what is ethiopian sponge bread made of

“Injera” is an Amharic term for Ethiopian bread similar to pan cake, made usually from teff. Injera is thin, prepared from teff flour, water and starter (a fluid collected from previously fermented mix) after successive fermentations [1].
what is ethiopian sponge bread made of

Making Ethiopia Injera Bread…

Ive been trying to make Injera bread. I bought Teff flour from Bobs Red Mill. I followed the instructions on the Bobs Red Mill site, which are…

1- Mix above ingredients together in a large bowl. 2- Cover with paper towel for 24 to 48 hours at 75° to 80°. 3- Pour off liquid that will rise to top. 4- Add 1/2 tsp. Bob’s Red Mill sea salt and stir. 5- Pour 1/2 cup batter onto a medium hot skillet and cook for approximately 2-3 minutes. Cook until holes appear on the surface of the bread. Once the surface is dry, remove the bread from the pan and let it cool.

Well, I tried this, and the first round I tried stuck to the skillet incredibly and turned into scrambled teff-mass when I tried to remove it. So, knowing what I know about caramelization etc. I just tried again, this time leaving the “pancake” alone completely until the top was completely dry like in the above instructions. Then I shook the pan until the bread loosed itself. When I removed it from the pan it was cooked fine on the bottom, but when you tear it open it was porridge inside. So I reduced the heat from medium to medium low and tried again. Again I waited until the top was bubbly and completly dry. The edges began to split and curl slightly upwards, and the color was very uneven, i.e. on top the edges were a much darker brownish gray. The center was still light gray even though it was dry. When I removed it from the pan, it was so fragile and gluten-less that its own weight caused ti to rip apart in my hands. I cant imagine using it to pick up food to eat.

I have looked around the net and found no better recipes or anywhere that addresses these particular issues. Are there any Ethiopian Injera makers on this site that can shead some light on this subject for me?

How Ethiopian bread is made – Injera


What is Ethiopian bread made of?

What is Injera. Injera is a popular Ethiopian flatbread that’s a key component of Ethiopian and Eritrean cuisine. Made with a fermented batter of teff flour, water, and yeast, it’s known for its unique texture and slightly sour taste.

What is a bread in Ethiopia that is thin spongy and made from teff and used to scoop food?

Injera is a flavorful, slightly spongy flatbread from Ethiopia and Eritrea that is easy to make and a dietary staple in both countries. If you have an existing sourdough starter (or some injera batter from an older batch), you can add some to this batter to speed things up a bit, but you don’t need to.

How healthy is Ethiopian bread?

It’s Healthy Did you know that the star ingredient, teff, in injera, is not only super tasty but also jam-packed with nutrients? The super grain is filled with complete proteins, fibre, magnesium, iron and calcium (in fact, no other grain on earth has more fibre per serving).

What is the difference between injera and bread?

Injera is a traditional Ethiopian sourdough flatbread made from teff flour, while sourdough bread can be made from a variety of flour types, including wheat, rye, or a mixture of flours. One key difference between the two is the type of flour used.

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