what is the difference between green beans and haricot verts

There are plenty of moments in adult life where one might long for childhood. Grown-up life is peppered with bills and responsibilities, not enough sleep, and the carefree afternoons of youth are replaced with 3 p.m. lattes just to make it until dinner. There is, however, one magical thing that happens as you make your way into adulthood, and that is an appreciation for vegetables. The days of being grossed out by green things on your plate are in your rearview mirror, baby! It feels good, doesnt it?

Green beans are one of those foods that a kid will turn their nose up at, but as an adult, snapping the ends off, rinsing them and preparing to sauté, blanch or roast them has an air of sophistication to it. When you encounter green beans at the market, you might be curious to know if theres a difference between green beans and haricots vert — and there certainly is.

Haricot verts are the more refined version of green beans; they are thinner, longer and straighter and more refined in taste. Haricot verts get limp much faster than green beans because they are harvested younger; so eat them as fresh as possible.
what is the difference between green beans and haricot verts

It’s an issue of size

When it comes to green beans and haricots vert, the main difference is their size, notes The Kitchn. The French haricots vert — often thought of as more refined — are longer and more slender, a bit more fragile, while a green bean is stockier and more robust. The flavor of haricots vert is also a bit more delicate as they are harvested earlier than green beans, notes Nature and More. Haricots vert (often sold at markets and grocery stores as “French green beans”) are also straighter than a basic green bean and they tend to go limp much more quickly, so eating them fresh is important.

Haricots vert can be blanched, steamed, braised, or even stir-fried — and because they are so thin they dont require much cook time. Theyre done in just six minutes, while a basic green bean should be cooked for 12 (per Nature and More.) While Healthline explains that some people eat green beans raw because they are legumes, cooking them is safer. If youre wanting a colder, crunchy green bean in a salad or dish, consider blanching them and then shocking them in an ice bath. Both green beans and haricots vert are excellent sources of proteins, carbohydrates, and dietary fibers. According to Nature and More, they also contain B vitamins, vitamins C and K as well as minerals like magnesium, iron, and manganese . Theyre a delicious and nutritious addition to whate ver you put them in — or on.

Green Beans (Haricot Verts)


How do you pronounce haricot verts?

noun,plural ha·r·icots verts [a-ree-koh ver].

What’s the difference between French green beans and regular green beans?

Haricots verts are thinner and longer than American green beans, and are usually more tender. There aren’t huge differences in flavor between the two; French beans have a slightly more earthy flavor, while American green beans lean a little more to the sweet and herbaceous side.

What do haricot verts taste like?

Haricots verts are more narrow and lengthier than the more familiar green beans Americans usually eat. The common green bean is usually shorter and thicker than haricots verts. Many people often describe the taste of haricots verts as more “vegetal” or “fresh” tasting compared to the common green bean.

Is there a difference between haricot Verts and French green beans?

Fancy. Classy. French. But is there even a real difference between the two? The short answer: Haricot verts are a French variety of green beans, literally translating to “green beans” from French—sometimes you’ll even see them sold as “French green beans”.

What does haricot Verts mean?

Haricot Verts literally means green beans in French. French Beans are often given that name at the store. Whether you see either name this means you are getting a thin fresh green bean. A lot thinner than “regular” green beans. This is really the only significant difference between the two, but not the only difference.

Are haricots Vert good for green beans?

While fatter, hardier green beans are nice for this lemon garlic green bean recipe, the daintier French haricot vert are nice for this fresh green bean Almondine recipe. Also, since haricots vert are in season during the summer, it can be nice to save regular green beans for the fall. No matter which you choose, the joy is in exploring.

Are haricots verts a good side dish for Thanksgiving?

Although you might associate green beans with classic green bean casserole during Thanksgiving, the sturdy green vegetable is a great go-to side dish anytime of the year. When you’re at the store, however, and shopping for your typical green beans (also sometimes called “string beans”), you might run into haricots verts.

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