what is a peach shrub

Shrubs vary wildly, but at their essence, they are a vinegar-based simple syrup infused with fruit. Techniques and ratios are all over the place, but for mine I went with one part sugar, one part apple cider vinegar, to two parts chopped peaches.
what is a peach shrub

Another Note on Sugars

Ive also tried using about half as much sugar as in the simple shrub. A couple of commenters said that my last recipe sounded too sugary, and I figured Id try cutting back. Im satisfied with the smaller amount. I think it makes for a successful product, and theres still enough sweetness to counter the vinegars tarty contributions.

Some shrubbers use turbinado, demerara, or other more flavorful sugars. I have not yet branched out that way, although I would love to.

Variables, Always Variables

Cold process, hot process. White, cider, sherry, champagne, balsamic, coconut vinegar. White sugar, brown, turbinado, demerara.

These are the variables that make shrubbing so much fun, and honestly so hard to screw up. The techniques are simple. The biggest variable is personal taste. Want a little less ginger in your Peach and Ginger Shrub? Go for it. More sugar? Thats fine. My recipes are just guidelines, and tweaks and refinements are totally encouraged.

How To Make A Peach Shrub | Drinks Made Easy


What is a shrub in a cocktail?

First, what are Shrubs? In a nutshell, shrubs are a vintage mixer combining plants, sugar and vinegar. They offer a change from the usual Lemons and Limes used to add acidity to a drink but they are a world away from sugary, over-sweet juices.

Are shrub drinks healthy?

Peach & Rose Classic Shrub Roses are rich in flavanoids, tannins, antioxidants and vitamins A, B3, C, D and E making them super beneficial to skin care. They are also efficient in cleansing the gallbladder and liver, helping to improve bile secretion and relief from constipation.

What is fruit shrub?

In terms of drinks, a shrub is a non-alcoholic syrup made of a combination of concentrated fruits, aromatics, sugar, and vinegar. This sweet, yet acidic mixer is traditionally enjoyed as a component of a mixed drink with soda water.

How long does a shrub drink last?

Our shrubs will keep for 24 months unopened and unrefrigerated (see best by date on bottle). Once you open them, we do recommend keeping them in the fridge. They should be good for another 9-12 months once you open them but let’s hope you need more before then!

How much sugar do you put in a peach shrub?

Peach Shrub Yield: 2-3 cups finished shrub 1.5 cups peaches, pitted and chopped (fresh or frozen) 1.5 cups organic or non-GMO granulated sugar (or other sweetener, such as brown sugar, coconut sugar, or maple syrup) 1.5 cups organic apple cider vinegar (or other vinegar of choice)

What goes well with a peach shrub?

A peach shrub pairs with a little whiskey or try gin and a few mint leaves with a strawberry shrub. The possible combinations are endless! Next time Grandma goes to pour her nightly drinking vinegar ask her to fill your glass, too! Here are more classic cocktails Grandma knows by heart.

What kind of vinegar do you use for a peach & Ginger shrub?

The shrub I’ll discuss today uses balsamic vinegar. For the peach and ginger shrub, I used a blend of white balsamic (I wanted some delicacy here) and apple cider. I wanted the richness of the balsamic, but to keep it from being too rich, I cut it with the cider vinegar.

What is a shrub made of?

For our purposes, it’s enough to say that a shrub is an acidulated beverage made of fruit juice, sugar, and other ingredients. Where things get complicated is that the acid varies by recipe; it can be either fruit juice or vinegar. Additionally, some shrub recipes are prepared using alcohol that steeps with the fruit, acid, and sugar.

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