what meat goes well with spinach

Ground Beef with spinach and cream makes a great weeknight meal delivering flavor when you’re short on time. Serve with rice and you pretty much cover everything in the food pyramid all in a tasty dish.

A white plate with a serving of ground beef with spinach and cream with a side of rice and corn.This is a great dish that came about when I was in a hurry to make supper but didn’t want to settle for ho hum. How can you go wrong when the meal starts with sauteing onions and garlic then adding ground beef? It may not look pretty, but its delicious! I wanted to call this scrambled hamburger with spinach and cream. Apparently, scrambled hamburger isn’t a term that’s widely used. Who knew?

I often have big tubs of fresh baby spinach on hand because it’s the simplest way to get my greens in when I’m too lazy to make a salad. Salads are my least favorite meals to prepare. I love them, I just don’t like preparing them. Tossing some baby spinach in a bowl and mixing with a vinaigrette is what I usually do. But, in this case, I tossed a bunch in with the ground beef and it was pretty tasty.

It needed some liquid and I was looking for different. I had some heavy cream, which I often do to make scones or muffins, and poured it in. Wow! It was tasty! Added a little spice to take it to the next level and dinner was done in under 30 minutes.

I use anywhere from 10 – 16 ounces of fresh baby spinach for this meal. That’s a lot of spinach! You need to add it in batches otherwise it will overflow out of the skillet. Add a handful, give it a stir, and when it starts to wilt (which takes seconds), add more. The spinach shrinks down to nothing. It’s a great way to add your greens into a meal.

Delicious juicy marinated steak and spinach cook up together in one pan for a quick low carb dinner you’ll be crazy about. The steak marinade tenderizes the meat for amazing tender pieces of beef and the lemon garlic butter sauce is simply divine.
what meat goes well with spinach

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what meat goes well with spinach

Simple meals doesn’t mean sacrificing on flavor

Adding some hot sauce gives this meal zing and cuts through the cream. Nutmeg adds flavor to a cream dish and just a pinch is all you need. I don’t mind quick meals as long as the flavor isnt sacrificed. Serve with rice, and if you’re so inclined, mix the rice with some corn. Now youve covered everything in the food pyramid. You have your fats, proteins, vegetables, and grains.

A skillet of ground beef with spinach and cream.My Dad would have called this gravy train. He is the one that introduced scrambled hamburger into the family. Calling it gravy train was just our joke because it did look like our dog’s food. When I make this dish, I think of him and smile although I miss him tremondously. Cooking is an experience and it brings fond memories of the people who showed you how to cook and the people who you shared the meal with. I’m sure you have meals that bring memories of your loved ones. So go cook! Enjoy time around the table with your family.

Life is too short for mediocre food.

Sautéed Spinach Recipes | How To Make Garlic Butter Spinach


What to do with spinach going bad?

Discard any spinach that is slimy or has touched slimy spinach. Wilted or withered spinach can be revived in a cold-water bath. And remember to plan ahead so you can use that bag of spinach as soon as possible after bringing it home.

How do you cook spinach without losing nutrients?

Steam it: Steaming spinach is a gentle cooking method that helps retain most of its nutrients, including vitamin C. Simply place the spinach in a steamer basket over a pot of boiling water and cook until it wilts, which should take only a few minutes.

What are the different types of spinach?

There are three main types of spinach: Characteristics: smooth, spade-shaped leaves that are tender and slightly sweet in flavor. Flat-leaf spinach is the most popular spinach in the United States and is what you’ll find at supermarkets either loose or in a pre-washed package. Its flavor is best when eaten raw.

Is spinach better cooked or raw?

Studies have found that eating cooked spinach and other cooked vegetables such as carrots compared to raw results in much higher blood levels of beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant thought to have a great benefit by reducing the risk of heart diseases and lung cancer. Moreover, raw spinach contains oxalic acid, an organic compound found in many leafy green plants vegetables. This compound blocks the absorption of iron and calcium but breaks down under high temperatures (when cooked), this means your body will absorb more calcium and iron if you eat a cooked spinach.

How do you cook a steak with spinach?

Add the steak strips back to the pan and adjust seasoning if necessary. Push steak aside in the skillet and stir in cooked spinach (well drained, see note below). Garnish with lemon slices, more chopped chive, and parsley and serve immediately. Enjoy!

Can you eat spinach raw?

Spinach can be boiled, sautéd, steamed, stir-fried, or eaten raw. Although it can be blanched, it tends to lose most of its flavor in the water. Make sure to wash spinach well. Even if it says that it’s been triple-washed, it sometimes still has dirt that got left behind. Run it through a salad spinner to remove any extra sandiness.

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