what happens if you overcook mashed potatoes

Note: The pictures for this post arent meant to be pretty. I wanted to display the reality of what over boiled potatoes actually look like. The pan is messy and there is evidence of water stains on the top and sides of pan.

Have you ever made mashed potatoes and find that you boiled the potatoes too long? The water looks cloudy and the potatoes start to fall apart? You may think the dish is ruined, but don’t fret. Heres a tip on How to Fix Over Boiled Potatoes.

Drain the potatoes and place them back into the pot over medium heat and stir them. Stirring removes the excess water and dries them out. You can hear the sizzling of the water evaporating. Continue to stir without scorching the bottom. If necessary, lower the heat to give you more time to stir and get that water out.

I remember having to perform this emergency hack when I was a guest for Thanksgiving at my sister-in-law’s house. My sister-in-law was making mashed potatoes and over boiled the potatoes. The water was cloudy and pieces of potato were floating around. She was holding the pot with her oven mitts staring at me with a horrified look. It was the first time she was hosting. I will never forget that look. She thought she ruined them.

I grabbed the pot, drained the potatoes, told my husband to keep everyone out of the kitchen so they didn’t see the panic, and placed it back onto the stove over medium high heat. I stirred and stirred. There was a lot of water there. I told her not to worry and to get the remaining ingredients. What’s the worst that could happen? Better to get a bad meal then to not eat at all, right?

You can tell when most of the water is gone by dragging the wooden spoon across the bottom. In the beginning, when the potatoes are still wet, it will show the bottom of the pan. When it is fixed and you drag the wooden spoon across the bottom, you will see the potato starting to leave a layer.

The outcome was fine. All that stirring not only eliminated most of the water, it mashed the potatoes and they were smooth. No one noticed a thing. The day was saved and my sister-in-law was grateful. We have to stick together, right? Didn’t want a situation from an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where Marie constantly berates Debra. No, no…can’t have that.

This step isn’t just for How to Fix Over Boiled Potatoes. It’s also what most chefs do when making mashed. Less water in the potatoes allow for the potatoes to absorb more butter and cream.

Give this a try when you accidentally over boiled your potatoes or starches and avoid a confrontation with Marie Barone!

If they’re undercooked, you’ll have pockets of crispy potato chunks-—a big no-no for classic fluffy mashed potatoes. If you overcook them they disintegrate and your potatoes will be soupy.
what happens if you overcook mashed potatoes

Take heart, though, as there are multiple fixes for this issue. The best course of action, ironically enough, is to continue cooking soupy mashed potatoes, says Buzzfeed. Simply add the watery mashed potatoes to a pot, then cook them on low heat. The extra water will gradually evaporate. Just be sure to keep an eye on the potatoes to make sure you dont go too far in the other direction and burn or overcook them. This remedy might require an extra step and a bit of patience, but its certainly a lot easier than starting from square one and could save those mashed potatoes from public dishonor. Or, as Allrecipes recommends, you can grab a cheese grater and a few uncooked potatoes. Quickly boiling the grated potatoes, mashing them, and then adding them to your watery mess could improve the texture, though youll obviously end up with more potatoes than intended.

The ideal mashed potatoes are supposed to be smooth and creamy, but theyre definitely not supposed to be watery. If you find your mashed potatoes are soupier than normal, its likely because you overcooked them, Buzzfeed says. Overcooked potatoes arent always dry and hard, as its possible to overboil a potato too. When you do so, more water is absorbed by the potato. Then, when you go to mash them, the water releases, resulting in that sad, soupy mess you may want to toss in a compost pile far, far away.

Cooking potatoes may seem like a foolproof process, but the second you lose track of time, you can easily mess them up. If youve ever let your potatoes sit on the stove for longer than you intended or accidentally roasted them at too high of a temperature, your first instinct might be to just toss the rejects and start over. But unless they are truly burned past the point of no return, dont immediately turn to the trash can. In reality, overcooked potatoes are entirely salvageable.

According to the New York Times, seemingly overdone spuds are actually the secret to darn near perfect potato salad. Thats because, when potatoes are overcooked, they release a lot of starch. While a gluey potato isnt exactly the sort of texture you want in most recipes, it works exceptionally well for potato salad. In that application, the extra starch can help the salads dressing cling to the other ingredients. So instead of masking the fact that your potatoes are overcooked, you can just as easily use it to your advantage, even if potato salad wasnt your original plan.

This step isn’t just for How to Fix Over Boiled Potatoes. It’s also what most chefs do when making mashed. Less water in the potatoes allow for the potatoes to absorb more butter and cream.

I remember having to perform this emergency hack when I was a guest for Thanksgiving at my sister-in-law’s house. My sister-in-law was making mashed potatoes and over boiled the potatoes. The water was cloudy and pieces of potato were floating around. She was holding the pot with her oven mitts staring at me with a horrified look. It was the first time she was hosting. I will never forget that look. She thought she ruined them.

You can tell when most of the water is gone by dragging the wooden spoon across the bottom. In the beginning, when the potatoes are still wet, it will show the bottom of the pan. When it is fixed and you drag the wooden spoon across the bottom, you will see the potato starting to leave a layer.

Give this a try when you accidentally over boiled your potatoes or starches and avoid a confrontation with Marie Barone!

The outcome was fine. All that stirring not only eliminated most of the water, it mashed the potatoes and they were smooth. No one noticed a thing. The day was saved and my sister-in-law was grateful. We have to stick together, right? Didn’t want a situation from an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where Marie constantly berates Debra. No, no…can’t have that.

Mashed Potato Fails and How to Fix Them | Food Network


Can you cook potatoes too long for mashed potatoes?

For good measure: Be careful not to overcook potatoes you plan to mash, because the starch cells will break down and create a sticky mash. Cook them just until a thin-bladed knife meets a bit of resistance. It is also important to drain the potatoes well after cooking to prevent gumminess.

How do you fix overcooked mashed potatoes?

The best course of action, ironically enough, is to continue cooking soupy mashed potatoes, says Buzzfeed. Simply add the watery mashed potatoes to a pot, then cook them on low heat. The extra water will gradually evaporate.

What happens if you overcook potatoes?

Potatoes heavy in starch, like Russet and Baking potatoes, will get dry and crumbly if you overcook them but will be fine if you just mash them. Waxy potatoes, like Fingerlings, can be rescued by tossing them gently with oil and roasting them.

What happens when potatoes are over mashed?

Mashing to long, to hard, or with a tool that’s too sharp. This damages the potato cells and releases the starch in them. If you continue long enough you’ll end up with wallpaper glue or fabric stiffener.

What happens if you overwork mashed potatoes?

If you overwork potatoes, too much starch is released. The mash becomes gummy, gluey and unappetizing. If you’re using a food processor or stand mixer, you’re probably whipping the life out of your potatoes. What to do instead: Be gentle and mash by hand. A food mill makes the best mashed potatoes.

What are some of the negative effects of potatoes?

I would say that the potato itself does not have a negative side, it is another food option that we have and that has been part of our food and tradition for a long time. The problem is the way we use and prepare the potato. When we remove the husk, we already lose a good part of the nutrients and fiber. When we fry, we add a huge volume of fat and substances that are not good for our health. When we make a puree loaded with unhealthy ingredients, we lose the essential characteristic of the potato.

What happens if a potato is overcooked?

That’s because, when potatoes are overcooked, they release a lot of starch. While a gluey potato isn’t exactly the sort of texture you want in most recipes, it works exceptionally well for potato salad. In that application, the extra starch can help the salad’s dressing cling to the other ingredients.

Can You overmix mashed potatoes?

Don’t overmix the potatoes! For mashed potatoes that are smooth without being gummy, a potato ricer is your best bet. It gently presses the potato into fine pieces, so all that’s left to do is add your liquid and a pat or two of butter.

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