what is pandolce genovese

Pandolce Genovese is a typical holiday bread from the Liguria region of Italy. It is filled with sweet raisins and pine nuts. Really easy to put together and delicious on Christmas morning.

Christmas time is my favorite time of the year! Its not about the presents for me, its about the baking! Not only do we bake all different kinds of cookies, we also bake special breads, like this Pandolce Genovese.

what is pandolce genovese

Pandolce GenoveseI’ve been lucky enough to be in

This slightly sweet fruit-and-nut-studded bread is a dense bread and in my opinion, much better than a fruitcake. I made two loaves instead of one very big one. It is not as buttery and it is also not as wonderfully fluffy as panettone or pandoro. When you use yeast for this recipe it is called pandolce alto. If you use baking powder instead of yeast, it is called pandolce basso. I find this bread to remind me of an Irish soda bread in consistency (even though its made with yeast).

The scent that fills your house while it is baking is lovely and festive. In this version I added currants and dried cranberries. I didnt have pinoli on hand and chopped up some almonds instead. You could add dried plums or dried apricots. I have also seen a version with chocolate and hazelnuts. That is what I will try next!! I actually will make my own lievito madre (natural leaven)to make this next bread. My mother-in-law always makes her Calabrian bread with her own lievito madre.

what is pandolce genovese



What is the difference between pandolce and panettone?

Pandolce is more dense than panettone, with a slightly crumbly texture that’s almost cookie-like. We stock a variety of pandolce from Pasticceria Berti. The Classic is made with flour, butter, eggs, yeast, sugar, candied fruits and raisins, pine nuts, milk, honey, lemon, and vanilla, and topped with a candied cherry.

What is the meaning of pandolce?

Meaning “sweet bread,” pandolce is the variety from Genova.

What is the history of pandolce Genovese?

According to some, “u pandùce” would be the natural evolution of an ancient Genoese dessert, “the bread with the zibibbo.” Doge Andrea Doria, in 1500, asked pastry chefs to make a cake that would become a symbol of the city and its wealth and that could last for a long time and endure the adverse climatic conditions …

What is panettone bread?

Pronounced “pah-net-taw-nee,” Panettone is an Italian yeast-leavened bread, usually made with raisins, candied fruit peels, almonds, and brandy.

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