what doterra oils are good for poison ivy

Nature is full of hidden dangers. Poison ivy is one of these, and if you’ve ever accidentally touched this plant or anything its contaminated, you’ll know just how much harm it can cause.

But nature is an incredible healer too. It turns out that the antidote to a poison ivy rash is found in the plant kingdom. Better yet, you dont have to go scrounging around in a forest to find it. The best essential oils for poison ivy are readily available and easy to use – when you know how. Find out how you can take the sting out of poison ivy the natural way, and you’ll never have to worry about the potent powers of this vicious plant again.

what doterra oils are good for poison ivy


Poison ivy is a plant that many people are allergic to. It can cause an itchy red rash on your skin when you come into contact with the urushiol the plant contains.

Chamomile, eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, peppermint and tea tree oils used on their own or together can be helpful against poison ivy rashes.

Although research on using essential oils on poison ivy rashes is scarce, certain essential oils have powerful and proven effects on the skin and various skin issues and wounds, backed both by research and historical use for skin concerns and wound healing. We’ve recommended the best in this category here.

By diluting them with distilled water or aloe vera, you can create mists, rinses, cooling gels and creams, or use them as a soak in the bath.

It depends on how you’re using them. The rules will change according to your particular tolerance levels and whether you’re applying them or diffusing them. A few times a day should be fine.

In certain cases, even the best essential oils for poison ivy are not safe for the entire household. Be sure to check before using any one of them. The best rule of thumb is to never apply essential oils topically to a child or pet in an area where they could ingest it accidentally. Refer to our handbooks on essential oils for children and pets for more information.

Scientific findings

The scientific sector is increasingly uncovering evidence to support many of the beneficial claims people make about the use of essential oils. Although no research has specifically tested the effectiveness of essential oils in treating skin reactions to poison ivy, we know which ones will be best based on what research has already discovered about their effects on various skin conditions.

Tea tree essential oil is packed with the kind of anti-inflammatory properties that could bring you great relief from poison ivy. The rash caused by this plant is a kind of allergic contact dermatitis, and research tells us that tea tree oil is an excellent treatment for this condition. Tea tree is, without a doubt, one of the best essential oils for poison ivy.

Cypress essential oil has been found to heal abrasions, cuts and wounds on the skin very effectively. It may be effective when you’re suffering through an allergic reaction to poison ivy because it kills bacteria which could speed up your healing time.

People have been turning to myrrh essential oil for its healing properties for centuries now as it is excellent at relieving soreness and swelling. This makes it a brilliant option for treating poison ivy rashes in their early stages. Not only will myrrh essential oil work as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory, but it is also a great antibacterial. This is why it’s viewed as one of the best essential oils for poison ivy.

In this 2017 study, arborvitae, clove, oregano and thyme essential oils were found to possess significant disinfectant and antimycotic effects. Exposure to poison ivy commonly causes bacterial infections by Staphylococcus as well as fungal infections which, while rare, may occur, making these oils a good choice for treating the allergy.

After testing various essential oils as a treatment for dermatological diseases, it was found that eucalyptus oil in particular may be useful in treating some of the symptoms of poison ivy. It proved to be effective against bacterial infections, blisters, inflammation and insect bites, and it accelerated healing. The same review of studies also found tea tree, lavender, chamomile and myrrh, among some others, to help speed up wound healing when used topically.

Treating Poison Ivy Rash with Essential Oils


What is the best essential oil to use on poison ivy?

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) A 2013 study found that eucalyptus was effective for rehydrating skin and preventing dryness. These properties may help during the later stages of a poison ivy rash, when your skin becomes dry and itchy.

What does peppermint oil do for poison ivy?

Skin issues. Peppermint oil can calm and soothe skin because of menthol’s cooling effect. This may help ease itching and irritation from issues like hives, poison ivy, or poison oak.

Can you put tea tree oil on poison ivy?

Tea tree oil is another natural anti-inflammatory, so it can help to reduce redness, itching, and irritation. As an added bonus, tea tree oil also has antimicrobial properties, so it can also help to prevent infection if you do accidentally scratch poison ivy blisters open.

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