what is a hobo skillet

Two open-faced biscuits topped with two sausage patties, two scrambled eggs, home fries covered with gravy and cheese.
what is a hobo skillet

So, I’ve been under the fog that everyone knew what a Hobo Skillet was. Apparently, it was only a “thing” at my house growing up. Surely, there’s another name for this yummy goodness of a meal but a Hobo Skillet is what my family called it. I mean no disrespect to real hobos. They can call it a Trinity Skillet for all I care:) Wanna hear it? Here it go.

P.S. This is a dumbed down version of what my Mom made. If you want a “non box” recipe, you’d substitute the Potatoes O’Brien package for about 6-8 small peeled and cubed red potatoes, one small onion, 1/4 green bell pepper and 1/4 red bell pepper. Then, substitute the precooked sausage with a package of breakfast sausage.

Back when Noel and I first met, long before The Dirty Dish Club was even a twinkle in our eyes, we spent a romantic night in making tinfoil dinners. We chopped up the veggies, nestled them against patties, and wrapped them snuggly in foil. Our cooking prowess was still in its infancy and our kitchen tools rudimentary, but none of that mattered because we were in love. Or at least at first it didn’t matter because we weren’t hungry yet. As time marched on and the vegetables remained crisply raw and our stomachs started to grumble, we became less enamored with our plan for the evening. After two hours of incremental oven temperature increases we threw in the towel and picked over our undercooked meals. Charcoal trumps college dorm ovens every time.

We’ve gotten a lot better at tinfoil dinners, both in the oven and over coals, but most nights we don’t have the time or patience the foil version requires. Thus, the skillet hobo dinner was born. All the flavors of the delicious campfire classic, but less wait time.



What is hobo cooking?

Hobo Dinner Foil Packets are so simple to make and everyone raves about them! Comforting veggies including potatoes, carrots, and onions are topped with a seasoned hamburger patty and grilled or baked to tender perfection.

What is a hobo meal?

Hobo meals are just another name for foil pack meals. Some sort of protein (usually chicken or steak) is wrapped up in a piece of foil along with vegetables and seasoning. The whole pack is cooked right in the oven or over a fire for a meal that has minimal clean up. Perfect for camping!

What is Hobo casserole?

Hobo Casserole, also known as Hobo Dinner, is a delicious and healthy dinner recipe that is perfect for those who are on a low-carb or calorie diet. It’s a one-pan meal that includes ground beef, sliced potatoes, onion layer, green beans, and tomato sauce.

What are Hobo packets?

Easy to put together, flavors from brown sugar to chili powder explode in every bite. Often referred to as hobo packets or sausage hobo dinner, this yummy meal gives each person at your table an individual packet filled with meat, vegetables, and love.

How do you cook a hobo dinner?

Add the hobo dinner ingredients in the middle of the foil and tightly wrap the edges together so the ingredients won’t fall out but also leave a dome shape to the foil where the vegetables and meat are at. Vegetables: Place directly in the middle of the foil and lay them flat so they can cook evenly.

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