what to do if lemon curd does not thicken

Learn how to make an easy lemon curd recipe with just 5 ingredients. Get all the tips and tricks to ensure you always end up with a vibrant, silky and perfectly tangy curd every time.

If the curd is not thickening, then be patient and cook longer. If the curd is not thickened after 10 minutes, then increase the temperature a little and continue to cook until thickened. Once thickened, immediately remove the saucepan from heat and stir in butter until melted, followed by vanilla and salt.
what to do if lemon curd does not thicken

How to make lemon curd – tips and common mistakesVibrant yellow, silky smooth and a beautiful tangy sweetness that keeps you coming back for more – lemon curd is like summer sunshine poured into a jar. And there’s no end to the ways you can use it, drizzle over a pavlova, dollop onto cake or simply spread over toast, it’s always fantastic. With a good recipe, lemon curd is so simple to make. This recipe for lemon curd only requires 5 ingredients, and with these easy guidelines you can ensure that you don’t make common mistakes and you always get a vibrant and flavourful curd! Easy lemon curd recipe

what to do if lemon curd does not thicken

  • 2 egg yolks
  • 75g (1/3 cup) caster sugar
  • 2 teaspoon finely grated lemon rind
  • 80ml (1/3 cup) lemon juice
  • 80g unsalted butter, chopped

  • Place yolks, sugar, lemon rind and juice in a small bowl and whisk to combine. Place in a small saucepan with butter.
  • Place over medium heat, bring to a simmer, stirring constantly. When it comes to the boil, take off heat and strain through a fine sieve. Refrigerate until cold.
  • Stir continuously through the whole cooking time.
  • Cook curd in a bowl over a pan of simmering water (double boiler). Ensure the bowl is not touching the water. This technique can take longer to cook the curd.
  • If your curd has gotten too hot, continue stirring and lower the base of the saucepan into a sink of cold water.
  • How do you know when lemon curd is cooked enough?Dip a spoon into the curd then run your finger over the back of it. If it leaves a clean line in the curd, it’s cooked enough and ready to cool. Curd will thicken up more once cooled completely. Spoon into a container, cover and refrigerate. How thick should lemon curd be?This depends on what you’re using your curd for and your personal preference. A thick curd is great for spreading on toast, filling cakes and tarts. A thin, pourable curd is great for decorating pavlova, drizzling over pancakes or pouring on ice cream. Is lemon curd made with whole eggs or yolks?Lemon curd can be made with whole eggs or just egg yolks, or even a combination of both. A higher ratio of egg yolks will create a more vibrant, yellow and rich curd than whole eggs. If you like extra thick curd, you can add an extra whole egg or egg yolk to your recipe. If you want a thinner, more pourable curd, reduce the amount of egg in your recipe. Does lemon curd need to be strained?To strain or not to strain… straining the curd before cooling to removes the zest for a silkier texture, however you can omit this stage if you prefer the taste and texture with the zest. Can you make curd with other fruits?Yes, instead of lemon juice try lime, orange, pink grapefruit or passionfruit – or try a combination! Passionfruit seeds give curd has a crunchy texture, but you can strain them out and just use the pulp if you prefer. How to make lemon curd sweeterWhen making curd, the sweetness of it can change depending on the tartness of the fruit. If you’re unsure, start with less sugar and add more if needed. Before sweetening your curd, consider what it will be used for. Very sweet desserts like pavlova, a rich cake or ice cream are best with a tarter curd, and vice versa. You can also sweeten your curd with honey, agave, coconut sugar and even rapadura sugar. Note that these will give a different flavour and colour to your curd. How long will lemon curd last?Lemon curd will last up to 4 weeks in an airtight container in the refrigerator. To put it in jars to store or give as gifts, sterilise the jars in hot water or the dishwasher. Pour in the warm curd and close while still warm. You can also freeze lemon curd. How to freeze lemon curdLemon curd can freeze for up to one year.To freeze:

  • Fill airtight containers in useable portions, leaving a 1-2cm gap at the top for expansion.
  • Cover the surface with cling wrap and secure with an airtight lid.
  • Label and date.
  • Thaw curd by placing in the refrigerator one day before you plan to use it. Stir and use from cold.
  • Other types of fruit curdYou can make curd with almost any other fruit, watch how to make pineapple-lime curd, strawberry curd and passionfruit curd below.

I quickly looked up how to fix it and found out that if I cooked the curd again I could save it. BUT I also read up on all the ways to make THE BEST curd and incorporated them in this post.

What’s as sad as egg whites that won’t whip? Mayonnaise that curdles? Bread that doesn’t rise? Or a cake that sags? Runny Lemon Curd!

I made a gorgeous batch of Lemon Grapefruit Orange Curd last week for Palmer Food Swap and it flopped. We’re talking liquid-like splashy action when I jiggled the bowl. When I tasted it, it was like drinking water.

This is actually a photo of my Rhubarb Curd that IS set up, that thickness is what you’re going for.

SUCH disappointment! My curd was a huge fat flop on my hands AND no swap item to take to my own food swap. I panicked but knew there HAD to be a way to fix it.

Lemon Curd


How do you fix lemon curd that is too runny?

If your cooled curd is not thick enough, you can reheat it to thicken. Put it over a low heat, stirring constantly. Ensure it coats the back of a spoon before taking it off the heat.

How do you add curd to thicken it?

Simply add a small amount of yogurt, like a spoonful, at a time. Stir your yogurt into the curry and keep adding a little more at a time until it reaches your desired thickness. This is great for Indian-style curries as a cream substitute.

Why didn’t my orange curd set?

You need to keep a low heat and stir constatntly. The time it takes for the curd to thicken can vary accoding to the size of the pan and the heat used. To test if the curd is cooked properly, dip a spoon into the mixture then run your finger through the mixture on the back of the spoon.

How do you fix grainy lemon curd?

How can I fix curdled lemon curd? If your lemon curd has curdled or looks grainy, it may have been cooked at too high a temperature or for too long. To fix it, remove it from heat and quickly transfer it to a blender or food processor. Blend on high speed until the mixture becomes smooth and creamy.

How do you thicken lemon curd after cooking?

If your lemon curd is still too thing after cooking, you can thicken it by using a cornstarch slurry. Whisk together 1 Tbsp cornstarch with 3 Tbsp water, then add to the curd over low heat. Stir until it thickens. Be sure not to overcook as the curd will thicken as it cools too! how long does lemon curd last?

What happens when I stop eating curd?

In general, it is not a food that is harmful to health, so there were no significant changes in health. Unless you are lactose intolerant, in which case you will experience less gastric discomfort.

Why is my lemon curd not thickening?

It’s possible that you make some lemon curd mistakes in the process of cooking. If you didn’t heat your lemon curd long enough, it may not thicken. If you are making a lot of lemon curd, it could take up to 30 minutes of constant stirring to cook it. Keep in mind that once the curd has cooled, it will thicken considerably.

How do you reduce liquid in lemon curd?

The beauty of reducing the liquid in your lemon curd is that it allows the ingredients to concentrate, resulting in a thicker and more flavorful spread. To use this method, simply cook your lemon curd over low heat, stirring frequently, until the mixture reduces in volume and thickens.

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