three main components: endosperm, germ and the pericarp (also known as hull or bran).
where does a popcorn kernel come from

What Is Popcorn Made Up Of?

Speaking of genetics, let’s take a quick scientific look at the makeup of the popcorn kernel as we familiarize ourselves with this tasty snack.

The popcorn kernel is made up of three components: the pericarp, endosperm, and germ. The pericarp, also known as the hull, is the outermost cover of the kernel. The pericarp is made of cellulose and is usually white or yellow in color.

Underneath the strong pericarp is the endosperm. The endosperm is the starchy carbohydrate on the inside of the kernel. For popcorn kernels, this endosperm has a high moisture content which generates steam and causes the popcorn to pop.

Deep within the kernel is the germ, or embryo. The germ is the living part of the popcorn kernel containing essential genetic information, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals.

Some strains of corn are grown specifically for popcorn, including the Zea mays everta variety of flint corn — the very corn discovered in that cave in New Mexico in the 1940s. The popcorn plant is favored by farmers for its stronger stalks, offering fewer unpopped kernels, and better grain color.

The two main types of kernels produced by popcorn plants are pearl popcorn and rice popcorn. Pearl popcorn has a round shape and is usually yellow, while rice popcorn is white and more elongated. These kernels differ in shape and color, but they both hold the same great flavors once the corn pops.

What Kind of Corn Is Popcorn Made From?

Corn, also known as maize, is a cereal grain that has become a staple food in modern days. Tens of thousands of different corn plants exist in the world today. The variety of corn that exists today is typically categorized into six main types of corn:

  • Dent corn (or field corn)
  • Flint corn
  • Popcorn
  • Flour corn
  • Sweet corn
  • Pod corn

Other types of corn do exist and, believe it or not, not all types of corn turn into popcorn. Neither field corn nor sweet corn, for example, will pop. So, if you want to make popcorn, you’ll need to find the right variety of corn to do the job first. The sweet corn stored in your refrigerator or pantry sadly won’t pop into popcorn.

The type of corn used to make popcorn is, you guessed it, popcorn which is a type of flint corn. This variety of maize resembles the traditional corn on the cob. However, the difference between other types of corn and popcorn is that popcorn kernels expand and puff up when heated — turning into the tasty snack we all know and love.

Popcorn kernels grow in rows on a cob, making an ear of corn. Each ear of corn is surrounded by a protective husk. One ear of corn contains somewhere between 750 to 1000 individual kernels.

Fun Fact: These kernels grow in symmetrical rows and there is almost always an even number of rows per ear, thanks to the genetics of the corn plant!

Where does popcorn come from?


How do you get the kernels for popcorn?

Once the plant is fully mature, the corn is picked and fed through a combine, removing the cob’s kernels. These kernels are dried in a special container, optimizing the moisture level for popping. The kernel needs to maintain around a 14% moisture level to pop.

Is popcorn just dried corn?

There are many corn varieties that can differ significantly from popcorn, which are not just dried kernels of the sweet corn we eat. Popcorn is actually a special variety of corn, and it is the only one that pops. The key to popcorn is the unique design of its kernels.

Is a popcorn kernel a seed or a nut?

Each kernel of corn is actually a seed that, like most seeds, contains an embryo (a baby plant) and a seed coat for protection. Corn seeds are filled with a starchy endosperm that provides food for the baby plant (it’s stained black in right-half of each kernel in the photo below).

Where do popcorn kernels come from?

The popcorn kernels come from only one variety of Maize known as Zea mays everta (the plant). While this may look like the sweet corns, only Zea mays var. everta (a.k.a popcorn) have the ability to pop and turn a bowl of seeds into a delicious snack. Also, check out this post for the best popcorn kernels for your every occasion treats.

Is popcorn considered a healthy snack?

Popcorn is made out of whole grain of corn. Whole grains are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Popcorn becomes more healthy as a snack depending on the way it is prepared. If popcorn is prepared in excess butter or seasoned with lot of salt and taste makers then it shall fall into the category of energy dense snack than a nutrition dense snack. Excess amount of sodium and butter will lead to hypertension, weight gain, and cardio vascular issues. Hence, it is important that popcorn must be had as air popped and slight seasoning must be used to make it a healthy snack.

Are popcorn kernels seeds?

Yes, popcorn kernels are seeds. They are a type of corn kernel that has a hard, moisture-resistant outer shell, which helps to keep the kernel’s moisture and nutrients intact. When heated, the moisture inside the kernel turns to steam, causing the kernel to burst open and turn into fluffy, tasty popcorn. What is a popcorn kernel?

What are popcorn kernels made of?

The popcorn kernels themselves actually come from one of the only varieties of maize known as zea mays everta. It can be said that they look a lot like sweet corn, but only zea mays var. everta (also referred to as popcorn) has the ability to be able to pop and then turn a bowl of seeds into a pretty yummy snack.

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