what is the difference between pork shoulder and pork picnic

Pork shoulder, which can also be labeled as picnic shoulder, comes from the thinner, triangle-shaped end of the pig’s shoulder, just above the front leg. It has less marbling and fat than pork butt. Pork shoulder is often sold with the skin on and a layer of fat.
what is the difference between pork shoulder and pork picnic

Picnic Shoulder Versus Pork Shoulder

So whats the difference between picnic shoulder and pork shoulder? In short, not much. They are theoretically the same, with slight variations in how they are cut in different parts of the country. One can be substituted for the other in recipes without worry. Dont get too hung up on the confusing names of the meat. Depending on the region, there is also a “Boston butt” or a “picnic ham.” Many styles and regional variations exist in butchery and in the respective naming of cuts, so when in doubt, ask your local butcher for specifics and be clear about what you are looking for. Butchers can help clarify and can also cut the meat or select a piece that is the exact size you need for your recipe or size of your crowd.

Picnic Shoulder Versus Pork Butt

To make matters more confusing, pork butt is another cut of pork. Those well-versed in the peculiar nature of the names of meat cuts will already know that pork butt is, in fact, from the shoulder, or front legs, of the pig. Ham comes from the back legs.

Cuts labeled “pork shoulder” or “picnic shoulder” are from the thinner, triangle-shaped end of the shoulder whereas the “butt” is from the thicker, more intensely marbled end of the shoulder. Because picnic shoulder comes from the thinner area, it is a bit better for cooking whole and slicing, while pork butt is perfect for making pulled pork and other recipes in which the meat is meant to fall apart. If the selection at the butcher counter demands, use picnic shoulder, pork shoulder, and pork butt interchangeably in most recipes.

Pork Butt vs Pork Shoulder – Ace Hardware


Is pork shoulder the same as pork picnic?

Pork shoulder, also called picnic roast, is the primal cut that comes from a pig’s shoulder, above the forelegs.

Is picnic pork good for pulled pork?

A picnic roast also works well, but tends to be a little less flavorful and is leaner than the butt roast. You can make pulled pork with either a bone-in or boneless Boston butt or picnic shoulder, but we think the bone-in has more flavor even though it takes longer to cook.

What is the best cut of pork for pulled pork?

Pork shoulder is ideal for pulling purposes. It has an optimum fat content that yields to create tender, melty meat, but it’s essential you cook it slowly to allow the protein to break down properly.

Does pork shoulder picnic taste like ham?

Baked picnic ham (pork shoulder ham) is one of my favourite types of ham to cook. While it is a different cut of pork than the traditional ham, it generally tastes the same because it has been cured and smoked just like a ham.

What is the difference between a Picnic shoulder and a pork butt?

Picnic roast is one of the primal cuts of pork, along with the loin, belly, and hind leg. The picnic shoulder and pork butt are sub-primal cuts of the pork shoulder. Understanding the differences between the picnic shoulder and pork butt can help in choosing the right cut for cooking needs.

Why is pork not recommended to eat?

This is not true, some cuts like sirloin and pork rump steak, for example, are very healthy, even healthier than beef and chicken. Only the fattest cuts like bacon and crackling should be avoided.

Which pork cut is better picnic or shoulder?

Depending on what you’re looking for in a pork cut, picnic or shoulder may be the better option for you. If you’re looking for a cut of pork that is more lean, picnic may be the better choice. Picnic is a cut of pork from the upper leg and is a relatively lean cut of meat.

How do you know if a pork shoulder is pork picnic?

Another way to tell is by the price. Pork shoulder is usually more expensive than pork picnic, so if you are looking at a cheaper cut of meat, it is likely pork picnic. Finally, you can ask your butcher or meat supplier. They will be able to tell you what you are getting and may even give you a sample to taste.

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