what is the coating on restaurant french fries

Lamb Weston’s coated fries are …oh so crispy… and have a longer holding time than regular fries. If you want to know how it works, then read on and we’ll share everything you need to know.

what is the coating on restaurant french fries

The innovative process of coating a Lamb Weston fry

Coating fries is one of Lamb Weston’s innovations that have revolutionised the industry. The secret to our stealthy coating is that each fry is covered with a thin layer of virtually transparent batter. The batter, made of natural potato starch, is applied to each and every fry by passing them through a curtain of batter on our production line. The process ensures that all fries are coated as uniformly and as thinly as possible!

Coated fries outperform regular fries, every single serving

Because our coated fries are covered in a very thin, practically invisible, layer of potato starch, they’re transformed into what you could call ‘super-fries’. Firstly, they benefit from a longer holding time as the batter acts as a ‘protective jacket’ that keeps them warmer for longer. Secondly, it makes the fries extra crispy so regardless of whether they’re kept under heat lights, on a hot counter, on a plate or ordered for home delivery or take-away, customer satisfaction is guaranteed!

Picking a coated fry means choosing one that will outperform all regular fries so just imagine what they could do for you and your business.

The Best Way To Make French Fries At Home (Restaurant-Quality) | Epicurious 101

Why do restaurants use clear coat Fries?

Clear Coat offers the perfect blend of hold time and crispness that will ensure your customers have the perfect fry! Benefits Great for delivery – Off premise restaurant visits are up 7%1. Coated fries are perfect for take-out or delivery because their coating keeps them crispy in transit.

Do You Mind coating your French fries?

I guess I don’t mind coated french fries in general, except when the coating outweighs/overpowers the fry itself, which does happen. If the coating is too thick, then I feel I’m eating a crispy coating more than I’m eating a french fry, which defeats the whole point of eating french fries.

Do You season French fries before or after they are cooked?

Whether or not you season the french fries before or after they are cooked depends on the cooking method that you use: Deep Fried french fries are seasoned immediately after they’re finished frying. Baked or Air Fried fries are seasoned before they’re cooked. They’re brushed with olive oil first to allow the seasoning to stick to the fries.

Why are so many restaurants switching from fresh to frozen fries?

Huge increase in coated fries due to delivery/take out. Also the switch from fresh to frozen due to labor issues. This should be it. Even KFC, used to have delicious fries, their new “improved” fries suck. This Planet Money podcast episode explained the debate/dilemma of restaurants very well, and also delved into french fry R&D.

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