what goes good with camping steak

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If theres ever an ideal time to reward yourself with a steakhouse dinner, its after hiking all day with a 50-pound pack on your back. And yet, so much of camping cuisine revolves around ramen noodles and dehydrated MREs—not much of a prize after a long trek in the woods.

But it’s easy to eat like a king (and less like an astronaut), especially when you have a campfire at your disposal. When I camp, I leave my gas-fueled stove and pots and pans at home—there’s nothing worse than doing dishes in the dark—and do all my cooking in, around, and above the fire. (Hey, if it’s enough for Francis Mallmann, it’s good enough for me.)

And there’s more to campfire cooking than wienies and marshmallows on a stick. I like to make use of the fire from the moment it’s lit through the last glowing ember. Using these three techniques and some good ingredients, you can make a tent-side feast that can compete with one cooked in your home kitchen.

Without a juicy, caramelized crust, there is no steakhouse steak. Sure, you could get that sizzling exterior by cooking your steak in a cast-iron pan, but who wants to lug one of those on the trail? Instead, steal a trick from fancy restaurants and sear the steak on a hot stone.

Yes, right on a stone. A large, flat stone or two, heated in your campfire, will cook a steak as well as any cast-iron skillet, with a bonus of wood-smoke flavor.

The ideal cooking rock is flat, about 2 inches thick, and slightly larger than your cut of meat. (Be careful with any rocks that are porous or have cracks—when heated, they may break apart). To get the rocks hot, build your fire on top of them and let the embers cover them as the fire burns down. Then simply brush them off and throw on the steaks. Alternatively, you can throw a rock or two (it’s always good to have a spare) on top of the burning logs or hot coals after the fire burns down a bit.

Sure, potatoes are the classic partner for steak, but a plate of fire-singed vegetable kebabs is more colorful (not to mention juicier). And you dont need to roast those kebabs like marshmallows. Instead, take a cue from the Japanese, who like to cook their kebabs vertically in a pile of binchotan. Its a great way to utilize a roaring campfire, which usually has to burn down to smoldering coals before it can be used to cook.

Once my fire is lit, I’ll skewer some marinated vegetables and anchor them in the dirt about six inches away from the flames. Like an upright broiler, the fire will caramelize this Stonehenge of vegetable kebabs in just a few minutes. I usually use smaller ingredients like mushrooms and cherry tomatoes, but this method can be applied to almost anything you can stab onto a skewer—meat and fish included.

Ash-roasting vegetables may be a favorite technique among the New Nordic chef set, but campers have been doing it forever. By the time youve had your fill of steak and kebabs, your fire will probably have burned down to glowing embers. Thats your cue to bury some fruit (apples, peaches, pears) or sweet vegetables (squash, sweet potatoes, etc.) into the ashes; they’ll be ready in time for dessert. Their outsides might blacken and char, but inside they’ll be soft and extra sweet, ready for you to cut them open and dig in (maybe with a couple charred marshmallows and a drizzle of maple syrup on top).

what goes good with camping steak

Ash-roasting vegetables may be a favorite technique among the New Nordic chef set, but campers have been doing it forever. By the time youve had your fill of steak and kebabs, your fire will probably have burned down to glowing embers. Thats your cue to bury some fruit (apples, peaches, pears) or sweet vegetables (squash, sweet potatoes, etc.) into the ashes; they’ll be ready in time for dessert. Their outsides might blacken and char, but inside they’ll be soft and extra sweet, ready for you to cut them open and dig in (maybe with a couple charred marshmallows and a drizzle of maple syrup on top).

And there’s more to campfire cooking than wienies and marshmallows on a stick. I like to make use of the fire from the moment it’s lit through the last glowing ember. Using these three techniques and some good ingredients, you can make a tent-side feast that can compete with one cooked in your home kitchen.

If theres ever an ideal time to reward yourself with a steakhouse dinner, its after hiking all day with a 50-pound pack on your back. And yet, so much of camping cuisine revolves around ramen noodles and dehydrated MREs—not much of a prize after a long trek in the woods.

But it’s easy to eat like a king (and less like an astronaut), especially when you have a campfire at your disposal. When I camp, I leave my gas-fueled stove and pots and pans at home—there’s nothing worse than doing dishes in the dark—and do all my cooking in, around, and above the fire. (Hey, if it’s enough for Francis Mallmann, it’s good enough for me.)

Once my fire is lit, I’ll skewer some marinated vegetables and anchor them in the dirt about six inches away from the flames. Like an upright broiler, the fire will caramelize this Stonehenge of vegetable kebabs in just a few minutes. I usually use smaller ingredients like mushrooms and cherry tomatoes, but this method can be applied to almost anything you can stab onto a skewer—meat and fish included.

Skip the boring ramen packets and take this beefed up recipe on your next backpacking trip. You’ll thank us later.

Refuel after a day of fun activities with these protein-rich cheeseburgers. Ground beef is delicious and makes for an easy camping recipe.

You won’t be able to get enough of this tequila-filled steak. Who knew tequila made for such an amazing marinade?

There’s nothing better than starting the morning off with beefy breakfast tacos. Pro tip: warm up your tortilla in a cast iron skillet and don’t forget your favorite toppings.

An easy and balanced stir fry is a great meal for camping! It’s really easy to make and can be prepared on a portable burner.

Best Campfire Meal – Seered Steak and Vegetables – Easy & Affordable!


What to do with meat when camping?

You have two options, attempt to keep meat cold or bring meat that is room temp stable. If I am car camping I will bring a cooler with frozen milk jugs, this way I can bring most refrigerated meat, I will often freeze it before leaving to have an extra margin of safety.

Is steak good for camping?

HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED FOR PERFECT CAMPFIRE STEAK Meat– Two rules: Fat and thick. A nice ribeye beef steak with bone with a lot of marbling (fat). At least 2 inches thick. Salt – Coarse salt is best.

What goes well with a steak dinner?

Stuffed mushrooms and baked onion rings, headin’ your way! A steak dinner isn’t a steak dinner without a bunch of delicious sides, right? We’re talking about Stuffed Mushrooms, Baked Onion Rings, Cheesy Asparagus and more. The type that pair perfectly with a main of your favourite cut of steak.

What is the healthier substitute of flank steak?

The healthier substitute of flank steaks are: 1. Beef Skirt: It closely resembles flank steak. This specific cut comes from the diaphragm area of the animal. It is a thin meat with marbles fats on the surface. Since its thinner than flank, it cooks perfectly in a very shorter period of time. 2. Chicken breast: It cooks quickly and it is also the healthier alternative as it has less amount of fats when compared to flank steak. 3. Top Round: It is the thick cut. Marinating before broiling or grilling top round steak promotes tenderness. 4. Tri-Tip Steak: Also known as the triangle steak, this flank steak alternative comes from the top of the sirloin area. It is characterized by the fat surrounding the meat along the edges. Trimming that fat is an obvious way to keep this flank steak alternative healthier.

What goes well with grilled summer steak?

Bright veggies and delightful pearled couscous come together in a salad that elegantly complements a grilled summer steak. “This cold vegetarian salad features mixed heirloom tomatoes with Mediterranean flavors and pearl couscous,” says Ryan Davis. “This summer dish has been a big hit with my family!”

What are the best side dishes for camping?

The most quick and easy side dishes for camping are the ones you make in the pot with the main course. 30. Campfire Stew This delicious beef stew features carrots and potatoes with the meat in a fantastic tomato-based sauce.

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