Where to Find Turkey Giblets: A Comprehensive Guide

Turkey giblets, those often-discarded parts of the turkey, can be a delicious and nutritious addition to your meal. But where can you find them? Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you locate this culinary treasure:

Grocery Stores:

  • Large Supermarkets: Most large supermarkets carry turkey giblets in the poultry section, typically near the whole turkeys. They may be packaged separately or included with a whole turkey purchase.
  • Specialty Meat Markets: Local butcher shops and specialty meat markets often carry turkey giblets, especially during the holiday season. They may offer a wider variety and fresher options.
  • Ethnic Grocery Stores: Some ethnic grocery stores, such as those specializing in Middle Eastern or Asian cuisine, may carry turkey giblets as they are used in various traditional dishes.

Online Retailers:

  • Specialty Online Meat Retailers: Several online retailers specialize in selling poultry and other meats, including turkey giblets. These retailers often offer a wider selection and may deliver directly to your doorstep.
  • Grocery Delivery Services: Many grocery delivery services, such as Instacart and Amazon Fresh, carry turkey giblets as part of their poultry offerings. This is a convenient option if you prefer to shop from home.

Direct from Farms:

  • Local Turkey Farms: If you live near a turkey farm, you may be able to purchase turkey giblets directly from the source. This can be a great way to get fresh, high-quality giblets.
  • Farmers’ Markets: Some farmers’ markets may sell turkey giblets, especially during the holiday season. This is a good option to support local farmers and get fresh, locally-sourced ingredients.

Tips for Finding Turkey Giblets:

  • Check the Season: Turkey giblets are most readily available during the holiday season, especially around Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  • Ask the Butcher: If you’re having trouble finding turkey giblets at your local grocery store, ask the butcher. They may be able to order them for you or direct you to another source.
  • Look for Packaged Options: Some grocery stores sell pre-packaged turkey giblets, which can be more convenient than buying them loose.
  • Consider Buying a Whole Turkey: If you’re planning to cook a whole turkey, the giblets will be included. This is a great way to ensure you have them on hand for your meal.

Additional Information:

  • Turkey giblets are typically sold by weight, with prices varying depending on the retailer and the time of year.
  • The giblets include the heart, liver, and gizzard, and sometimes the neck and kidneys.
  • Turkey giblets can be used in various dishes, such as gravy, stuffing, and soup.
  • They are a good source of protein, iron, and vitamins.

Finding turkey giblets may require a bit of effort, but with the right resources and information, you can easily locate this versatile ingredient. Whether you choose to purchase them from a grocery store, online retailer, or directly from a farm, you’ll be able to enjoy the delicious and nutritious benefits of turkey giblets in your next meal.


  • Turkey
  • Knife
  • Tray
  • Paper Towels
  • Bleach
  • You shouldn’t eat the turkey or the giblets if you unintentionally cooked plastic-wrapped giblets in it. You can still eat the turkey even if you unintentionally cooked the paper-wrapped giblets. Just take them out afterwards. [17] Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0 .
  • To estimate how much turkey you’ll need, use a rough formula of one pound (0 45 kg) per adult and 0. 5 pounds (0. 23 kg) per child. [18] Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0 .
  • Although the liver will impart an unwanted mineral taste to stock, the neck, gizzard, and heart can all be used to make stock. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0 .

Remember that giblets must be purchased in conjunction with a turkey product, but walk-ins are accepted before the Thanksgiving rush.

You will be charged for the actual weight of the turkey product you purchase when you pick it up. Although we make every effort to match your desired weight, they may differ when you pick them up. The price displayed in your cart is an estimate of the highest possible price; the actual weight will determine the exact amount you are charged when you pick it up.

Where To Find The Giblets


What part of the body is giblets?

Giblets refers to the little bundle of parts sometimes found inside the cavity of a bird, such as chicken or turkey. Usually the giblets includes the neck, the gizzard (a muscle that grinds up food before it enters the digestive system – think of it as a second stomach), the heart, and the liver.

Do store bought turkeys have giblets?

If you don’t like the idea of giblets being tucked up inside your turkey, you do have options. Bill explained that all Butterball turkeys do have giblets included, except for the Ready to Roast line of turkeys. If a turkey has giblets, that packaging will often clarify that.

Are giblets and gizzards the same thing?

Gizzards are always giblets. But giblets are not always gizzards. Okay, enough riddles. The term giblets simply refers to a group of miscellaneous chicken parts, including the gizzard, the heart, the kidneys, the neck, and the liver.

Are giblets always in a bag?

The giblets may also come packaged with the neck of the bird, again, depending on your bird. Sometimes they’re in a mesh or plastic bag; sometimes they’re just kind of hanging out inside the chicken.

What are giblets & how do you eat them?

Giblets are the edible organs of fowl, such as chicken and turkey. These organs include the gizzard, the heart, the kidneys, the neck, and the liver. For this recipe, most people use the giblets leftover from their whole turkey. You can also often purchase giblets at your local grocery store or butcher.

What parts of the body do giblets have?

Usually the giblets includes the neck, the gizzard (a muscle that grinds up food before it enters the digestive system – think of it as a second stomach), the heart, and the liver. The bundle of giblets pictured above also had the kidneys — not often seen in giblets — and a bonus liver, lucky me.

Are Giblets a Turkey secret?

Giblets are the offal meat of the turkey. Offal is the organ meat of poultry and other animals. In turkeys, giblets are the heart, gizzards, and liver. In other poultry, like ducks, the offal meat is prized for creating products like foie gras or pâté. Giblets may seem like a turkey secret, but they don’t have to be unapproachable.

Where do you put giblets on a Turkey?

Turkeys and chickens are usually sold with the giblets wrapped in waxed paper or plastic, located inside of the cavity. On a turkey, some of the giblets may be found in the neck cavity as well. Giblet gravy is usually served “chunky”, if you want, you can purée it for a smoother gravy.

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