what is fermented in moonshine

Ive been studying the art and the science of how to make moonshine for almost 15 years now. Ive figured out how to make moonshine strong enough to fuel a rocket, but the process is much more “art” than it is “rocket science.” In other words, its only as complicated as you make it and there are a lot of tips and tricks ive picked up along the way that make the process a lot easier. Im going to share all of this and more in this helpful guide on making moonshine.

Moonshine is a very high proof spirit made primarily from cereal grains such as corn, barley, and rye. Its clear because it isnt barrel aged. Often called, “white lightening,” moonshine is technically a white whiskey. Although the majority of the grain used to make moonshine is corn, it typically is made using malted barley and rye as well.

Moonshine actually got its name because it rose to popularity during prohibition in the United States. During this time, making alcohol was illegal and distillers took to the back woods, working under the light of the moon as to not get caught. However it has actually gained popularity as a commercially produced product and is now available in stores.

Is it legal to make moonshine at home? No, its not legal to make moonshine at home. How about if you dont sell it? No, its not legal to distill moonshine even if it isnt sold. What if you dont even give it away? Its not legal to produce moonshine in the United States even just for personal consumption. For more information, check out this article which answers the question of whether or not making moonshine is illegal.

For the record, Ive named this article How to Make Moonshine for search optimization purposes only. Its an educational article and is not meant to be used to actually make moonshine.

In order to make moonshine some basic equipment will be required. Old-timey moonshiners made due with what they had and figured out ways to complete this process with the bare minimum of equipment, for better or for worse. For example, most antique moonshine stills were constructed with leaded solder, which can leach into the wash and distillate, creating toxic moonshine. A car radiator makes for a great condenser, however, many of these used to be partially made with lead, which will definitely leach into the distillate and cause the same problem.

Commercially produced distillation equipment is a lot more refined these days. It also doesnt contain toxic metals. Stainless steel stills are made with 304 stainless, which is a food safe metal alloy. Copper stills are made with C-110 which is 99.99% copper and is the purest grade of oxygen-free copper.

As I mentioned above, using the equipment listed below to make spirits such as moonshine should only be done by licensed distillers. Heres the entire list of equipment required to make moonshine:

Brewing system – Brewing equipment will be required to make the moonshine mash, which is the process where grain is cooked and starch is converted into sugar. This cannot be done with household cooking equipment using the recipes below because the volume of the ingredients will be too large for most standard kitchen utensils.

Mash paddle – A mash paddle will be used to stir grain into the liquid and break up any clumps of flour that stick together.

Brewing hydrometer – Brewing hydrometers are used to measure the amount of sugar created during the mash and the amount of alcohol created after the initial fermentation.

Fermentation bucket -A fermentation bucket, or some sort of fermenter, will be required for the fermentation process. It should have a tight fitting lid and an opening for an airlock.

Bucket opener – Bucket openers are more or less indispensable when using plastic fermenters because the lids are extremely difficult to remove without them.

Distiller – A high quality distiller made from 100% copper and lead free solder, or with 304 stainless steel is required for the distillation process.

Heat source – To heat the still I recommend using a digital electric controller. Our controllers are designed to be integrated into our 5 and 10 gallon copper stills as well as our 8 gallon stainless steel distillers.

For a much more in-depth look at the equipment needed to produce high proof spirits such as moonshine, check out our copper vs. stainless steel stills article.

This article explains the entire process for making moonshine. Check this out if youre only looking for a moonshine mash recipe.

Ive talked to a lot of folks over the years who know an awful lot about making moonshine. Heres are some of the best moonshine recipes Ive come across:

This traditional moonshine recipe should be considered gold standard as far as classic American moonshine goes. Its an all-grain, corn based moonshine that will be very similar if not exactly like the real moonshiners used to make

Making moonshine with these ingredients and this procedure will produce a pleasant, sweet corn aroma, a rich, full bodied flavor. The barley will provide body, corn will be the predominant flavor, and the rye will provide some spice. The high ABV will provide a feeling of warmth, but the finish will be smooth. In fact, the flavor of the corn will likely mask how strong this drink really is, which makes this stuff dangerous.

Like all alcohol, moonshine is made though fermentation and distiliation. While wine is made by fermenting grapes, moonshine and other whiskeys are made by fermenting grains with sugar and yeast.
what is fermented in moonshine

“Thin Mash” Moonshine Recipe

The full procedure illustrated in the video above, with the inclusion of the sugar addition, actually more accurately describes the process of making a thin mash. Essentially, thin mash is part grain and part granulated sugar. But why?

what is fermented in moonshine

Corn is somewhat difficult to work with during the mashing process because it gets extremely thick before starch begins to break down into sugar. This means that making a mash with corn thats higher than 8-10% alcohol can be somewhat difficult. However, if making a mash for fuel alcohol, as is what I actually did in the video, starting alcohol percentage can and should be fairly high to maximize the yield. By adding granulated sugar after the mash I were able to increase starting alcohol content.

To make thin mash, I followed steps 1-6 above then simply added granulated sugar before moving on to step 7. Note, I typically also add yeast nutrient for any mash that either is not made with 100% grain or that exceeds 10% ABV.

Below is a table illustrating ABV increases caused by the addition of sugar. According to the table, to boost a 5 gallon corn mash from 10% to 19.5% (which would require an increase of 9.5%), 8lbs of sugar would need to be added.

Added Sugar vs. Potential Alcohol in Mash

Added Sugar vs. Potential Alcohol in 1, 5, and 10 Gallons of Mash
Pounds of Sugar 1 Gallon Mash 5 Gallon Mash 10 Gallon Mash
1 lb. 5.9% 1.2% 0.6%
2 lbs. 11.9% 2.3% 1.2%
3 lbs. 17.7% 3.6% 1.8%
3.5 lbs. 20.5% 4.1% 2.1%
4 lbs. x 4.8% 2.3%
5 lbs. x 5.9% 3.0%
6 lbs. x 7.1% 3.6%
7 lbs. x 8.3% 4.1%
8 lbs. x 9.5% 4.8%
9 lbs. x 10.7% 5.4%

As you can see, the more sugar that is added to a mash, the higher the potential for alcohol creation. Though, this only works to a point and then stops. The reason for this is because the yeast that is used to ferment mash (i.e. turn the sugar into alcohol) can only tolerate so much alcohol in their living environment before they actually die and stop converting. This table is continued in our detailed article on increasing the proof of moonshine.

I use the term “sugar mash” loosely here. It essentially describes high proof alcohol made with only granulated sugar and zero grain. It doesnt require a mash to convert starch to sugar and the procedure for making it is very simple. It is made by dissolving white table sugar into water, heating to pasteurize (optional), adding yeast nutrient (very important) and adding yeast.

All Grain Moonshine Mash

Below is a video of an all-grain mash made with a bit of malted barley to initiate starch conversion. Unfortunately, I dont have a distillers permit so I start the video by explaining the all-grain corn whiskey mash recipe, but then adding sugar to turn it into a fuel alcohol recipe.

  • 6.75 gallons of water
  • 9lbs. flaked maize (corn)
  • 2lbs. malted and crushed barley
  • Yeast (distillers yeast, or even bread yeast)
  • Granulated sugar (optional)
  • I heated water to 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • I added the corn (in a nylon strainer bag or in a steel mesh basket) and cooked for 20 minutes.
  • I then dropped the temperature to 148 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • I stirred in the malted barley and allow to sit for 60 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.
  • I remove the grains, allowing them to drain into the kettle.
  • I pasteurized by heating to at least 170F for 10 minutes (optional step).
  • I cooled the mash to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • I transferred to a fermentation bucket, aerated, and added yeast.
  • I allowed to ferment for 7-10 days.
  • Once fermentation is complete, move on to distilling.

Fermentation | Moonshiners


What is the difference between distilled and fermented?

Fermentation is where all alcohol is created, distillation is where the alcohol is separated and removed. In order for fermentation to occur, two things are needed: a raw material in liquid form that contains sugar, followed by the addition of yeast.

What are the main ingredients in moonshine?

“Traditional Prohibition moonshine is sugar, corn and yeast and the liquid that comes off that — the wash or distiller’s beer,” Greg Eidam, Sugarlands Distilling Co. head distiller, explained in a 2015 interview. Fermentation is yeast-eating sugar, Eidam said, and the byproduct is alcohol and carbon dioxide.

What is authentic moonshine made of?

Moonshine is an alcoholic drink that is typically made from corn, sugar, and water. The corn is mashed, and then the sugar and water are added. This mixture is then boiled. The alcohol content of moonshine can be as high as 95%, which is significantly higher than the alcohol content of most other types of liquor.

What do you ferment mash in?

Put the mash in a basement, cellar, or in the back of a closet so it can ferment. The temperature of 60 °F (16 °C) or lower is ideal. You can also pour the mash in an empty cooler and put the lid on it so it can ferment.

What is moonshine fermentation?

Fermentation is critical towards achieving true moonshine with a high alcohol per volume content. Overlooking this step, or performing it incorrectly, will essentially ruin an otherwise perfect batch of shine. Keep reading to learn some essential beginner’s tips for moonshine fermentation.

How much alcohol is in fermented garlic and honey?

The ideal way to answer this question is to submit fermented garlic and honey samples to laboratory analysis, as values vary.

How does moonshine mash ferment?

The fermentation process is very simple. Moonshine mash containing cornmeal or other grains is mixed with sugar and yeast, then fermented for 4-5 days before it can be distilled. The mash will ferment in a large pot to make sure that the liquid has enough room to expand while fermenting.

How long does it take to ferment moonshine?

With that said, fermentation for a typical batch of moonshine usually takes somewhere between 1 and 2 weeks, so set your batch up in the corner of a closet or room and find something else to occupy your time. The temperature at which you cook your mash will play a direct role in its ability to ferment.

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