what is lattice in baking

Creating a lattice crust for a pie may seem tricky, but here’s detailed instructions for doing it just right. Come learn how to make an easy lattice pie crust with this step-by-step tutorial!

A homemade pie with a lattice crust is one of the most beautiful things you can bake, and it’s a guaranteed crowd pleaser. Thankfully it’s also really easy to do!

If you’ve always wanted to bake your own lattice-topped pie but have been too intimidated to try, I’m here to help! I’ll show you step-by-step just how simple it is.

What is Lattice Pie Crust? Lattice pie crust is weaved pie dough. Strips of dough lay on top of pie filling, layered over and under one another to create a basket weave appearance. Not only is latticing a beautiful way to decorate a pie, the holes between the strips allow steam to escape.
what is lattice in baking

What is a lattice pie crust?

A pie with a lattice crust means that strips of pie crust have been weaved together on top before baking. It makes a beautiful woven crisscross pattern that’s a lot easier to create than you may think!

You can top any double-crust pie (pie crust on the bottom and the top) with a woven lattice. Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

How to make a lattice pie crust

1. Start with chilled pie crust dough. Pie crust should rest in the fridge for at least 2 hours to firm up and relax the gluten in the flour before rolling it out.

2. Prepare the rest of the pie. Roll out the bottom pie crust on a floured surface and transfer to pie baking dish, then prepare filling according to your recipe’s instructions. The lattice topper is the last step!

3. Roll out pie crust for lattice. Use a rolling pin to roll out the second pie crust to about ¼-inch thick, dusting your work surface with flour as needed to prevent sticking. You can roll the pie crust out into a circle about 12 inches in diameter, or you can roll it into a rough rectangle as pictured above (my preferred method).

4. Cut into lattice strips. I recommend 8-10 total strips about 1-2 inches wide, but it’s ultimately up to the look you want; thicker strips will hold their shape better during baking. In these photos I used 8 total 1.5 inch strips.

5. Lay vertical set of strips on top of pie. Space half of the pie crust strips evenly on top of your pie, placing longer strips in the center.

6. Fold every other vertical strip back halfway, add one horizontal strip. Unfold strips so they lay flat again on top of the new strip of dough.

7. Fold the opposite every other vertical strip back, add a second horizontal strip. Make sure horizontal strips are spaced evenly. Lay vertical strips back on top of new strip.

8. Working with the other side now, repeat the weave. Fold every other vertical strip back to the center and lay another horizontal. Lay them back down, fold the opposite every other vertical strip back, and place the final horizontal strip. Lay all strips flat. (If you have more than 8 strips in your weave, you’ll have more strips to work with but the process will be the same.)

And that’s it, you’re done with your lattice weave!

9. Trim pie dough and fold over. Trip any overhanging pie crust to about 1 inch (a little longer is okay). Fold bottom pie crust and top lattice strips together, tucking them underneath into the pie dish, or folding them up towards the center of the pie.

10. Crimp edges of the pie as desired. To make classic crimped edges, use one thumb to press the dough into the index finger and thumb of your other hand, making a triangular edge and sealing the bottom and top crusts together. Repeat around the circumference of the pie.

11. Brush with egg wash. Combine 1 egg with 1 tablespoon of water and brush onto the pie dough. Do not skip this step! It gives pie crusts a lovely golden shine, and your pie will be dull without it. (For extra crunch and sparkle, add a sprinkle of coarse sugar on top of the egg wash.)

12. Bake. Bake your lattice top pie according to the recipe instructions, generally until the crust is golden brown and fruit filling is bubbling in the center.

How to Lattice Pie Crust | Sally’s Baking Recipes


Can you lattice store bought pie crust?

First, make your pie crust or use a store-bought refrigerated pie dough. But before you begin rolling out the dough and making your lattice, chill the dough for at least half an hour. For best results, roll out the bottom crust and line your pie plate. Then roll out the top crust into a flat circle.

What type of flour is specified to be used in most pie crust recipes?

Choose all-purpose flour or pastry flour. Don’t skip or reduce the salt; it’s critical for flavor. Various types of fat work well; choose your favorite. Add just enough liquid to hold the dough together.

What is a lattice pie crust?

Lattice pie crust is weaved pie dough. Strips of dough lay on top of pie filling, layered over and under one another to create a basket weave appearance. Not only is latticing a beautiful way to decorate a pie, the holes between the strips allow steam to escape. Without these vents, the fruit pie filling could cause a mini explosion in your oven.

Does lattice work?

Lattice will not work unless you begin with quality pie dough. Don’t sabotage your efforts from the start. I recommend my favorite pie crust, which uses both butter and shortening for flavor and stability, or my all butter pie crust.

How do you bake a lattice pie?

Baking a lattice pie is no different than baking a pie with a regular top crust. The basic rule for baking a beautiful pie is to put a very cold pie in a very hot oven! This ensures the pastry is able to set, will not sag or melt, and will build up plenty of steam for the pastry to create a beautiful flaky crust.

Why should you use a lattice pie crust?

Using a lattice pie crust allows your pie filling to show through in the small spaces in between the strips of crust. Not only is that great for knowing exactly what kind of pie you’re about to eat, but the color contrast between the bright fruit colors and the golden-brown crust is totally gorgeous. Texture.

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