what is pains famous line

Naruto is rife with quotes and philosophies that are hard-hitting, as the anime series consists of vital coming-of-age elements, making it an integral part of some of our formative experiences. There are some characters in Naruto who always have something meaningful to say — be it the ice-cold, yet grounded advice of Itachi or the hard-learned lessons by Jiraiya.

However, it is Nagato, who adopted the alias Pain, who underwent immense ‘pain’ and hardships throughout his life, which resulted in him uttering lines imbued with deep meaning and unbearable pathos. A war orphan in a secluded village, Nagato wished to bring peace to a violent world but was forced to reckon with the true nature of existence after Yahiko’s death.

The founding of the Akatsuki was motivated by Nagato and Yahiko’s shared dream of achieving world peace, although, after the latter’s death, Nagato assumed the Pain identity and understood that peace in a war-torn world comes at a price. As evidenced by the moniker he adopts, Pain goes through life by viewing it through a particular lens, particularly focused on the necessity of pain, which is often linked to power hierarchies and social reform.

“Love breeds sacrifice… which in turn breeds hatred. Then you can know pain.” Love this quote?
what is pains famous line

“Love breeds sacrifice, which in turn, breeds hatred. Then you can know pain.”

what is pains famous line

This particular quote highlights Nagato’s view of love between two people, which, according to him, is a doomed premise, to begin with. There will always be an essence of inequality in a bond (where one loves more than the other), and the sacrifice of one will almost always be taken for granted by the other person. While this obviously is not the only outcome of a bond, Pain believes it is due to the experiences that shaped him. Pain believes that a hidden resentment always resides in bonds, ready to strike suddenly and turn love into vitriol, which festers over time.

“How can you say that you’ll never change?”

what is pains famous line

Pain asks several pivotal questions while uttering this line, as he asks whether it is possible for someone to move forward in life without undergoing change. Change is the only constant in a world perennially in flux, and Pain questions individuals who are too sure of who they are even in the face of instability and change. Naruto proclaims that he will never change (although he meant it along the lines of being authentic to who he is), and Pain questions whether that is even possible, as life’s unpredictability can make people change suddenly, without warning.

Pain’s Cycle of Hatred (English Dub)


What is the Pain slogan in Naruto?

The pain of being alone is completely out of this world, isn’t it? I don’t know why, but I understand your feelings so much, it actually hurts.” – Naruto. It’s okay to feel pain but being alone for quite a long time isn’t.

What was Nagato’s quote?

Nagato Uzumaki Quotes Those who do not understand true pain can never understand true peace. We are but men, drawn to act in the name of revenge we deem to be “justice”. But when we call our vengeance “justice”, it only breeds more revenge … forging the first link in the chains of hatred.

What are some hidden quotes about Pain?

People try to hide their pain. But they’re wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain.

What did Pain say before destroying Konoha?

Just before completely nuking Konoha, Pain said the following words: “Feel pain. Contemplate pain. Accept pain.

What are the best pain quotes?

Unsurprisingly, most of the best Pain quotes are about pain itself. “Even innocent foolish children will grow up in the face of pain, until their thoughts and beliefs are the same as their doubts.”

What are the Pain Naruto quotes?

The Pain Naruto quotes from the show emphasize his complicated and twisted views on life. He wants to create a brand new world free from war. However, he sees human nature as flawed and continuously drawn back into violence. Here are some of the Pain Naruto quotes that give you an understanding of this villain.

Who gave the name ‘pain’?

As mentioned earlier, the word “Pain” was given by Nagato, a war orphan with the ability of Rinnegan. While he controlled six corpses simultaneously with his power, one of the corpses was of his childhood friend, Yahiko.

What are life’s greatest lessons learned through the pain?

Life’s greatest lessons are learned through the pain.” Pain understands that hardships and suffering are necessary for growth, as it aligns with his personal experiences of growing up isolated during his childhood and losing his loved ones repeatedly over time.

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