what happens if you overcook matzo balls

Passover is on the horizon, and you know what that means: matzo balls upon matzo balls. The traditional Jewish dumpling, made from unleavened bread meal, eggs, fat, and oil, is often served in a flavorful chicken soup this time of year. Toss in some carrots and spices, and you have yourself a Kosher classic worthy of the hype. The leftovers of this hearty soup — if youre lucky to have any left, that is — are usually enough to happily feed a family for the week, without a single complaint (via BudgetBytes).

So how does one achieve the perfect, fluffiest possible matzo ball? The key here, as with any good meal, is a bit of patience. According to The Infinite Kitchen, most people struggle with undercooking their matzo balls because they take “shortcuts” to hurry along the simmering process: “I have never seen an overcooked matzo ball,” the outlet notes.

You can’t overcook a matzo ball. It’s not possible. So if you need to leave it in longer, that’s OK.
what happens if you overcook matzo balls

Keep an eye out for floaters

Its an age-old debate when it comes to matzo balls, but most will agree: you dont want any “sinkers” in your soup. According to Taste With the Eyes, a “sinker” is a dense matzo ball that likely wasnt fully cooked before serving. If youre aiming to make “floaters,” or light and fluffy matzo balls, then youre going to want to start by looking for one thing: floating.

You should let your matzo balls simmer completely covered for about 20 minutes (and dont open the lid, because thats when they might firm up on you). While thats the average time range to shoot for, according to Cooking Tips, youll know that the matzo balls are done once theyve floated to the top of the soup. Dont panic when they sink first, though — once they hit the bottom of the pot, they should rise back to the top of the broth, perfectly cooked and ready for serving.

You’re Doing It All Wrong – How to Make Matzoh Balls


Can you overcook a matzo ball?

If you overcook them, they’ll become tough and rubbery. The best way to cook matzo balls is to simmer them in a pot of salted water for 30-40 minutes. Season the soup well. Chicken soup is a blank canvas, so you can season it however you like.

How do I know if my matzo balls are done?

Carefully lower matzo balls into boiling water with a slotted spoon, adjusting heat as needed to maintain a low simmer. Cover pot and simmer over low heat, checking occasionally to make sure water isn’t boiling too rapidly, until balls are very puffed and light in color, 30–40 minutes.

Why are my matzo balls rubbery?

The answer to why some matzah balls come out like rubber balls instead of fluffy clouds, is the addition of water to the batter. It doesn’t matter if you add flat water or seltzer to the mix, just don’t do it. When my sister was writing her kosher soup cookbook she had to include scratch recipes for matzah balls.

Do matzo balls float when they’re done?

Whether you prefer a light and fluffy matzo ball or a chewier and denser one, there is a recipe out there for you to try. One thing is for sure though, every matzo ball floats right out of the pot, then sinks. Even the dense and chewy version sunk after soaking in broth overnight.

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