what does vinegar do to brisket

One of the most critical aspects of smoking a delicious brisket is preventing the meat from drying out. We’ve talked before about the different ways you can keep meat moist while smoking. One of these ways, used by some pitmasters, is lightly spritzing the brisket while it is cooking (unwrapped).

Spritzing brisket can be an effective way to not only add moisture during a low-and-slow cook but, when done properly, also aids in the caramelization that occurs on the exterior crust during the Maillard reaction. The liquid from the spritz also aids in the formation of that pink smoke ring just below the surface of the meat because the moisture attracts smoke.

So, are you wondering what to spritz brisket with? In this article, we’ve covered 7 great options of liquids to use for spritzing the meat. But first, there are a couple of important things to note about using a spritz on your brisket (or any other meat).

The vinegar will help tenderize the meat and will add sweetness to it. Proper brisket should be cooked low and slow in a smoker, using wood or charcoal. However, if weather or lack of patience makes you unable to do this, add liquid smoke and Worcestershire sauce to the marinade.
what does vinegar do to brisket

Important Notes About Using a Spritz:

There are a couple of important things to keep in mind when spritzing brisket. Firstly, it is important not to overdo it. One of the best things about a properly smoked brisket is the perfectly crisp exterior crust, aka bark. But, if you overdo it with a spritz and add a ton of excess moisture to the outside of the meat, it can soften the exterior crust and prevent proper browning. So, err on the side of caution when you are using a brisket spritz.

The other thing to keep in mind is not to spritz the brisket too early. You need to wait for the exterior crust to form on the meat first. If you don’t, there’s a high probability that your spritz will wash your rub/seasonings off the outside of your brisket and take your chance of that delicious bark with it. To prevent that from happening, let the brisket cook for about 90 minutes first. Then, lightly spritz it every 45 minutes (unless otherwise specified) while it is cooking unwrapped.

7 Options of Liquids to Use for Spritzing Brisket:

There are some tried and true liquid options for spritzing your brisket while it is smoking. Don’t be afraid to get creative and try something new for your next brisket. No matter what liquid you use, make sure that it is thin enough to easily be sprayed through a spray bottle without clogging it up.

Here are 7 of the most common options of liquids you could use:

This is one of the most commonly used liquids for a brisket spritz, especially for Carolina-style barbecue. Apple Cider Vinegar is often mixed with a little bit of water or apple juice to slightly dilute it. The acidity of the vinegar effectively breaks down the spices in your rub to help aid in the formation of the exterior bark. It helps the bark become deliciously crunchy and dark.

And don’t worry–using apple cider vinegar won’t leave a strong vinegar taste on the finished brisket. The vinegar flavor cooks out, similarly to if you were to cook with wine.

Apple juice is another popular spritz option. The sugar in the juice helps give the exterior bark even more delicious caramelization and a slight sweetness. Any liquid that is high in fructose will caramelize and helps add a nice layer of brown, crispy bark. If you want to cut back on the sweetness of the juice, just dilute it with a little bit of water before adding it to your spritzing bottle.

Beer is great for not only drinking while you are cooking but also as a spritz to give your meat extra moisture. Beer sticks to the brisket very well, adds a deliciously hoppy taste to the crust, and similarly to apple juice, because of the slight sugar content in beer, it will aid in the caramelization of the meat’s exterior. Dark ales or stouts do very well as a brisket spritz. The flavor pairs very well with the meat and the seasonings commonly used.

Spritzing brisket with broth is a safe option if you are worried about your brisket becoming too sweet or salty. Many of the other liquid options for a spritz contain sugar, salt, or have a high acidity. This isn’t a problem, but it does affect the flavor of the meat. So, broth is a more neutral flavor option for a spritz.

Broth is low in fructose, so you won’t get that sticky sweetness that you would from using apple juice or beer. The spritz mixtures that are higher in sugar content do tend to caramelize the crust a little bit better, but the differences in the bark are subtle.

Butter makes for a good alternative to using oil as a brisket spritz. It is commonly used as a mop sauce but can be melted down and thinned so that it can be sprayed. Just melt the butter to a liquid consistency and add water until it is thin enough to easily use in a spray bottle. Make sure to keep the liquid butter warm so that it doesn’t solidify and clog up the sprayer.

Using butter as a spritz won’t add a strong flavor to the meat but works well to add moisture to the exterior. If you want to control the salt content of your brisket and avoid making it too salty, use low-salt butter.

As long as your rub doesn’t have a high salt content, Worcestershire Sauce is another good liquid option for a brisket spritz. It will give you a strong but delicious extra layer of flavor on the brisket. If you find the flavor of the sauce too heavy on its own, just add some water to thin it out.

Because it does have a stronger flavor compared to other options we’ve covered, you’ll only want to spritz the meat roughly every 90 minutes throughout the smoke (compared to 45 with other liquids).

Worcestershire sauce for brisket spritz | what to spritz brisket with | spritzing brisket with Worcestershire sauce Source: The Kitchn

Sometimes the simple way is a good way to go too. If you want to give your brisket some extra moisture without messing with the flavor, just use plain water. It will get the job done and allow you to focus on imparting your desired flavor into the meat through a brisket injection and exterior rub.

There are a variety of other liquids that can work as a brisket spritz and are more “unusual” options that you could try. These include:

  • Bourbon
  • Whiskey
  • BBQ sauce and apple juice mixture
  • Red wine vinegar
  • Red wine and water mixture
  • Pineapple juice
  • Olive oil
  • Hot sauce

Spritzing Ribs – Apple Cider Vinegar vs Water | Hank’s True BBQ™


Does apple cider vinegar tenderize brisket?

Open the pit each hour to spritz the brisket with Apple Cider Vinegar. This will help keep the meat moist during the smoking process and break down some of the tougher portions of meat. Don’t flip the brisket or take a long time doing this, though, because you don’t want to lose your heat.

Should I spritz my brisket with apple juice or apple cider vinegar?

With that in mind, what I tend to use and find is the best spritz for smoking is apple cider vinegar but water will work as well, or a 50/50 mix. Another great alternative is apple juice where the sugars in the juice also add another level of flavour to your bark.

What is the fastest way to tenderize a brisket?

Reheat it in a moist environment: One of the easiest ways to soften a dry brisket is to reheat it in a moist environment. You can do this by placing the brisket in a covered dish with a small amount of beef broth, water, or tomato sauce. Cover the dish with foil and bake it in the oven until it is heated through.

Can you use apple cider vinegar for brisket?

For a more Texas-style brisket, just use salt, pepper, and garlic (SPG, for short). The mixture I usually have on-hand and use for brisket (and just about everything on the pit), is a combination of apple juice, Worcestershire sauce (just a touch), and water. How Do I Use Apple Cider Vinegar as a Brisket Spray?

How do you keep brisket from burning?

After the first 2-3 hours start spritzing your brisket with water, apple juice, hot sauce or apple cider vinegar every 30 minutes to an hour. This helps keep it moist and stops it from burning. Some people use a liquid mixture to mop the meat but this causes a bunch of mess and can interfere with the bark on the brisket.

What can I use instead of red wine vinegar for brisket?

Apple cider vinegar is another top choice (see Using Apple Cider Vinegar Spray For Brisket, below). Some chefs prefer to substitute red wine vinegar for a milder flavor. Any ingredient that will complement the flavor of the beef can be used in a brisket spritz, as long as it fits in the spray bottle.

How do you keep brisket moist in a smoker?

Keeping a water pan in the smoker is the best way to retain moisture. After the first 2-3 hours start spritzing your brisket with water, apple juice, hot sauce or apple cider vinegar every 30 minutes to an hour. This helps keep it moist and stops it from burning.

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