what states is it illegal to grow cotton

Today, cotton is primarily grown as a commercial crop by large farms. However, some gardeners and small farmers are still opting to grow cotton for fiber artists, ornamental use, and to preserve the genetic diversity and history of heirloom cotton. However, there are a few snags to growing cotton that you should know about before ordering a packet of cotton seeds.

It is not illegal to grow cotton in Florida. The fact is Florida accounts for one percent of cotton grown in the U.S. (4).
what states is it illegal to grow cotton

Why is cotton growing restricted?

Cotton plantings and residue can spread a destructive pest called the cotton boll weevil, especially when mishandled. In areas where cotton is an economically important crop, the growing of cotton is often carefully monitored to prevent the spread or reintroduction of the boll weevil.

The boll weevil has been eradicated from many cotton-producing states, including Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, and Mississippi.

The Texas Department of Agriculture reports that the boll weevil has been nearly eliminated from Texas, which has been an intense and expensive process. Texas currently accounts for almost 50% of U.S. cotton acreage and about 40% of U.S. production. Their strict guidelines are an attempt to keep Texas production competitive.

Where do I find out if I can grow cotton?

Your local extension agency is the best place to get information about growing cotton in your area. If you’re unsure who to contact, you can find a handy list of state extension agencies on the Old Farmer’s Almanac website.

Backyard Cotton Growing is Illegal in Several States


Why is it illegal to grow cotton in USA?

Cotton likes a warm climate, and most of the world’s crop is grown in the USA, Uzbekistan, China and India. In the USA, it’s illegal to grow cotton plants in your own private garden if you live in an area where cotton is grown commercially! This is to help control pests called boll weevils.

What states can you grow cotton?

Cotton is grown in 17 states stretching across the southern half of the United States: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.

Why is cotton not grown in Florida?

In the early 1940s, the native cotton was systematically destroyed when there was a new boll weevil threat. Those tasked with eradicating the threat soon went to join the fight in World War II. These events helped make Florida native cotton an endangered plant.

Is it illegal to grow cotton in Tennessee?

Every person growing cotton in this state shall furnish to the commissioner, on forms supplied by the commissioner, such information as the commissioner may require, concerning the size and location of all commercial cotton fields and of noncommercial patches of cotton grown as ornamentals or for other purposes.

Is it legal to grow cotton in the garden?

In most states in the US, cotton growing in the garden is not permitted. Since cotton is a cash crop that boosts the economy of different States, it needs to grow without boll weevils. As a measure to control this devastating pest, it is illegal to grow cotton for fun in your backyard.

Is it illegal to grow cotton for fun?

Cotton is a cash crop in many states in the USA, and our economy is somewhat dependent on successful cotton growth. That’s why it’s important to keep boll weevils (a devastating cotton pest) under tight control. For this reason, growing cotton just for fun in big cotton states is against the law. What States Outlaw Recreational Cotton Growing?

Where does cotton grow in the United States?

Almost all of the cotton fiber growth and production occurs in the Southern United States and the Western United States, dominated by Texas, California, Arizona, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana. More than 99 percent of the cotton grown in the US is of the Upland variety, with the rest being American Pima.

Can you grow cotton seed in a non-commercial area?

In all of the cotton producing states, cotton growers have millions of dollars invested in their cotton crops and in eradicating the boll weevil population. For this reason, it is advised that cotton seed shouldn’t be distributed or sown in any non-monitored, non-commercial area. Read also: How Much Water Does It Take To Grow Cotton?

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