what is cherry season in australia

Above-average December rainfall has seen prices reach $50 a kilo – but growers say new technologies and early Tasmanian harvest mean cheaper cherries on the horizon

Cherry farmers in South Australia have had the worst harvest in 50 years, losing up to 70% of their crops to wild pre-Christmas storms and forcing up prices.

Storms and heavy rain also lashed New South Wales cherries, forcing growers to dump hundreds of tonnes of fruit.

The CEO of Fruit Producers SA, Grant Piggott, said three storms rolled over cherry production areas, with the most recent one striking when cherries were ripe.

“The Adelaide Hills had double the December average [rainfall] in those five days. People who’ve been in the industry for a while, they think it’s the worst for 50 years.”

Prices in the days before Christmas have been up to $50 a kilo, but Piggott said there were cheaper cherries to be found and the news has “cheered up” a bit since the storms, thanks to new sorting methods.

“They’ve invested in a lot of grading equipment to sort the cherries out … it throws out the ones that are no good through a camera process then makes sure the [good ones] go in a box, he said.

“So that’s been positive relative to five years ago, more cherries are getting to market, more are being salvaged.”

One NSW supplier, Fiona Hall, said they had to “walk away” from a crop because of the amount of damage.

“What the rain does at the wrong time is fill the cherries with water, and … split the skin. The skin just pops,” she said.

On the bright side, the Tasmanian harvest has reportedly gone well with bumper crops and fruit that is a higher quality than last year.

Fruit Growers of Tasmania said earlier this month that warm, long and sunny days meant the harvest ripened a week earlier than last year, and stayed on the tree longer, making them “bigger, darker and sweeter”.

Production Characteristics The main production season is mid November to mid January, with some early varieties starting in mid October (Riverland). It can last until late January with the newer later maturing varieties.
what is cherry season in australia

Pricing and the fact that consumers “forget about the fruit” in the offseason are the main barriers to tackle. In order to address these issues Reilly highlights three important characteristics of the fruit. First, the delicious taste, and the enjoyment consumers get out of eating the fruit. The festive nature of the fruit and the strong association it has with the festive season.

Regarding the high price, Reilly believes it is an opportunity to use it as an affirmation that they are an exclusive, premium product that is worth the money.

“The key to unlocking future growth is to understand and address barriers to purchase,” says Reilly.

“Highly regulated markets like Korea, Taiwan, and China are even harder because you have to comply with many more restrictions and you have to be accredited and audited, but sometimes it can be more rewarding,” adds Ulloa.

However, moderately regulated markets including Indonesia, the United States, and Vietnam have more regulations, declarations, and permits which can make the process a bit more challenging.

On the bright side, the Tasmanian harvest has reportedly gone well with bumper crops and fruit that is a higher quality than last year.

Storms and heavy rain also lashed New South Wales cherries, forcing growers to dump hundreds of tonnes of fruit.

Above-average December rainfall has seen prices reach $50 a kilo – but growers say new technologies and early Tasmanian harvest mean cheaper cherries on the horizon

“The Adelaide Hills had double the December average [rainfall] in those five days. People who’ve been in the industry for a while, they think it’s the worst for 50 years.”

“So that’s been positive relative to five years ago, more cherries are getting to market, more are being salvaged.”

Cherry Season In Australia, Going For Cherry Picking With Family


Are cherries available in Australia?

Cherries are available from November to February but the different varieties are harvested at different times, so what you see in the shops in November will be different to what you see in January.

What is the best month for cherry?

Depending on the region grown, cherry season is anywhere from April to October. The most common months are June and July. What is the best month to buy cherries? June and July are the best months to buy cherries.

What months are cherries in season?

Among commercially-grown fruits, it’s common knowledge that cherries are the last trees to bloom and the first to harvest. So for most cherry crops in the area, harvest season starts from mid-April to late July. That’s not very long for such a popular fruit!

Why are cherries so expensive in Australia?

Recent storms wreaked havoc on crops in NSW and SA, slashing some growers’ outputs by up to 80 per cent. More than half of the cherry orchards in the Adelaide Hills were damaged by winds and heavy rain that broke records in SA last week.

When is cherry season in Australia?

F or many in Australia, a surefire way to tell the festive season has started is by the arrival of cherry season. Depending on the region, cherry harvests normally run from mid-November to as late as the end of February; this year, however, thanks to a record-breakingly wet and cold November, the season has been delayed.

When do cherry trees ripen in Australia?

Barisha Batinich, the New South Wales representative of Cherry Growers Australia, said he only began harvesting two or three days into December, two to three weeks later than usual. “It’s a very late season for us, and across all the growing districts as well; every area is experiencing slow-ripening cherries …

How many varieties of cherries are there in Australia?

It has been growing around nine different varieties across the region for more than 170 years. Locally grown cherries are available from October to February in Australia from NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. The regional city of Young, in New South Wales, is known to be the country’s major cherry growing area.

Where are cherries grown in Australia?

The majority of cherries are produced in the southern states of Australia, with major growing regions including Orange and Young in New South Wales; the Huon Valley in Tasmania; the Goulburn Valley and Sunraysia regions in Victoria; the Adelaide Hills in South Australia; and the Donnybrook/Manijump region in Western Australia.

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