when should i teach my child to cook

Wondering how to get your kids involved in cooking – heres a guide to the skills they can learn by age.

Cooking can be a pleasure for children of all ages. Start them young and with any luck theyll develop a lifelong love of the kitchen as well as skills they can use throughout adulthood.Advertisement

Children will vary in their ability to undertake different cooking activities. Use your own judgment to choose tasks you think are suitable for your child. Safety is the biggest concern, beyond that a little trial and error is all part of the fun.

Below weve put together a list of suggested activities for under 3s, 3 – 5 year olds, 5 – 7 years olds, 8 – 11 year olds and children 12 and above.

Ages 6-8. In this age group, you can start to introduce some actual cooking skills. Teach them the basics of using a stove (with your supervision always). Practice turning the stove off and on.
when should i teach my child to cook

Cooking with the under 3s

when should i teach my child to cook

Your little one may not be able to dress himself or go to the toilet on her own but from around 18 months, your child will probably want to start helping you out in the kitchen. Take advantage of their interest to give yourself a break. If theyre entertained in the kitchen you can get on with the business of cooking and youll both be happy.

Ensure all hazards are away from grabbing hands – pot handles, hot food and liquids, sharp or heavy utensils and cleaning products. Think about what they can reach or trip over and make sure there is always a clear path if youre carrying anything hot, sharp or heavy. You can set them up on the kitchen table so you know theyre at a safe distance.

Once youve cleared the way, this is your opportunity to teach your child about food and familiarise them with the kitchen environment.

Here are some of the activities very young children will enjoy:

  • Washing vegetables – this is a great way of teaching them the names of vegetables and sparking an interest which will hopefully encourage them to try different foods
  • Stirring ingredients – they should be at room temperature
  • Mashing with a fork or potato masher – again watch out for temperature
  • Sprinkling – flour, cake decorations and icing sugar, put a tray underneath to avoid too much mess
  • Spooning ingredients into scales – youll need to help!

Another way to keep young children occupied is to give them plastic containers and utensils to wash in the sink – this can provide lengthy entertainment while you cook.

Cooking with 3-5 year olds

when should i teach my child to cook

In addition to the skills listed for under 3s, 3 – 5 year olds with their increased common sense, ability to follow instructions and dexterity can undertake a wide range of skills. It will depend on your knowledge of your child, as skills can still vary greatly at this age. Many children really dont want to listen to what mummy or daddy say so think safety first and dont try and tackle anything your feel unsure about.

Activities to try with 3 – 5 year olds

  • Weighing – pouring or spooning ingredients into scales. Using measuring spoons
  • Washing fruit and vegetables
  • Cutting soft ingredients eg butter, mushrooms, strawberries using a strong plastic knife
  • Breading and flouring – you can set up three stations with flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs for fish fingers
  • Mixing – using either a spoon or hands to mix together ingredients
  • Tearing and squashing – tearing herbs and lettuce or squashing fruit
  • Sieving – its best to balance the sieve over a bowl and tap it rather than shaking it around!
  • Using a pestle and mortar – a light wooden one is better than a heavy one
  • Kneading – light kneading can be fun but youll need to step in to complete the task
  • Rolling, shaping and cutting dough – choose plastic cutters and a small rolling pin
  • Spreading – buttering bread and spreading icing
  • Podding, picking and hulling – podding broad beans, picking leaves, tomatoes or grapes off the vine and hulling strawberries

Here are some recipes to try with your 3 – 5 year olds:

Why It’s Important to Teach Your Child How to Cook. | Gobonaone Modisane | TEDxGaborone


What is the best age to teach a child to cook?

8- to 11-Year-Old Cooks Kids at this age can follow simple, straightforward recipes, plan menus and meals, and begin to work with the stove or oven. Use this time to teach them about the dangers of equipment and utensils.

Should children learn to cook at an early age?

Cooking can help young kids learn and practice some basic math concepts and build language skills. And reating meals with you can help build their self-confidence and lay the foundation for healthy eating habits.

When can I start cooking with my kid?

Along with the skills suggested for 3 – 5 and 5 – 7 year olds, when children reach 8 +, they can start to get involved with planning and undertake activities with a bit more independence. Supervision is still key due to the number of hazards in the kitchen but take a hands off approach where possible.

Should I teach my kids to cook?

It’s a way to teach them about health, nutrition and safety; it helps to reinforce math and science skills and it instills a sense of pride and confidence when they accomplish tasks and rise to the responsibility. But I would encourage you to start teaching your kids (of any age) to cook because it’s an amazing way bond with them.

How can I prepare fish for kids?

This is really dependent on the personal preference of your children. Some children will eat fish the same way adults do for others you may need to make this more interesting by creating things like homemade fishcakes, fish burger patties, fish balls or by adding this to toast or even pasta. Involving your children in the preparation and cooking process can also encourage them to consume the fish.

When should kids start cooking?

Once kids are a little older – around 6-8 years old – they can begin to take on more responsibility, put together a few basic meals on their own, and start following simple recipes.

How do I teach my child to cook safely?

Encourage your child’s interest and excitement in healthy foods by teaching them how to cook safely with this guide of age-appropriate kitchen activities. Before you enter the kitchen, cover the ground rules with children first: Wash hands in warm, soapy water before and after handling food. Pull back long hair, off the shoulders.

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