In recent years, as more and more men have discovered the importance of good skincare, we’ve been shining more of a spotlight on the post-shave routine. The days of irritated, burning skin after a shave are gone, and post-shave balms, lotions and creams have become very popular.
1. a lotion, usually astringent and perfumed, applied to the face after shaving.
What is post-shave balm used for?
Post-shave balms hydrate and soothe skin, counteracting the irritation which can occur as a result of the shaving process. A rough early morning shave when you’re half awake, especially when you have sensitive skin, could leave your face feeling dry and sore. And even if your skin feels fine after you shave, running a razor over it will still cause lots of tiny abrasions on the top level of the skin.
That’s why it’s always a good idea to maintain a good post-shave routine to keep your skin in tip-top condition, even if it’s not visibly irritated or particularly painful. Regularly using a post-shave balm can help you to avoid redness, dryness, lumps and bumps, and ingrown hairs.
What are the different types of post-shave balm?
Post-shave balms shouldn’t be confused with aftershaves, which are primarily designed for their fragrance and generally have an alcohol base which can sting sensitive skin after a shave. By contrast, post-shave balms are formulated more like moisturisers.
Post-shave lotions usually have a fairly thin consistency and are quickly absorbed into the skin. Similarly, a post-shave gel is also very light and easily absorbed, but differently from a lotion, a gel does not contain any oil. A balm tends to have a richer, creamier consistency, making it especially suitable for those of us who like a luxurious feel after our shave. A post-shave balm provides deep hydration and prevents stinging.
Why You Should Use a Post Shave Balm
What does post-shave mean?
Is post-shave before or after?
Why is after shave called after shave?
What’s the meaning of aftershave?
What is post shave balm?
Post shave balm is a lotion which you apply to your face and neck after you shave. This is also known as aftershave balm, and differs from what’s traditionally known as an aftershave as it’s a thicker more creamy solution. It helps prevent razor burn, and keeps your face and skin feeling smooth and cool.
What is the difference between a post shave balm and a razor?
The difference is that they are specifically formulated for skin which has had to deal with a super sharp razor so the moisturising qualities target specific post-shave concerns. The number one reason why you should be using a post-shave balm every time you shave is to restore your skin’s natural moisture balance.
What is After Shave & how does it work?
This will help to combat irritation and dryness, as well as improve the quality of your shave. Aftershave is a post-shaving treatment designed to soothe the skin. It provides important replenishing moisture and nutrients your skin needs when it’s in a slightly more sensitive state.
What is a good post shave routine?
The perfect post-shave routine has a few key steps, which shouldn’t be missed if you want to keep your skin smooth and healthy: After you’ve finished shaving, rinse your face first with warm water. This washes away any remaining shaving cream or soap, or any hairs or dead skin particles.