what ingredient makes ice cream creamy

When was the last time you made homemade ice cream? If it wasn’t this summer, it was wayyy too long ago. Break out your ice cream maker, and make this homemade ice cream recipe stat!

You can buy vanilla ice cream at any grocery store, but it’ll never taste as good as the stuff you make yourself. This homemade ice cream is rich and creamy, with an indulgent vanilla flavor that even chocolate aficionados will love. And the best part? This homemade ice cream recipe is so easy to make. We’re talking 5 ingredients and 15-ish minutes of hands-on prep. Full disclosure, there are a few hands-off parts of this recipe that require some patience, but once you taste this homemade ice cream, I think you’ll agree that every second of waiting was worth it. It really is the best summer treat.

Egg yolk (the lecithin in the egg yolk is used to make a custard prior to freezing. This means that the icecream is thick and creamy (nappe) even before freezing, which means that it will give a luxurious mouthfeel when melted in your mouth) Sugar.
what ingredient makes ice cream creamy

Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe Ingredients

My homemade vanilla ice cream recipe starts with 5 basic ingredients:

  • Heavy cream – It creates the rich ice cream base. For a dairy-free alternative, check out this vegan ice cream recipe!
  • Whole milk – I don’t recommend replacing it with reduced fat or skim. Whole milk’s higher fat content ensures that the homemade ice cream comes out creamy, not icy.
  • Cane sugar – For sweetness.
  • Vanilla extract – For warm vanilla flavor. If you happen to have vanilla bean paste on hand, it’s a fun alternative. It gives the ice cream the same rich vanilla flavor, plus a speckled vanilla bean appearance.
  • And salt – To make all the flavors pop!

Find the complete recipe with measurements below.

Q: What about eggs? Some homemade ice cream recipes call for eggs or egg yolks to make the ice cream richer or thicker. I don’t use them here because leaving them out makes this recipe ultra-simple to prepare. And for my money, it’s just as delicious as one with a custard base!

How to Make Homemade Ice Cream

So, you have your ingredients! Here’s my simple method for how to make ice cream:

First thing’s first! At least 12 hours before you want to make homemade ice cream, freeze the bowl of your ice cream maker. It needs to be fully chilled in order for the ice cream to firm up.

Next, make the ice cream base. I recommend doing this step anywhere from 2 to 24 hours in advance. If you do it less than 2 hours ahead, the ice cream won’t thicken as nicely when you churn it.

Combine the cream, milk, sugar, vanilla, and salt in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat. Warm for 5 minutes, whisking often, until the sugar is fully dissolved and the mixture is warmed through.

Then, chill the ice cream base. Transfer it to a heatproof bowl, cover, and chill for 2 hours or overnight.

When you’re ready to make ice cream, churn the ice cream mixture in your ice cream maker according the manufacturer’s instructions.

We have the KitchenAid stand mixer ice cream maker attachment (we’re obsessed!), and we typically churn the ice cream base for 20 to 30 minutes. This Cuisinart Ice Cream maker is also great.

Note: The ice cream will have a soft texture immediately after churning, similar to soft serve. It’s delicious that way, but I like it even better after 2+ hours in the freezer. Then, it’s perfectly scoopable—great in a cone, on summer desserts, or on its own with toppings!

This vanilla ice cream is wonderful plain, but toppings certainly don’t hurt! Here are a few topping ideas to get you started:

  • Try something fruity, like strawberry compote, blueberry compote, or your favorite fresh fruit. Diced bananas, blueberries, and cherries would all be good choices.
  • Go nuts. Drizzle on peanut butter or almond butter, or sprinkle on toasted almonds or peanuts. Shredded coconut is a yummy topping too!
  • Choose chocolate. Chocolate chips are always a great option, but crumbled chocolate chip cookies or brownie chunks make for a next-level sundae.
  • Keep it classic. You can never go wrong with salted caramel sauce, hot fudge, and/or whipped cream.

Not feeling plain old vanilla? To make a different ice cream flavor, fold 2 to 2 1/2 cups of finely diced mix-ins into the ice cream immediately after churning. Adding fresh strawberries makes a wonderful strawberry ice cream, but another fresh fruit, mini chocolate chips, or cookie or brownie crumbles would be great too.

Use a spatula to transfer the soft ice cream from the ice cream maker into a quart-size airtight container. If you like, press a piece of plastic wrap or foil into the top of the ice cream to prevent ice crystals from forming.

Freeze for at least 2 hours and for up to a month. The ice cream will be easy to scoop on the first day, but after that, you may need to let it sit at room temperature for several minutes before you scoop it. It gets firmer after more time in the freezer.

Just 1/4 Teaspoon of This Ingredient Will Make Super Creamy Ice Cream


What makes ice cream very creamy?

As you churn ice cream, individual water molecules turn into ice-crystal seeds — which is what makes cream freeze. The higher the fat content, the more time you have to churn before these ice crystals congregate, resulting in creamier final texture.

How do you make ice cream creamier?

Try churning longer, making sure that your churn container is thoroughly frozen. Eggs! If you’ve got a frozen bowl type ice cream churn (like a Kitchen Aid) then the unwritten rule is to nearly freeze your batter before churning. I like to keep the batter in the freezer until crystals form on top.

What ingredient makes ice cream softer?

Sugar, corn syrup or honey, as well as gelatin and commercial stabilizers, can all keep your ice cream at a softer consistency. Ice cream also stays softer when you store it in a shallow container, rather than a deep tub, and cover the surface of the ice cream with plastic wrap to keep ice crystals from forming.

What is creamy ice cream made of?

American-style, or Philadelphia-style, ice cream does not contain eggs; the base for this dessert is made simply milk, cream, and sugar. While French-style ice cream contains egg; more specifically, egg yolks.

What ingredients can be used to make ice cream?

Of course, many other ingredients can be used to alter the flavor, texture, and consistency of your ice cream, but these four are the basics. Milk: You can use any type of milk for making ice cream, although whole milk will produce the creamiest results. Fat-free milk will also work, but the ice cream will be less rich and creamy.

What is cream of wheat made of?

By cream of wheat, are you referring to custard cream? Custard cream is cream made from milk, egg yolks, sugar, and flour. The starch in the flour acts as a coagulant to make it creamy.

What makes ice cream creamy?

Believe it or not, a lot of what gives a creamy texture to ice cream is…well, air. Teeny tiny air bubbles, and lots of them, actually make the ice cream far smoother once it hits your mouth. Think: soft serve ice cream.

How do you make ice cream rich and creamy?

Another way to get rich and creamy ice cream is to use eggs. Adding egg yolks to the ice cream base not only add richness and color, but they also help to emulsify the mixture. They help to get a nice firm scoop without ice crystals.

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