what is scratch used in cake

what is scratch used in cake

That’s like trying to pick between red and blue. Which is better? It’s simply a matter of personal preference. Scratch cakes do have a clear advantage in that the baker can control the ingredients and accommodate any special dietary or allergy needs of the customer. Scratch cakes can be gluten-free, egg-free, milk-free, nut-free, organic, or vegan. A scratch cake is chemical-free and preservative-free. A good one is a testament to the skill of the baker and can be a world-class dessert. Scratch cakes require practice, skill, and talent. But not all cake artists are great bakers, and not all great bakers are cake artists.

Cake mixes have been readily available in the United States since the 1950s. Food conglomerates have spent millions of dollars perfecting their formulas to create a tasty cake that is, essentially, fool-proof. The fact is that many Americans don’t know what a scratch cake tastes like, and even those who may disdain “box mixes” wouldn’t know a scratch cake if they had one. Scratch cakes have a distinctively different crumb and mouth-feel from box mixes because box mixes contain ingredients like emulsifiers that are not readily available to the home cook. In our experience here at CakeBoss, many people who claim to prefer scratch cakes will pick a box mix cake in a blind taste test, simply because it is what they are accustomed to.

There is a good reason that many bakers feel reluctant to tell customers they start with a mix. There is a stigma attached to cake mixes, even though many of the same people who claim to prefer scratch cakes actually can’t tell the difference, or even prefer box mixes. There is a now-infamous Reddit thread by a baker confessing that her whole life is a sham because her cake business is built on $1 boxes of Pillsbury cake mix… and everyone loves her “baking”. But if your customer asks, CakeBoss highly recommends answering confidently and directly. Don’t mince words or talk about using “pre-measured ingredients”. There is nothing wrong with saying “I start with a mix and use my own recipes with premium ingredients like (buttermilk/sour cream/butter/white chocolate, etc.). My cakes are some of the finest in town. Go ahead, have a taste.” Be a salesman and sell your cake.

There are scratch-only bakers, there are mix-only bakers, and there are those who do a little of both. At CakeBoss, we prefer cake mix for some cakes, especially our CakeBoss White Velvet Wedding Cake, but are scratch all the way for others like Red Velvet cake, Italian Cream cake, or carrot cake.

If you would like to learn more about the art and science of scratch baking, there are several good books on the subject, including The Cake Bible by Rose Levy Beranbaum, and Baking 911 by Sarah Phillips, which I personally own and highly recommend for the beginning baker.

What is Scratch Baking?

Scratch baking means creating baked goods from start to finish with the raw ingredients.

Boxed cake vs scratch cake — Why bakers can’t beat SCIENCE


What is the difference between cake mix and scratch?

While cake mixes have a certain nostalgic comfort-factor, they typically taste flat, sugary, and vaguely chemically while the texture leaves a lot to be desired. Cakes made from scratch just taste better: rich, buttery, and moist with lots of sweet flavor nuances that make it hard to stop eating more.

Is it cheaper to buy cake mix or make from scratch?

I think it really depends on the extra ingredients you are adding to the cake that can make it expensive, whether you adding them to a box mix or a scratch mix. For many, using only a box mix without adding any extra ingredients to add more flavor and/or batter, mixes are less expensive.

Do bakeries make cakes from scratch?

Don’t get caught in the trap of thinking that you must bake from scratch if you sell cakes. Most bakeries do NOT bake from scratch. In fact, I once worked at a bakery that actually claimed to be a “scratch bakery”, but all their cakes started with a Duncan Hines cake mix, the same kind you buy in the grocery store.

What does making a cake from scratch mean?

Using the phrase “from scratch” in the context of cooking means you prepared your dish from the beginning with nothing already prepared, such as boxed food. If you bake a cake from scratch, you bake it from the beginning, preparing the batter yourself from the basic ingredients (milk, flour, eggs, etc.)

What are the most popular scratch cake recipes?

Today we are featuring our most popular go-to scratch cake recipes! In this list you’ll find light and fruity cakes, decadent chocolate cakes, seasonal cakes, classic favorites, and more! Some of our most popular are: Vanilla Buttermilk Cake, White Velvet Cake, Orange Cake, Carrot Cake, and Scratch Chocolate Cake!

How to bake a cake from scratch?

One of the most important steps when baking a cake from scratch is ensuring all the ingredients are as close to room temperature as possible so they incorporate into the batter easily. It can be frustrating to have small lumps at the end of the mixing process because an ingredient was too cold.

What do you need to make a cake from scratch?

Cake Pans: Depending on the type of cake, you’ll need the right shape and size. Rubber Spatula: This helps you scrape every bit of batter into your cake pan. Cooling Rack: Important for letting your cake cool down properly before frosting. Making a cake from scratch isn’t just for seasoned bakers; it’s something anyone can do.

How to make a from-scratch cake?

Follow these seven steps to make a from-scratch cake that will taste like it came from a professional bakery. Step 1. Prepare the pan Start by turning on your oven and setting it to preheat to 350°F. By the time you get the batter finished and ready to bake, the oven will be up to the proper temperature. Then, grab your 8- by 8-inch baking pan.

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