what happens if you eat a rotten jalapeno

what happens if you eat a rotten jalapeno

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What Eating Rotten Food Really Does To Your Body

What happens if you eat a tin of jalapenos?

If the tin is rusted, dented, or leaky, it is best to throw it away. Even if the jalapenos look fine, they are likely to have become contaminated. Consuming contaminated jalapenos can make you seriously sick and can even cause salmonella poisoning.

Can jalapenos cause diarrhea?

Spicy foods like jalapenos can irritate the lining of the digestive tract. Eating too many jalapenos or hot peppers can result in nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. This may be more likely to occur in people with digestive conditions like irritable bowel syndrome(IBS). Also, if your jalapenos are contaminated with salmonella, they may cause a host of symptoms including diarrhea. Be sure to wash your produce well.

Do jalapenos go bad?

So the answer to ‘Do Jalapeños Go Bad?’ is, unfortunately, yes. If you notice that your jalapenos are moldy, it is a clear indication that they belong in the trash. The same goes if you see that the jalapenos have started to rot. Life is too short to eat moldy or rotten food; throw those jalapenos away. Does wrinkling mean rotting?

How do you know if jalapenos are rotting?

If you notice that your jalapenos are moldy, it is a clear indication that they belong in the trash. The same goes if you see that the jalapenos have started to rot. Life is too short to eat moldy or rotten food; throw those jalapenos away. Does wrinkling mean rotting? You may notice that the skin of the jalapenos has started to become wrinkly.

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