what temperature should i slow cook pork at

The BEST pulled pork recipe in the crock pot! Get the most tender, melt-in-your-mouth pulled pork with almost zero effort from your slow cooker. It’s such an easy recipe, the results are AMAZING, and you can feed a crowd an impressive dinner lickety-split. I’m also including instructions for oven roasted pulled pork! Also try my Smoked Pulled Pork recipe. And don’t forget the BBQ Sauce! Originally published July 15, 2022.

Let me tell you the scariest part about moving to a new house. It’s not the new neighbors, it’s not the new commute, it’s not the new grocery store where I have to relearn where everything is (although that is also pretty high on my inconveniences list, not gonna lie. WHERE IS THE BBQ SAUCE IN THIS DANG STORE I’VE LOOKED ON 17 AISLES.)

No, the worst part is the fact that being in a new house, you know exactly how many times something has happened since “the move”. Some things are pleasant, like oh, we’re having our first dinner in our new dining room! Or oh, we’re having friends over to swim in the pool for the second time! How nice.

But then it gets dark. How many times have I wiped my kitchen counters corner to corner since moving here? I will tell you, not once. How many times have I vacuumed? Not a single room. I’m not telling you how long exactly we’ve been here, so that you can hold back your Judgy McJudgerson stare.

But even I’m starting to get a little squirmy over here. You mean I still haven’t yet given my 2-year-old a bath in the new house? NOT EVEN ONCE?? (In my defense, we swim in the pool every day. That’s like, totally the same as a bath for a toddler, right?)

Okay, fine. Judge me all you want for the lack of general hygiene going on over here. At least we’re not starving. I may not find time to bathe my children, but there’s always time for easy summer dinners. Bust out the slow cooker.

Preheat oven to 275 degrees F. If necessary, trim fat from top of pork, leaving a 1/8-inch thick layer of fat. Spread Roasted Garlic Rub all over pork and inside any cavities, concentrating on boned side. Put pork, fat side up, in a roasting pan and roast in middle of oven 6 to 8 hours.
what temperature should i slow cook pork at

How to make oven roasted pulled pork

I love me some slow cooker pulled pork, and you can’t beat it for convenience. But shhhh….I love me some oven roasted pulled pork even better. The crispy blackened edges on the outside of oven pulled pork (called “bark”) is just unstoppable. You can’t get that from a slow cooker. (The meat from the slow cooker is still great. We’re just talking about the edges.)

  • To get started, first we are going to split our pork butt into 3 equal pieces. The more edges, the more blackened flavor. The smaller the pieces, the faster they cook. Win-win.

what temperature should i slow cook pork at

  • Follow the same method described above of drying off with paper towels, rubbing with a little oil and liquid smoke (if you want), and rubbing with most (but not all) of the spice rub.

what temperature should i slow cook pork at

  • Set a cooling rack over a rimmed baking sheet, spray with nonstick spray, and crank up your oven to 425 degrees F. Arrange the pork butt pieces on the cooling rack (this keeps the pork crispy on the bottom). Add about a cup and a half of water to the pan to let our pork cook in a humid environment.

what temperature should i slow cook pork at

Here’s the pork after 30 minutes at 425. Starting to get beautiful brown edges already!

Pulled Pork Recipe Slow Cooker Tips

I’m going to get bossy here for a minute. DO NOT THROW AWAY THE FAT.

I’ve actually seen instructions on other recipes, “remove the crusty fat cap and discard.” Ummm I’m sorry, what? You want me to just throw away this crispity-porky-blackened-bark goodness?? Who do you think you are?

what temperature should i slow cook pork at

One time, many moons ago, before I was a cook, we were camping and I was cooking bacon. My brother-in-law found me over the trash can, peeling off the strips of fat on the bacon that hadn’t crisped up. He yelled, “What are you doing! Do you not understand bacon??” No, no I did not.

Fat = flavor. Say it with me now. Pork tastes good because it has lots of fat. If you’ve ever had bacon, you are literally eating pork fat. AND IT’S DELICIOUS. Get over yourself and your fat hating ways.

Discard any gristle you find, any bits and pieces that are unpalatable, but please do not discard every bit of fat you find. Shred it up and toss it in with the pork. THIS is what makes pulled pork so flavorful. You will not regret it!

What Temperature Should I Cook My Pork Butt At


What is the best temperature for low and slow pulled pork?

“Low and slow” experts typically recommend keeping the internal air temperature of your smoker at about 225°F (107°C) during the cook. But at that temperature, it can take as long as 18 hours to bring the internal temperature of the pork up to its target of 195-205°F (91-96°C).

Can I slow cook pork at 200 degrees?

Cooking a pork roast at 200°F (93°C) is considered a very low and slow cooking method, which can result in exceptionally tender and flavorful meat. The exact cooking time will depend on the size and thickness of the pork roast, but you can estimate roughly 6-8 hours of cooking time for a typical 3-4 pound roast.

Is it better to slow cook pork on low or high?

The Slow Cooker as a Tool for Braising You can even leave your house. Set the cooker to low; the high setting will boil the meat instead of braise it, so it’s only a quicker trip to an undesirable outcome.

What temperature should a pork shoulder roast be cooked to?

Without question low and slow is best for pork shoulder roasts. Roasting the meat to at least an internal temp of 180 degrees is critical. Once this temp is reached, remove the roast from the oven, cover loosely with foil and rest until the in the internal temp reaches at least 190 degrees.

What temperature should pork be cooked at?

The optimal cooking temperature and internal temperature depend on the specific cut of pork, its thickness, and the desired doneness. Here’s a general guideline for common whole cuts of pork: Cooking Temperature – Roast at 325°F (163°C). Internal Temperature (Safe) – Cook to an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C).

What temperature should a pork butt be cooked to?

Pork Butt or Pork Shoulder roasts become and tender succulent from lower temperature cooking for longer periods of time. These roasts have a fat cap and contain lots of connective tissues that need to break down during the cooking process, and that takes more time. Temperature: Cook to an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C).

How long do you Slow Roast a pork shoulder?

Slow roast the pork shoulder for approximately 8-10 hours, or until the internal temperature reaches around 195°F (90°C). Use a meat thermometer to ensure accuracy. After removing the roast from the oven, let it rest for about 20 minutes to allow the juices to redistribute within the meat. This resting period ensures a tender and juicy result.

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