what happens when you freeze tzatziki sauce

Have you ever heard of Tzatziki sauce? My first time ever hearing about it and trying it was when my mom made it for me one summer. I remember at first thinking, what is this going to be like? Then realizing it was the most amazing sauce…ever.

Tzatziki sauce is apart of the cuisines of Southeast Europe and the Middle East. Most commonly it has yogurt, cucumbers, dill, salt, oil, and an acid like lemon juice or vinegar. While you can sometimes buy it in a store, I’ll tell you it’s super easy to make on your own!

Tzatziki will last about four days in the fridge before it starts to go bad. While you can freeze it, it will change a bit in regards to texture and consistency when it comes time to thawing it out.
what happens when you freeze tzatziki sauce

How do you make Tzatziki Sauce

You’re in luck! I’ve made this one myself and it is delicious. Enjoy it fresh or you can freeze it as well. I’ve frozen it in a container, placed plastic wrap over the sauce so that it is touching the sauce and then place the lid on top.

what happens when you freeze tzatziki sauce

What do you eat with Tzatziki Sauce

Personally, I love dipping crackers or pita chips into the Tzatziki sauce. Especially if I have the dill, olive oil, and sea salt Triscuits. Those on their own are delicious. Other things you can eat with Tzatziki sauce could be

  • Tuna mixed in and then enjoy on whole grain toast or a salad
  • Use it as a marinade for chicken and serve with veggies and brown rice on the side
  • A bowl meal using quinoa or cous cous, veggies, a protein and the sauce on top
  • Spread on toasted naan (another personal favorite)
  • As a dip for falafel

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Is it OK to freeze tzatziki sauce?

How do you make Tzatziki Sauce. You’re in luck! I’ve made this one myself and it is delicious. Enjoy it fresh or you can freeze it as well.

Do yogurt sauces freeze well?

Store sauce in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days, or in the freezer for 3-4 months. Defrost frozen sauce overnight in the fridge before using. The texture can get a little bit grainy after freezing: we recommend blending sauce in a blender or food processor once defrosted to smooth it out again.

How do you know if tzatziki has gone bad?

If it’s starting to spoil, it will often smell sour or have a strong ammonia-like odor. Whenever you notice tzatziki sauce has a strange smell, it’s safest to throw it away. Tzatziki sauce that has been stored too long will also sometimes get moldy.

Can you freeze Greek style yogurt dip?

All yogurt—whether full-fat or nonfat, strained (like Greek or skyr), plain or swirled with fruit—can be frozen for up to two months. Technically, it’s safe to eat long after that, but two months is really the limit when it comes to taste and texture.

What happens if Tzatziki is frozen?

While frozen tzatziki should retain its flavor when thawed out, the texture might change. The cucumbers in the sauce can become a bit mushy and depending on how the sauce is made, it could be a bit grainy. There is also a chance that some separation could occur, bu

Can tzatziki sauce be frozen?

The fridge life of tzatziki sauce is around 4 days. If you think you cannot finish it within a few days, then freezing the sauce is a good idea. Freezing tzatziki sauce is free of any health risks. However, do not expect it to have the same consistency as freshly-made tzatziki. You can keep the tzatziki sauce in the freezer for around 3 months.

How long does tzatziki sauce last?

Generally, the homemade sauce can comfortably last for three to four days with standard refrigeration. You need to go for the freezing process if you wish to store Tzatziki sauce for extended periods. Frozen Tzatziki sauce can last for up to three months. So, if you plan to freeze it, do not wait to do it.

How long does tzatziki last after defrosting?

So don’t worry, there are plenty of other options for storing tzatziki after defrosting. To refrigerate leftover tzatziki sauce, place it in an airtight container or plastic bag. The shelf life is about four days. How to Freeze Tzatziki? A great way to preserve leftover tzatziki is by freezing it.

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