what temperature should pumpkin pie be when done

You can test the doneness by inserting an instant-read thermometer into the filling. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the internal temperature of pumpkin pie should be at least 180°F at its coolest point.
what temperature should pumpkin pie be when done

Timing is everything Share

Isnt it irritating when youre having a baking problem and, for the life of you, cant figure out whats happening? Sunken yeast bread, dull-crusted brownies, cookies that spread into a puddle… sigh. At this time of year, if youre like many of the bakers who call our Bakers Hotline, how to keep pumpkin pie from cracking is probably right up there near the top of your “GRRRRR” list.

Thankfully, a pristine pumpkin pie, its top smooth as a secluded pond at daybreak, is well within your reach. Farewell, Grand Canyon-like fissures in the pies center — or that slash at the edge, a solitary afterthought appearing as the pie cools.

The answer to your cracked pumpkin pie? Timing. Pulling your pie out of the oven within its optimum baking window — fully baked, but not overbaked — will prevent any cracks, and leave you smiling a Cheshire-cat grin of satisfaction.

How do you know when your pumpkin pie is perfectly baked?

Youll need a trusted recipe, an accurate oven thermometer, and experience.

This pie was just starting to crack around the edges when I took it out of the oven.

First of all, why does pumpkin pie crack? Because its been baked too long. The eggs are what thickens the filling; as they heat up, they coagulate and turn what started out as thick liquid into a creamy, semi-solid filling.

Eggs start to coagulate (turn solid) at 160°F (which is how they thicken the filling); but the longer they cook, the more they tighten up. Those cracks you see in your pie are the result of overcooked eggs, eggs that have tightened up so much, in an uneven way, that theyve created fissures in the filling. Usually youll notice cracks around the edge of the pie first, which makes sense; the edges cook more quickly than the interior.

Sometimes you peer into the oven and see that your pie has already cracked. But sometimes you take a beautiful pie out of the oven only to see it crack as it cools. Whats going on? The eggs continue to cook thanks to the fillings residual heat, and can still “crack” your pumpkin pie — even though its no longer in the oven.

There are several precautionary measures you can take to keep pumpkin pie from cracking, all related to not overcooking the filling.

First, and this is a simple one, find a good pumpkin pie recipe and follow it. Experienced recipe developers make a recipe over and over again before putting it out there in public; if your recipe says your pie will be done after 45 minutes, take it out — even though you think it looks underdone.

Make sure your oven is accurate and fully preheated. The best recipe in the world wont work well if your oven is 50° cooler than it should be. Most ovens tell you theyre fully preheated well before they actually are, so get yourself an independent oven thermometer (or two, just to be sure), and use it.

You want a fully browned bottom crust, right? Yet you dont want your filling to overcook. Placing your pies toward the bottom of the oven close to the floor, rather than in the center or up top, will help accomplish both of those goals.

Until youre a seasoned enough pumpkin-pie baker that you can gauge doneness by sight, it helps to use a digital thermometer. Your goal is pie whose center temperature is at least 160°F. This ones a bit overbaked, though not enough to make it crack; I usually shoot for 170°F in the center.

The one problem with using a thermometer is that while you potentially prevent unsightly cracks in the pies surface, you end up with equally unsightly holes or divots. And those holes can actually encourage cracking. So I advise using a thermometer only until youve nailed what a perfectly baked pie looks like.

In the meantime, while youre still in thermometer/learning mode, a strategically placed dollop of whipped cream works wonders on both holes and cracks.

See the slightly domed edges, and the slightly sunken center area within? Despite the center appearing soft, this pie is fully baked.

The easiest and best way to ensure pumpkin pie success is to recognize when your pie is fully baked (but not overbaked) by sight; thats where experience comes in.

Remember, your pumpkin pie will continue to bake once its out of the oven, so you have to take it out before it looks done.

The fully baked pumpkin pie will look slightly domed and solid around the edges; and a bit sunken and soft in the center: not sloshing like liquid, but jiggling like Jell-O. And I dont mean just a nickel-sized area in the very center; I mean a good 4″ center ring of what looks like not-quite-baked filling. Note: If youre baking in a stoneware/ceramic pan, which holds the heat long after the pies out of the oven, the center ring can be slightly larger.

Trust me, at first youre going to have to force yourself, kicking and screaming, to take that pumpkin pie out of the oven when its center isnt set. Just do it; put it on the counter and walk away. Once its fully cooled (and that takes several hours at least), the edges will have settled and the center will look firm.

OK, its time for dessert; your guests eagerly await your beautiful pumpkin pie. Bring it to the table amid oohs and ahs. Cut a slice; youll see a wonderfully creamy interior. Pass the plates. Take a bite: the filling is firm, but still moist as can be. Pumpkin pie perfection!

And the whipped cream? Its strictly a garnish, not crack camouflage.

Now go forth and bake a picture-perfect pumpkin pie!

OK, since Ive told you my pumpkin pie secrets how about you revealing yours? Is there some special ingredient or technique that makes your pumpkin pie special? Please share in comments, below. Share

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what temperature should pumpkin pie be when done

Is Your Pie Cooked? Take the Internal Temperature & More Ways to How to Know If Your Pie is Done


What should the internal temperature of pumpkin pie be?

According to USDA guidelines, a probe thermometer inserted into the center of the pie should read 180°F. If you don’t like the hole or crack made by the thermometer, or the knife, you can creatively cover it up with sweetened whipped cream or pie pastry cutouts arranged over the crack before serving.

What temperature should a pie be when done?

Food thermometers come in low-tech, high-tech, and super-high-tech versions. Any of them will tell you the internal temperature of your pie, and the number you are looking for is 175 degrees Fahrenheit.

When should I take my pumpkin pie out of the oven?

Bake the pie until the center is almost set, about 55-60 minutes give or take. A small part of the center will be wobbly—that’s ok. After 25 minutes of baking, be sure to cover the edges of the crust with aluminum foil or use a pie crust shield to prevent the edges from getting too brown.

What temperature should a pumpkin pie be baked at?

The ideal temperature for baking a pumpkin pie is 350°F (175°C). The baking time can vary depending on the recipe you’re using and the pie size. Checking on the pie regularly is crucial to avoid overbaking. One useful tip is to set a timer for 35 minutes, then check the pie every 5 minutes until it’s fully baked.

How can one prepare pumpkin to eat?

The pumpkin can be prepared boiled or baked. In both cases, it can be consumed with the peel and the seeds that will provide fiber. It can also be seasoned with oil and other aromatic seasonings, such as rosemary.

How long should a pumpkin pie cool before baking?

During the pie’s cooling period, between 1 and 2 hours at room temperature, the filling continues to bake and firm up. After 2 hours, a good chill in the refrigerator allows the pumpkin custard to set further. Factor in several hours after baking to let your pumpkin pie cool and then chill, according to recipe instructions.

How long do you bake a pumpkin pie at 425?

Cover the pie with foil and bake it at 425°F on the lowest rack, checking after 15 minutes. Why Didn’t My Pumpkin Pie Set? You’re ready to serve your homemade pumpkin pie, but when you try to cut it, it’s too runny to get any clean slices. Why this happens: The pie was underbaked, or the oven temperature wasn’t high enough.

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